REPORTER: But the Supreme Court have just said that -- you know, ruled against what you've been doing down there.
GEORGE W. BUSH: But the district court didn't. And the appellate court didn't.
REPORTER: The Supreme Court is supreme, isn't it?
GEORGE W. BUSH: It is, and I accept their verdict. I don't agree with their verdict. And it's not what I was doing down there. This was a law passed by our United States Congress that I worked with the Congress to get passed and sign into law.
REPORTER: But it looked like an attempt to bypass the Constitution, to a certain extent.
GEORGE W. BUSH: This was a law passed, Adam. We passed a law. Bypassing the Constitution means that we did something outside the bounds of the Constitution. We went to the Congress and got a piece of legislation passed.
REPORTER: Which is now being struck down, I think.
GEORGE W. BUSH: It is, and I accept what the Supreme Court did, and I necessarily don't have to agree with it.
My only point to you is, is that yes, I mean, we certainly wish Abu Ghraib hadn't happened, but that should not reflect America. This was the actions of some soldiers.
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