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Brum: Crazy Chair Chase - Trailer


man this is grrrrrrrrrreat! how come Telletubbies are so distressful for Brits?? From the comments of limey parents here and in person, seems to me, that the irritation comes from within', because lazy parents, let the Telletubbies babysit, and they grew as weary of parenting as they did of hearing the continual drone from the telly, whilst their kiddies sat transfixed......kindsa likes a twisted popularity issue, rather than the tubbies being innane, whose creators are also the creators of THIS cool-ass-shit,

bottom line....
Yall Telletubie-hatin' parents, wanna deny yer lousy parenting, make the tubbies yer scapegoat, and teach yer kids to burn out like ya'll did.....HAH!

"Lest you become as little children, you will not enter, the kingdom of heaven." Seeeee, even Jesus digged the Telletubbies, before they were hatched!!!

Suuuuuure they are queers,... stylish, talented, happy and gay!!!! Ugly prejudice rears another hydral head!

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