Bill O’Reilly and Anne Coulter talk Nude Body Scans

Amme: "Unless the bomb is inserted under the foreskin, and by the way, I don’t see a clear angle on the anus. That’s a pretty easy hiding place for this."

Blimey! Body scanners are a big topic on this side of the Atlantic and I hate to admit it, but even O'Reilly and Coulter sound more reasonable than the vast majority of politicians over here, who made statements about the issue. They were strong opponents of the concept up until Christmas, now everone's had an epiphany and realized that body scanners at every airport are the only chance we have to survive our next flight.

As Dark Helmet so eloquently stated: "I'm surrounded by assholes."

They better start combing the desert for terrorists as well.


If we* weren't maintaining and spreading hegemony in the middle east we'd not need to even talk about full body scans at the airports. When you occupy a group of people's homeland or tear down their government and replace it with something much worse, you can expect their children to grow up to be "terrorists".

*maybe "we" is a bad choice of words. I didn't do anything. You didn't do anything. It's really the bad policy makers in Washington that have routinely made bad decisions like this, but we're the ones that have to pay for it.

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