Barack Obama, Change we can believe in?

At a Barack Obama rally in Tampa, Florida some simple questions are asked to Obama supporters.
We want to find out more about this "Change you can believe in" since so many people are attracted to this political campaign slogan. Are many people blindly attracted to catchy keywords just because they sound lucrative?

"We don't vote to get the best person or party elected, we vote to keep the worst party out"

The majority of people will always be ignorant of politics or understanding of who they're voting for or why. This is because of how politics is played, you highlight your opponents weaknesses either directly or indirectly and you tell people why you'll make their situation better.

I'm not an American citizen but I pray to whatever God exists that Obama becomes the next President of the United States. Even if he turns out to be a poser or a faker at least he is speaking about changing the US and it's current ridiculous policies. McCain is nothing more than a third and possible fourth term of George Bush jnr. McCain and (God forbid) Hillary Clinton would simply perpetuate the slide the US and the world is in at the moment. Obama is talking about doing things different, which is clearly what the world needs. The definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. That is what the Presidency would be under McCain or Hillary.

Those Americans that voted for Bush, especially a second time need a arse kicking. He's done nothing but create instability in the world both with his wars and his economic policies and spending which is sending the US down the tube.


You could do the exact same thing going around to McCain rallies and asking what McCain delivers "straight talk" on. There are uninformed voters on both sides of the aisle that can't really get beyond talking points.


If aliens are reading this blog, (malevolent, benevolent fuck it doesn't matter) and can hear me, please stop off and pick me up....I don't even care if you need me for some testing or probing or some shit, it's time for a change, fer crissakes, please hurry!!!


I think the interviwer is uninformed as well. Under Obama's proposed plan health care is optional, and under both Obama and Hillary's plan a person may choose to enroll in any insurance plan they want and opt out of the government insurance. Choice isn't being taken away, its about giving people who have no health insurance an option. As far as the pharmaceutical companies go Obama supports allowing the importation of cheaper priced drugs. From what I understand pharmaceuticals sold in other countries, by the same companies, are heavily marked up in the US. He's also mentioned trying to stop the practice of large pharmaceuticals paying generic drug makers not to make a generic of their drug. If you want to call him a liar and say he wants to force everyone on the same government based health care plan so it'll stuff billions more into the pockets of the health care industry fine, but preface it with what he actually said he was going to do, then call him a liar and a tool.

As far as voters who don't really have a clue what their candidate stands for, well they're in every camp, they support Obama, they support McCain, Hillary and even Ron Paul. They just hang onto slogans and sound bites, and repeat them as if they had substance. What're you gonna do, that's people for ya.

I would also like to point out sticking a camera in someone's seems to have a stupefying effect on many people. Give them a few moments to compose their thoughts and they'll give a better answer. Of course, some people are just stupid.


Gas is at $4/Gallon and they are making it an agenda on par with health care for all?
In this here country prices are currently at an equal to $8/Gallon and, apart from swearing whilst fueling, no one's making a big deal of it.

With 75% of the price taxes at least you know who's ripping you off and where the money goes. Funding for roads and maintenance, but also health care and social services.


One of the reasons pharmaceuticals are cheaper in countries other than the U.S is; they aren't hounded by trial lawyers. While I've said before I think the drug companies are not forthright about possible side-effects, sometimes they truly are surprised to find an unexpected adverse health effect. Regardless, as soon as a study is released to the press about a possible adverse effect, the trial attorneys are on TV with their toll free numbers. It's another herd mentality; class action lawsuits are protecting you and sticking up for the little man. B***S***. Reality = profits for the litigators that rival, or exceed those corporate bonuses we get so pissed about in the U.S.

Also, foreign drug companies subsidize their overseas operations somewhat by profit they make in the U.S. market.


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