Architecture in Helsinki ~ That Beep

Video for the first single from the band's forthcoming album tentatively titled 'Vision Revision' (expected 2009). If you love freaky interpretive dance and sweet beats!

That rope pulling really reminds me of how the nazi's used to save bullets by tieing jews to eachother and then shoot one guy then when he fell of the bridge the weight would drag the others with them.


Sometimes I think I'm being too hard on new music trends. In the case of this band, I keep trying to give them another listen, but it's all sophomoric nonsense. These "beats" are hardly sweet by any stretch of the imagination. The production qualities are right along with the opening credit theme for Saved By The Bell, and if the bass/misc instrumentation isn't a result of pressing "demo" on a keyboard at Circuit City, then they need to hire a new programmer.

meh x 1000


I would say that their style could be considered a 'new trend' only if you haven't been paying attention to (western indie-pop) music for the last 10+ years. In fact, if I had to label them I would call them new wave more than anything... there's a lot of B-52's-esque zaniness in their work!

That being said, I fucking LOVE the Saved By the Bell theme!


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