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Antidepressants Exposed


The sources of the breakdown of any society, are best traced by following the money, or whatever is valued or coveted....control....controlled chaos?

More die and are killed by pharmeceuticals than any thing else(cept for diet, suppose).....unless you believe the coroner.....


"More die and are killed by pharmeceuticals than any thing else"

What? Where are you getting this from?

According to WHO:

Leading causes of death in developed countries:

1. Ischaemic heart disease
2. Stroke
3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
4. Lower respiratory infection
5. Lung cancer
6. Car accident
7. Stomach cancer
8. High blood pressure
9. Tuberculosis
10. Suicide

I'll readily agree that pharmaceutical companies do some terrible, terrible things, but I feel like this video misrepresents some of the key issues in the Prozac case.


..and why would there be any connection between these conditions above listed and pharmaceuticals at all???? ...rattle off another list for us, seem to sound like an expert emough and we can all believe you and go back to sleep....the prozac was originally used in the tag, as a catch-all name, that all may relate to with regard to antidepressants of all kinds....of whicjh I am sure some perky little worm could find a complete list of....


Oh, and just can't begin to get started on the World of Hell Organization....they have done such wondrous good for all mankind.......


Why did I post that list? Because you said, "More die and are killed by pharmeceuticals than any thing else", and the list I put up directly contradicts your statement. And no, I'm not claiming to be an expert of any kind - the list, as I cited where I got it from, is readily available, as is most scientific research, which is why I put it there. I'm not asking you to trust me, but I'm trying to at least put some evidence behind what I say. Heck, even throw in antidepressants as a category in there, it's still not a leading cause of death.

And yes, as a matter, of fact, WHO has done quite a lot of good for all mankind. Not always, and it's not always the shining example it could be, but it does good work.


ok. look. not a difference of opinion more than missing the sentiment of the post...think of an ounce of prevention the worth of same being a pound of cure, the same goes when you weigh the benifits overall of pharmies, much less the dubious worth of the category described above, against the side-effects which produce other conditions, that "Well whaddya know, can be treated with more pharmies, etc, etc....

100 years ago, people of much sturdier character, lived longer and or shorter lives with or without the help of endoles, cannibanols, opiates......simply self-prescribed and, most importantly, free of schedule, taxation, or monopoly.

One may argue, that, pick for example, "Car Accident", from Einstein's list above, might just be removed from the list altogether, if pharmaceutials+alchohol, were not the last legal drugs!!!


So more folks die from other causes?? Does'nt concern me in light of the monster of the pharmeceutical empire-The point being, instinct, common sense, and knowledge that comes from awareness is key.

Maybe stop poisoning your body with sheit thinking and food is the key, I don't fucking know..but it certainly is not, paying out the ass to be a guinea pig cocktail project...

..or perhaps pissed a bit for discarding the Cabinet of Dr Caligari, to replace it with this and argue with rambo over blabayatyblaaty..


Well, in terms of prevention being better than a cure, you're right, that is a large problem of the pharms + capitalism, much more profitable to fight it off for a little than stop it for good. But the same can be said for many other fields, say computers and programming, politics and wars, so on and so forth. I didn't really catch the rest.

And yeah, common sense and knowledge and the rest are so so important.

Anyways, I'll let you to your sifting.


While I won't defend Big Pharma (heavy lobbying and excessive advertising), it's not much of a secret that we don't know exactly how psychoactive drugs work, any more than we fully understand how the brain does.


I've always thought that using anti-depressants is kind of like trying to fix a broken butterfly with a sledgehammer


Thanks theo47 and gwaan, think ya got the vibe intended, and think everyone knows the truth is not as simple as just look at the results and the sucess stories.
The (newly discovered/invention of a) disorder, may be the necessity created by the legal pushers, or perhaps we are getting the most of research with a view to helping society.....doubt it.
Does everyone believe that when the R&D of longevity drugs
comes to fruition in the form of a pill that extends life, or the perfection of growing organ tissue from ones own cells becomes reality, that the masses will beneift???

Not unless the paradigm of $$$$$ is replaced with a more practical form of living on planet earth....only the wealthy and influential......the few.

The rest are given a battery of mind-destroyers....addictive, and deleterious for mind and soul, and you have a society on the brink of some of the most preventable bullshit in recorded history.....

apologies rembar, it is in the robotic nature of domesticated primates to act/react, especially on issues so glaringly imbalanced, i.e. most of the issues of import regarding humans' collective mental and spiritual health....i'm just a hard-headed asshole, and likely to become moreso, as the world I remember, changes in ways, I am fully prepared to deal with, but am not looking forward to have to. All for change, but this exponetial shit is hard to process.....where's my bong??

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