Amazing 15yr old Johnny Cash

A sidewalk singer from Seattles Pike Place Market has made it big and he's not yet old enough to drive. Vince Mira is but a teenager, but if you close your eyes and listen to his voice, you might think you're listening to a performance by the music legend Johnny Cash. That's how young Mira got the nick name "Juanny Cash." Born in Los Angeles, Vince Mira, was discovered by entertainment producer/Can Can Cabaret (an acclaimed Seattle Nightclub) owner Chris Snell while playing in Seattle's World Famous Pike Place Market. His deep, resonant baritone voice and guitar playing immediately caught the attention of Seattle's musical community. He was instantly booked at prestigious clubs and theaters throughout the Pacific Northwest. He is currently working on his first full-length album which is currently being recorded in Tennessee with John Carter Cash (Johnny Cash's son). In addition, he just finished recording with Pearl Jam's Stone Gossard for his Hank Williams tribute CD.

He does not make for a great JC impersonator...nor would anyone, that's reserved for Elvis, and trannies and their favorite divas. Could anyone do justice to Johnny Cash? don't think so.....Ellen is easily impressed-I would suggest to Vince, that he liven up his repertoire with some other covers, and lose the JC affectations in his pronunciation of words...or open a stand at the fish market......


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