Abortion Ban In South Dakota?

YT: Leslee Unruh is on a crusade in South Dakota to pass Initiative 11, which would criminalize almost all abortions with very few exceptions. Kelly Cobiella reports from Sioux Falls.

This makes me glad I didn't spend my formative years in South Dakota. I'm actually against abortion, but I still think it should be a right for women to decide what to do with their bodies. I hate how Midwestern SD is, even though it's near Canada.


What the fuck is wrong with these people? There are better ways to reduce the number of abortions than outright banning them. Doing that only pushes them underground where they put the woman's life at risk and reduce or eliminate our ability to track them. But I guess that most of these twats think that using condoms makes Baby Jesus cry so constructive or proactive measures are right out.


Where there's a will there's a way. Way to go, conservatives. Driving up the back-room abortion clinics like nobody's business. That's how you put an end to something, right? Make it illegal?

What a crock.

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