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Swedish cops show NYPD how to subdue people w/ hurting them

lantern53 says...

It seems to me that you folks think cops should be put in dangerous situations and it's always up to the cops to go the extra mile to protect the citizen.

But the cops will go the extra mile to protect themselves. That's a big difference.

You allow for all the misbehavior imaginable and then tell the cop to use Swedish style restraint under circumstances that are evolving rapidly.

Is that what you would do under the same circumstances?

I would contend that 100% of people who comply with the police do not get harmed.

When you engage in risky behavior, shit happens, like that deputy who shot the guy with his gun instead of his taser.

You demand perfection from cops while requiring nothing from the perpetrator.

Well, cops ain't perfect, so your results may vary.

Swedish cops show NYPD how to subdue people w/ hurting them

Swedish cops show NYPD how to subdue people w/ hurting them

lantern53 says...

Oh, I'm sure Asmo is right...the police in the US are taught to kill people at every opportunity.

I suppose that makes for a big fail since the cops in the US are so inept at killing people. Out of 12 million arrests, 593 people killed by cops in 2014 with about 1/4 of those being black people. But because you can't turn on MSNBC w/o a rehash of Michael Brown or Eric Garner, people think this happens every 6 seconds on the street.

Someone do the math, because I suck at math, what percent is 593 of 12 million?

BoneRemake (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

lantern53 says...

I think I just did get visited by the Krampus.

newtboy said:

Yes. Many before and after you simply didn't look or ignored the entire thread you just craped on.
Can you see a nice, happy, non offensive Christmas thread and NOT be a douche bag and shit on it for no reason?
I hope the Krampus makes a special trip back to your home tonight!

newtboy (Member Profile)

lantern53 says...

I guess a person can go through life blaming cops for everything. Nothing I can do about it. Kind of pathetic, though.

newtboy said:

Yeah, as if YOU'VE reviewed 'all the evidence'. You didn't even know there were 40 witnesses, but had already discounted most of them.
I'm not at all worried about meeting your criteria for a discussion, because you never will.
I guess discussion over....except to say....
we see your true colors, shining through.....

newtboy (Member Profile)

lantern53 says...

When you have reviewed all of the evidence, get back to me.

newtboy said:

No I have not, which is why I don't make definitive statements like 'the credible evidence supports the officer's version', especially when a simple pre-cursory examination of the publicly available evidence shows that the one defense 'witness' (besides the defendant) was (reportedly) a liar and a well known racist that claimed to be 'hanging out in the ghetto to learn how to not say N**ger', and she didn't come forward until 2 weeks after the officer's version was publicized.
Instead I preface my statements with 'it has been reported' and similar qualifiers. You do not qualify your assertions, which is why I often contradict you.

newtboy (Member Profile)

lantern53 says...

So you have reviewed all of the evidence in this case?

newtboy said:

Ahhh. So once again you've been making definitive statements about the witnesses and evidence, but you really have no idea about either?!?! Why am I not surprised.
Reports say there were 2 defense witnesses, the officer himself, and the racist woman who was there in the ghetto to 'learn about blacks so she could stop calling them N**ger' (WTF?!?) that came forward a month later, long after the officer's version was public. (Another WTF?!?)
The other 38 are the 'non-credible' witnesses interviewed at the scene that should be discounted because they all said he was surrendering.

newtboy (Member Profile)

lantern53 says...

That's a long jump to conclusion to say that he flubbed it intentionally. That's just what you want to believe.

newtboy said:

There are many other sources with this story if you care to look.
Explain how, or who would 'dispute' this (and what good it would do). Once the DA threw the case, it's over for the state. We only get one shot, and he flubbed it intentionally.
The best we can hope for is his disbarment, and perhaps a federal case, but not for murder or manslaughter.

newtboy (Member Profile)

lantern53 says...

Is this the first video you didn't agree with?

newtboy said:

congrats on your first post. Gave you a +vote, even though I didn't fully agree with the video's point.

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