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World War Z - Trailer - Brad Pitt & Zombies

World War Z - Trailer - Brad Pitt & Zombies

kymbos says...

WTF are you talking about? Brad Pitt?!? Moneyball, Inglourious Basterds, Burn After Reading, fucking Fight Club... He's fucking awesome.

Doesn't come out till 2013 - they'll sort out the zombies before then... >> ^Payback:

I think you know your movie idea has jumped the shark when the only big name you can get for it is Pitt.

Ben Stein Stuns Fox & Friends By Disagreeing With Party Line

shinyblurry says...

What your analysis is missing is any kind of cultural context. These things don't just happen in a vacuum, and nor are all ideas created equal. In many cases you are just trading one type of chain for another. Yes, mass media certainly has the ability to create and shape the prevailing social norms, and this can inspire counter cultural movements within a society. That's what happened in the 1960s with the sexual revolution, which is a root cause for the sexual immorality we see in society today. But it didn't just happen because people 'gained more knowledge', it happened because there was already a fundamental shift in the cultural ethos. An idea does not begin to grow unless its seed lands on fertile ground. The social mores of this nation were always decidedly Christian, but were steadily eroding by the beginning of the 20th century (for various reasons). The deeper truth is that people rejected traditional morality because they wanted to be free to indulge their carnal desires without restriction. Transcendent moral values were being replaced with moral relativism, fueled by the notion that man was a higher primate and had no moral responsibilities to a creator, leaving people free to invent whatever style of living pleased them. It was only the world wars that temporarily reversed this trend and brought the nation back together under the banner of an American moral imperative. But the foundation, weakened as it was by radical liberal ideology, was thoroughly rotten. America snapped back like a rubber band, bursting open the flood gates during the 60's, and changing the cultural landscape forever. Now traditional values are viewed as archaic, a throwback to a bygone era, and it is the "new" thing which is touted as "enlightenment".

Yet, this new thing is simply what is old in different packaging. The behavior of human beings today isn't noticeably different from anything that hasn't been tried in countless failed civilizations in the past. The song remains the same, despite the shiny new backdrops. Bible prophecy predicts that knowledge will increase in the last times, but it mentions nothing about wisdom. The human condition hasn't changed; men are ruled by their passions, and no matter how much knowledge they gain, the same mistakes are repeated endlessly. Look at the world today and tell me that isn't true. If humans are learning anything it is something they've always known and loved; rebellion. This is certainly the age of self-glorification, but history will tell you that is nothing new either. You're right in that "the church", ie, the catholic religion, tried to impose (a caricature of) Christian morality on the masses, with horrific results. That is a nightmare any decent person should be awoken from. However, as it pertains to describing the essential human condition, it was entirely correct. Sin is increasing in the world, not decreasing. Human nature is inherently sinful.

Everyone has a different way of describing the problem. Most look to place the blame and hand wave everything on to a particular condition. They say it's because of overpopulation. They say it's because of religion (an atheist favorite). They say it's because of ignorance. They say it's because (insert your favorite reason here). The reality is, it's because human beings are corrupt sinners, and always will be corrupt sinners until the end of time; that's why Jesus Christ came. He came to restore us to right relationship with our Creator. Don't place your faith and trust in man, because man cannot save himself, and all men are headed for a day of judgment. As scripture predicts, there will be a one world government headed by the antichrist, a seven year tribulation where all the world will become deluded and follow after the beast. Those who refuse to love the truth will believe the lie that the antichrist will be selling. At the end of the tribulation, Jesus Christ will return as the Lord and judge of all the earth. No amount of knowledge will prepare for you that day; only a saving faith in Jesus Christ.

>> ^Sagemind:

In the past era, we hit a communications Boom.

Bill Moyers Essay: When Bosses Push Their Politics

Lowen says...

>> ^Sagemind:

In the political jargon and propaganda of Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany and the Communist International, western democratic states were referred to as "plutocracies", with the implication being that a small number of extremely wealthy individuals were controlling the countries and holding them in ransom. "Plutocracy" replaced "democracy" and "capitalism" as the principal fascist term for the United States and Great Britain during the Second World War. For the Nazis, the term was often a code word for "the Jews".

Are you seriously suggesting that someone who thinks this video demonstrates plutocratic tendencies are themselves antisemitic, totalitarian and/or fascist?

The Rape of Europa

Lann says...

I sifted "Rape of Europa" not "Rape of Europe".

Feel free to sift the replacement separately. Just thought I should point out this sift (the original) was dealing with art theft during World War 2 not whatever the replacement is (way too tired to watch right now)

Bill Moyers Essay: When Bosses Push Their Politics

Sagemind says...

In the political jargon and propaganda of Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany and the Communist International, western democratic states were referred to as "plutocracies", with the implication being that a small number of extremely wealthy individuals were controlling the countries and holding them in ransom. "Plutocracy" replaced "democracy" and "capitalism" as the principal fascist term for the United States and Great Britain during the Second World War. For the Nazis, the term was often a code word for "the Jews".

Romney vs Roosevelt

Yogi says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Ah yes, Roosevelt, the rich guy posing as a common man, sworn enemy of individual rights, private property and economic liberty, whose policies prolonged the Depression, enormously increased debt, compromised the Supreme Court and whose ass was only saved by the US entering World War II.

During World War 2 the country became increasingly fascist...the good old days right?

Romney vs Roosevelt

quantumushroom says...

Ah yes, Roosevelt, the rich guy posing as a common man, sworn enemy of individual rights, private property and economic liberty, whose policies prolonged the Depression, enormously increased debt, compromised the Supreme Court and whose ass was only saved by the US entering World War II.

Crash Course: World War II

Yogi says...

>> ^TheGenk:

Pretty thin on why the war started, but that would have probably added another 5min. to the video.

I've been watching his Crash Courses, they're not all they're cracked up to be. I would really like someone to do one of these that has a really good handle on the history.

Crash Course: World War I

heathen says...

>> ^criticalthud:

Great vid but a little hazy on what started the war. There were the official reasons, and then the actual reasons. At this point history shows that the lead up and start of WWI was largely about geopolitics: 3rd world empires with their cheap resources and the rise of oil and technology. Even in that day and age, nations were quick to understand the importance and advantages of access to energy, especially oil, and other resources and raw materials. The only question was how the world and it's resources were to be divided.
it's pretty important to get this aspect right, because nothing has really changed, and geopolitical considerations dictate the foreign policy of most major countries, especially the US.

Yup, my favourite presentation of this information is:

It's 45 minutes long, but an excellent mix of standup comedy and facts.

Crash Course: World War I

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'john green, crash course, wwi, cynicism' to 'john green, crash course, wwi, first world war, great war, 1914, 1918, cynicism' - edited by calvados

Crash Course: World War I

MilkmanDan says...

>> ^criticalthud:

Great vid but a little hazy on what started the war. There were the official reasons, and then the actual reasons. At this point history shows that the lead up and start of WWI was largely about geopolitics: 3rd world empires with their cheap resources and the rise of oil and technology. Even in that day and age, nations were quick to understand the importance and advantages of access to energy, especially oil, and other resources and raw materials. The only question was how the world and it's resources were to be divided.
it's pretty important to get this aspect right, because nothing has really changed, and geopolitical considerations dictate the foreign policy of most major countries, especially the US.

Good points, but then again the name of the show is "Crash Course". I am extremely impressed with how well this web series can hit the broad strokes and even touch on a surprising amount of nuance considering each video/subject is roughly 10 minutes long... Almost all are easy upvotes from my point of view!

xxovercastxx (Member Profile)

32 Metronomes Become Synchronized

chingalera says...

>> ^Kofi:

This is just how World War II started

I was gonna say, this is Ouija board level shit-The moment these things synched-up you have no idea what unspeakable horrors transpired at that very moment....This is irresponsible and unpredictable.

32 Metronomes Become Synchronized

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