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Department Of Environmental, You’re Fired

Sausage Party -Red Band Trailer

Shepppard says...

The whiskey is also Indian, The taco is Mexican, the Twinkie is gay, There's an Arab looking falaffel in there, the baby carrots are children, The Bagel had a new york accent, and if there isn't Canadian maple syrup or back bacon in there, i'll be shocked.

But yes, please, lets focus on the Irish potato.

ChaosEngine said:

Hah! that irish potato was fucking hilarious.

You know, the same way it's hilarious when we see jews as moneygrubbers and black people as ignorant fried chicken loving morons!

racism is fun!

The Most Satisfying Video Ever Made

poolcleaner says...

It's alright. I got bored. Forwarded through a bit and the baseball smash was super like totally wow cool. Smashing a baseball. I think I did that with an electric vice. Used to smash shit all day smoking pot, whiskeyed out, at least 6 beers into an LSD trip.
Was there music then? Not sure. Might have been real.
Anyway, what is reality these days? I think it's
4 hours of sleep, 6 hours of driving, 12 hours
of working, and 2 hours for divided by all
the entertainment leading to such a
density of complexity the grey
matter in my head has
liquidized and oozed
out through my
ears, dripping

Matthew, We're Going to Play The Sticker Game

noims says...

Matt said no.

Any volunteers? It really is a fine whiskey, and it's running out quickly. It would be a shame to waste it on frivolous drinking.

noims said:

I'm Irish and I know a guy called Matthew. I'll see what I can do for you.

Matthew, We're Going to Play The Sticker Game

Asmo jokingly says...

I am vaguely disappointed that this didn't end up with the Irish guy resting on his porch in the twilight, a fine whiskey in one hand and a pipe in the other, as Matthew cries himself to sleep in his brand new gimp cage...

Is Marijuana Harmful to Health?

ChaosEngine says...

A couple of things:

I have verifiable evidence than Marijuana is both addictive and harmful

unless you've conducted double-blinded randomised controlled trials, you don't have evidence, you have anecdotes. Yeah, that sounds kinda dickish, but it's really important.

no one should dictate what plants others can eat
That's pretty ambiguous. First, we're not just talking about eating, we're talking about using in other ways too (in this case, smoking). Second, we already regulate other plants/products, like alcohol and tobacco.

For me, it's pretty simple. Marijuana does not cause sufficient harm as to warrant making it illegal. If an informed consenting adult chooses to smoke, drink or get stoned, that should be their choice. Obviously you shouldn't be drunk or stoned while driving or doing surgery or caring for kids, etc, but we already control for these cases with alcohol.

TBH, as much as I love beer, whiskey and wine, it's much harder to justify keeping alcohol legal than it is to keep marijuana illegal.

artician said:

This topic tears me.
I have verifiable evidence than Marijuana is both addictive and harmful, in a lasting sense, if abused.
At the same time, no one should dictate what plants others can eat.
If you have the greed, resources, and half a brain, setting up a marijuana rehabilitation center is going to be the next most profitable business to growing the plant itself.

NASA | Megadroughts Projected for American West

MilkmanDan jokingly says...

Shouldn't put words in his mouth, but I'd hazard a guess that when he got there, some good ol' boys were drinking whiskey and rye. And singing "this'll be the day that I die".

Just a guess though.

BoneRemake said:

And ? ? Please do continue, I for one am intregued what happened lext at the levy and you found it dry. Was it a far drive ? hopefully you did not waste too much time on your venture. Is it often that you have driven to the levy and it was without water ? I hope drought is not a prevalent thing in your area.


Megyn Kelly on Fox: "Some things do require Big Brother"

ChaosEngine says...

Er, whatever dude.

Unsurprisingly, I don't have time to watch a 53 minute video from some guy pushing a vegan agenda.

I fully agree that we should eat less processed foods (I even said as much). I just happen to think that meat has a place in a balanced diet.

And yeah, it tastes fucking delicious. I shouldn't drink either, but I love beer, wine and whiskey.

So, quite frankly, if I have to trade the last shitty 10 years of my life for the previous 60 or 70 enjoying myself... easy trade.

And once again, completely not relevant to the topic at hand.

eoe said:


eric3579 (Member Profile)

ChaosEngine says...

Yep. On a good day the west of Ireland is absolutely stunning.

Problem is you don't get that many good days

The last shot (Rinville Park) is almost exactly a mile from where I grew up. I used to sail there in the summers with my Dad.

Ahhh, now I'm all nostalgic and shit. need to go drink whiskey and sing old songs

Coca Cola vs Coca Cola Zero - Sugar Test

ChaosEngine says...

The taste is subjective, but the sweeteners are in no way "far worse than sugar".

Coke Zero uses aspartame, and in and of itself, there's nothing wrong with aspartame. There are a bunch of bullshit conspiracy theories around it, but none of them have any solid science behind them.

That said, I don't drink any kind of soft drink anymore. If I'm thirsty, I drink water.

Soft drinks are just empty calories and frankly, if I want a tasty drink, I'll have beer, whiskey or wine. More enjoyable and at least that way I know what I'm drinking is bad for me

Sagemind said:

Yes, but Coke Zero tastes disgusting and what they use for sweeteners is far worse for you than sugar!

Craig's Friends "bang their drum" for his Final Night

skinnydaddy1 says...

Why Craig? Why do you abandon us now? You Scottish BASTARD! WHY????

Late night is dead............. The only thing now is to drink myself in to oblivion... With Irish whiskey! you Hear that you SCOTTISH BASTARD! IRISH Whiskey

Most insane ski line EVER!

newtboy says...

What do you mean 'you don't get a good look at the line'? you see it from the helicopter AND the skier's POV.
Look again at :10 and again at :15.
Oddly, I think I saw this video here a few weeks back, but I can't find it anywhere. Ski dude is *skillful (and nuts!)
EDIT: After looking again, it looks like this isn't the first run. There seem to be multiple tracks already in the canyon/chute.
Oh yeah, and might I suggest he save the whiskey for after?

Trancecoach said:

It's an impressive line, but not all that different from alpine in that a tight squeeze is managed by speed control. i think the fact you don't actually get a good look at the line helps create the sense of danger.

Still, not something you want to do without plenty of experience/confidence and maybe a shot of whiskey.

Most insane ski line EVER!

Trancecoach says...

It's an impressive line, but not all that different from alpine in that a tight squeeze is managed by speed control. i think the fact you don't actually get a good look at the line helps create the sense of danger.

Still, not something you want to do without plenty of experience/confidence and maybe a shot of whiskey.

Libertarian Atheist vs. Statist Atheist

ChaosEngine says...

I am from the Republic of Ireland if that's what you mean, although I'll happily drink protestant whiskey (or hindu whiskey or buddhist whiskey or even muslim whiskey if such things existed and tasted good).

And when you grow up learning about your nations struggle to free itself of a foreign monarch, you tend to appreciate the ability to self-govern rather than hand it over to a bunch of corporations.

That said... I am not a "dyed-in-the-wool pro-government statist". I have many issues with many governments. Some are better than others. In some ways, I understand the prevalence of libertarianism in the US, given how particularly messed up your own government is.

So not so much "pro-government" as "anti-libertarian"

blankfist said:

Whoa. Whooooa. You're Irish? Like, real Irish, not black-and-tan-and-protestant-whiskey-drinking Northern Irish? And you're a dyed-in-the-wool pro-government statist at the same time?

I feel as if I just learned so much about you, but at the same time, so very little.

But you do live in the disease. And willing so.

Libertarian Atheist vs. Statist Atheist

blankfist says...

Whoa. Whooooa. You're Irish? Like, real Irish, not black-and-tan-and-protestant-whiskey-drinking Northern Irish? And you're a dyed-in-the-wool pro-government statist at the same time?

I feel as if I just learned so much about you, but at the same time, so very little.

But you do live in the disease. And willing so.

ChaosEngine said:

Congratulations on posting something both irrelevant and wrong (that could be the libertarian motto!)

First, although I live in NZ, I am a citizen of the Republic of Ireland, not a subject of the Liz Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.

Second, while I oppose the monarchy on principle, it has no bearing on this discussion whatsoever, other than to prove that you can't really backup your ideology with anything other than strawmen and hand-waving.

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Beggar's Canyon