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What Real Indians think of Sarah Palin's Visit to South Asia

quantumushroom says...

Obama is conservative as fuck. He's worse then Bush.

"Fact" and opinion. Both wrong.

More warrantless wiretapping.

Same if not a minor decrease in torture.

Sold us out to Big Pharma Banks & Military Complex.

For fuck sake, he cutting community organization budgets and heating assistance for low income groups.

Just proves my point about the leftmedia. If they'd done their job you would've known he'd turn out this way. It's too bad this Obamian "conservatism" you speak of stops well before low taxes, free markets and the rule of law. And not bowing like a serf to foreign kings and the mayor of Tampa, Florida for fk's sake.

What the fuck else do you want to happen to prove that Obama is in no way liberal or progressive or whatever pejorative label you have for left leaning ideology?

How bout that whole POS unaffordable socialized medicine scheme 26 states have now filed lawsuits against? Remember that? Remember the failed scamulus? TARP? Bailouts? And yes Bush is also to blame, but only for starting crap that a "conservative" Obama would've tried to stop. But as we all know, NO ONE outspends taxocrats and by gosh, they'll prove it! Ever stop and wonder why crony capitalism looks so much like socialism?

The entirety of United States politics has shifted more and more to this crazy neo-conservative free-market less government-but-we-still-want-govern-who-you-marry-&-force-you-to-have-babies mentality since 2000.

Really? Abortion is still legal. Civil unions are recognized by many states. Government is an ever-bigger gorilla with a machine gun. Taxes will go up and the 'crats know it: "someone" has to pay for all this indolence and the 50-fucking-percent of Americans who pay NO federal income tax but suck up plenty of government entitlements.

The entire world is owned my wealthy bankers and war profiteers. They all favor the "conservative" mentality you hold because it makes them more money.

Wrong and wrong. You're prejudiced against the wealthy because you believe that life is a zero-sum game. In other words, someone has to "lose" at economics so someone else can "win". You believe that life is a lottery and those who have money have simply been "fortunate" without doing anything to earn it. If the liberal phantasy of giving everyone an equal share of $$$ (by force) were to come true, as long as markets were allowed to work, by the end of the week the poor would be poor again. You've been brainwashed by 12 years of government schooling followed by indoctrination at 'kollij'. Where do you think all those otherwise unemployable 1960s marxist dinosaurs are hiding from reality? The universities. No one busting their ass in the real world to survive only to hand over 40% to the federal mafia believes this BS. Yeah, life is unfair and freedom is hard. And BTW, no, I am not rich, and I don't believe I have a "right" to plunder my neighbor's wealth.

You're too narrow-minded and indoctrinated to understand that.

I hope you don't have kids. I would feel sorry for them.

You undermine your "devastating" talking points with personal attacks. I would hope you own a library card. And use it.

p.s. - Obama is Political Science Major who taught Constitutional Law.

Palin majored in journalism.. yet can't name any newpaper or magazine she reads regularly.

The "scholar" who doesn't understand America and is a total ingrate for the opportunities he received, now reviled as a clueless idiot by all except the diehards and the leftmedia VERSUS the "dumb" beauty queen who loves America and recognizes American Exceptionalism, and thus so terrifies the left they're still attacking her.

Now you can continue your point about who is more qualified as a president.

It's done. I would vote for this over the dangerous crypto-marxist who believes in unlimited federal power.

What Real Indians think of Sarah Palin's Visit to South Asia

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Again. You're dumb. Stop it.

Obama is conservative as fuck. He's worse then Bush.
More warrantless wiretapping.
Same if not a minor decrease in torture.
Sold us out to Big Pharma Banks & Military Complex.
For fuck sake, he cutting community organization budgets and heating assistance for low income groups.

What the fuck else do you want to happen to prove that Obama is in no way liberal or progressive or whatever pejorative label you have for left leaning ideology?

The entirety of United States politics has shifted more and more to this crazy neo-conservative free-market less government-but-we-still-want-govern-who-you-marry-&-force-you-to-have-babies mentality since 2000.

The entire world is owned my wealthy bankers and war profiteers. They all favor the "conservative" mentality you hold because it makes them more money.

You're too narrow-minded and indoctrinated to understand that.
I hope you don't have kids. I would feel sorry for them.

p.s. - Obama is Political Science Major who taught Constitutional Law.

Palin majored in journalism.. yet can't name any newpaper or magazine she reads regularly.

Now you can continue your point about who is more qualified as a president.

>> ^quantumushroom:

Have they heard of The Kenyan?
It's impossible to outfail the leftist-media-elected idiot in the White House now.
Double birds, Kenyan voters.

Ron Paul Opposes Patriot Act on the House Floor

bareboards2 says...

I doubt he actually believes that -- I think he is forestalling the argument that some believe we ARE safer. That's just my guess though.

>> ^entr0py:

I'm really surprised Ron Paul actually thinks that policies like the patriot act make us safer, even if he thinks it's not worth it. Policies like warrantless wiretapping, extraordinary rendition, water torture and unlimited "detention" without trial have only made us into villains. Much of the world's outrage at our behavior is justified, and some of that rage will translate into further attacks.

Ron Paul Opposes Patriot Act on the House Floor

entr0py says...

I'm really surprised Ron Paul actually thinks that policies like the patriot act make us safer, even if he thinks it's not worth it. Policies like warrantless wiretapping, extraordinary rendition, water torture and unlimited "detention" without trial have only made us into villains. Much of the world's outrage at our behavior is justified, and some of that rage will translate into further attacks.

Man Tells Cop to 'Shut Up' - Madness Ensues

jackhalfaprayer says...

>> ^TheFreak:

And yet, how many of this cop's peers will actually condemn his actions publicly? If you do not step up and actively stand against people like this in your midst, then you're complicit in their actions.
So yes, all cops who passively allow this type of action are bad. For those keeping track...that's all cops.

Yeah, looks like the article answered a few things. Your mistake tho, Freak, is assuming that people know *how* to fight something like this. You can't just go over and tackle the guy, that's assault. You can't yell at him either. Actually, the only thing that can be done is by the person who's being assaulted in this video. Repeat after me: "I'll cooperate in every way, officer, but..." Then after but, add things that are within your rights. "I'd like to be informed of what law I've broken." "I don't consent to a warrantless search." Or ask questions like. "Am I being detained?" Etc. Not many people are aware of how to do that.

"those who do nothing are complicit" is an interesting viewpoint, but not exactly fair to citizens who aren't always educated about what to do exactly. Since this is technically an off-duty cop, the people would be in their rights to report him or to go for a citizen's arrest... but who's going to take down the guy with a nightstick and pepper spray, for a stranger? and stay there all night? Nobody in that car. But they posted it, and the video will lead to more discipline. Therefore they did not stand by, they did something. By your definition, they are not complicit. Bravo, camera people.

Bet now you wish you voted for him! ;-)

NetRunner says...

>> ^blankfist:

Your vote for Nader was very important for a number of reasons.


  1. Iraq War
  2. Torture
  3. Guantanamo
  4. PATRIOT Act
  5. Warrantless Wiretapping
  6. John Roberts
  7. Samuel Alito
  8. Dick Cheney

Had 100% of the Nader voters been able to switch their votes to Gore when it turned out Nader didn't have the votes to win, we would've had President Gore.

That's why people should support electoral reform, so they can do stuff like that and make it so voting on principle doesn't empower people whose beliefs are diametrically opposed to their own.

Obama Bows to Japanese Emperor Akihito

shuac says...

>> ^Rotty:
This really isn't news worthy; obammy has already demostrated that he's a diplomatic moron. What, no iPod for Akihito?
There are more relevant reasons to slam this Banker boy:
1) No immediate plans to leave Iraq. What happened to the nine month plan?
2) Additional deployments to Afghanastan; more dead Americans fighting the elite's wars.
3) Filling his admnistration with the same thugs that have consistently corrupted and looted America.
4) Other than banker bailouts, he hasn't done SHIT for the economy.
5) No changes in banking regulations that led to the last economic meltdown.
6) Other than creating a few thousnad jobs in his native state, he hasn't done SHIT in creating jobs.
As a matter of fact, other than touring the planet, he hasn't done a fucking thing.
The only CHANGE he's interested in is the change in your pocket.

If you cut out the diplomacy slam and all the childish name calling, I would have to agree with much of this fellow's post.

The bank bailout is a moot point because anyone in office would have bailed them out. Maybe not Ron Paul, but certainly McCain! After all, Bush bailed out Bear Sterns in Feb 2007 and McCain did whatever Bush did so...there you go.

I voted for Obama because he said he'd...

1) end the war,
2) go after those that committed war crimes (admittedly, Biden said this not Obama, but still)
3) not have any lobbyist on his cabinet (for the post of Deputy Secretary of Defense he nominated William J. Lynn III, the top lobbyist for Raytheon, one of the biggest companies in the military-industrial complex)
4) follow the rule of law. Meanwhile, the suspension of habeas corpus is still in effect for many "enemy combatants" and warrantless wiretaps at the NSA are still going like the energizer bunny.

He has done some good things. He at least tried to introduce a public healthcare option (it's unfortunately DOA on the Senate floor), he reversed some environmental policies, and, well, he's not Bush. But that's not really enough for me.

Downvote this comment if you like but everything I've pointed out is the truth.

Rachel Maddow - The Nobel Prize & Obama Derangement Syndrome

Stormsinger says...

>> ^volumptuous:
There's more, but it apparently doesn't matter to a lot of people. Unless he's ended both invasions/occupations of Afgh/Iraq, personally kidnapped and murdered those responsible for the economic clusterfuck, landed Bush/Cheney in the Hague for war crimes, and given everyone a beautiful pony, he hasn't done shit!

In all honesty, I'd settle for the first three items, combined with putting a stop to the "state secrets defense", and warrantless wiretapping, and actual action on the don't-ask-don't-tell abomination.

Those were the things I cared about when I campaigned and voted for him. Not one has advanced to any significant degree, and most have been abandoned.

Rachel Maddow - The Nobel Prize & Obama Derangement Syndrome

Lolthien says...

Neocons make personal attacks because they can't find enough about specific policies to disapprove of, other than cost. The problem is their posterchild, George W Bush, spent more during his eight years than any president of any party before him. Therefore their arguments ring insincere because they only became concerned about spending when it wasn't their guy spending it.

The same goes with the constitutional argument. George W Bush called the Constitution a "Goddamn piece of paper" and using signing statements subverted the document at every opportunity, including but not limited to: Torture of prisoners, warrantless wiretapping of American Citizens on a scale never before seen, and they created the Patriot Act and Department of Homeland Security which are just extentions of unconstitutional governmental powers.

They lie to their constituents when they say they'll fight to end abortion and gay marriage. Without those to run on, they'd never get elected at all. And the entire movement is primarily organized by two ENTERTAINERS (Limbaugh and Beck) who get more money when their viewership goes up.

Conservatives honestly could give a rat's ass what happens to America, they just want to be the people in charge, because it makes them feel superior... and they have one helluvan inferiority complex.

Uninsured Sick Student Begged For his Life (Blog Entry by JiggaJonson)

Stormsinger says...

My problem with the current reform proposal is that it's mainly a windfall for the insurance corps. Do you really think it's going to be easier to make it better when they have -additional- hundreds of billions to spend?

I've pretty much given up on Obama. Everything he said he was for, that I cared about, he's caved on. Warrantless wiretaps, wars of aggression, torture investigation/prosecutions, single-payer healthcare...all gone.

The only remaining benefit to having elected him is that it kept Palin away from the office. But I'm starting to wonder just how much worse that would have been. At this point, I'm about ready to give up and just wait for the blood to start flowing...sadly, I'm old enough that moving to another country isn't very feasible (especially since Wall Street stole my bank account).

Judge Napolitano on Forced Vaccinations in Massachusetts

xxovercastxx says...

It's not that different from the laws that are already in place, actually.

Here's a summary of each state's quarantine laws from 5 years ago:

and here's the bill in question:

I just skimmed it as I'm about to go to sleep. I don't care for the warrantless arrest part, but nothing else jumped out at me.

Mountains out of molehills is my impression for the moment.

Franken Reads 4th Amendment to Justice Department Official

DudeMan says...

>> ^curiousity:
Some people are missing the point.
Senator Franken asks how this is compatible with the US Constitution....
Mr. Kris responds by talking about how the courts approved "warrantless foreign surveillance" and wants to use that as a baseline to start the conversation. But how do you use a court agreement approving this for foreign surveillance to the US Patriot Act which is being used for US criminal cases as a baseline? That isn't foreign surveillance.

I was expecting to hear the good Senator from Minnisota to verbally bitch-slap Mr. Kris on that point. I kept yelling at my monitor, "THAT'S GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH WIRETAPS IN AMERICA!!"

I want to see more from that hearing, hopefully there was more to that exchange than we saw.

Franken Reads 4th Amendment to Justice Department Official

curiousity says...

Some people are missing the point.

Senator Franken asks how this is compatible with the US Constitution....

Mr. Kris responds by talking about how the courts approved "warrantless foreign surveillance" and wants to use that as a baseline to start the conversation. But how do you use a court agreement approving this for foreign surveillance to the US Patriot Act which is being used for US criminal cases as a baseline? That isn't foreign surveillance.

Red Eye Destroys Keith Olbermann and his Special Comment!

ObsidianStorm says...

Jaco - Same here man.

What exactly is wrong with not fearing idiots? So the retard in the room who doesn't know how to wipe his nose or tie his shoes says he's going to blow up the world - we should all panic as though the words were uttered by Lex Luthor?

Rational responses to threats require that graded measures be taken based on the facts of the case. These guys (the four in NY) needed to be arrested but hardly justify warrantless wiretapping, abrogation of rights, preemptive war and all the other bill of goods we've been sold.

I've tried watching this show but found it intolerable as much for the banal "witty" banter as the insipid, vacuous "points" that are made.

Oh and nearly everyone looks like a mutant... I particularly like LavaBoy at 3:45.

VideoSift 2nd Presidential Debate Liveblog Party (Sift Talk Post)

HaricotVert says...

America lost the war on terror. Back when our basic freedoms were violated and removed by the Patriot Act, warrantless wiretapping, suspension of habeas corpus... we lost the war right then.

There is no way to "win" in Iraq anymore.

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