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Orianthi ft Steve Vai "Highly Strung"

Duckman33 says...

>> ^Enzoblue:

Totally agree. David Gilmore was a big high for me too. The solo's on Comfortably Numb were exactly what I'm talking about. >> ^Duckman33:
Neal Schon is the master of making a lead into a story that fits the song.

Yes, another great example of a man that puts feeling and emotion into his lead solos. Tom Scholz and Barry Goudreau of Boston were also very good at this.

Orianthi ft Steve Vai "Highly Strung"

Orianthi ft Steve Vai "Highly Strung"

Orianthi ft Steve Vai "Highly Strung"

Duckman33 says...

>> ^Enzoblue:

I used to think even the guitar solo's in songs were just time fillers. It takes a true maestro to make a story of it and catch my ear, shredding for it's own sake makes me bleah.

Neal Schon is the master of making a lead into a story that fits the song.

Orianthi ft Steve Vai "Highly Strung"

handmethekeysyou says...

I know I'm not supposed to feed the troll, but:

It is not a song if it is not sung. An instrumental is called a piece, and songs are a subset of pieces. You can hum any piece, song or otherwise.

You are more likely to hum a theme from a piece if it has a straightforward structure (but with just enough deviation to be "catchy"), is frequently repeated in the piece, and if it strongly stands out from the rest of the piece's elements. That said, and in the vein of repetition, usually the largest determining factor for recall is simply being subjected to it frequently.

This is why I will get Lady Gaga songs stuck in my head despite not owning any of her albums (I hear people blasting it from their cars at least once a day) or why you may have found yourself singing "♫ that tonight's gonna be a good night ♫" to yourself, even though you find the Black Eyed Peas abhorrent (the line is repeated ad nauseam at the top of the song).>> ^DrewNumberTwo:

If it can't be hummed then it's not a song. Thanks for clearing that up.

Orianthi ft Steve Vai "Highly Strung"

handmethekeysyou says...

I have no particular attachment to lyrics. I love instrumental jazz, enjoy classical, and have been on a major kick of foreign rock lately because it's great to be able to appreciate voice as an instrument without having to understand the (frequently) trite lyrics.

Roll Tide establishes a theme and presents variations on it. It's structure is quite classical, as a lot of metal is. The issue I raise with Vai (& Satriani & Michael Angelo Batio) is that they are shredding for the sake of shredding. I don't stand opposed to shredding, but I feel that it's at its best as an interlude to a piece with harmony, melody, arc, etc.

A drum machine and two guitars is just not my idea of a good time (except for maybe Ratatat). I certainly appreciate the absolutely insane technical skill of these guys, I just often believe that they're squandering it.>> ^juliovega914:

I feel Nightwish's Crimson Tide stands to show that a song can be good listening without lyrics.

Orianthi ft Steve Vai "Highly Strung"

juliovega914 says...

I feel Nightwish's Crimson Tide stands to show that a song can be good listening without lyrics.

>> ^handmethekeysyou:

30 years in the music business and this guy still doesn't understand how to write a song. You know what I don't want to hear, 4 minutes of shredding. I will never hum this in the office. I will never be riding the subway and want to take out my ipod and listen to this nonsense. Just a snoozefest from beginning to end.

16 year-old Yasi SHREDS in original song "Tender Storm"

handmethekeysyou says...

There's a difference? I still don't believe they're separate people.

My theory is that some time in the 70s, as a teenager, Joseph Steven Satrivaini had the most insane acid trip ever that actually caused him to split into two entities. Steve Vai is what would become of him if he continued as a drug user. Joe Satriani is what would become of him as a non-drug user. Turns out nothing is really affected by drug use other than physical appearance.>> ^shuac:
Someone's a Joe Satriani fan. Or Steve Vai.

16 year-old Yasi SHREDS in original song "Tender Storm"

Guitar Duel from Crossroads

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'guitar, steve vai, ry cooder, cuttin heads, end scene, spoiler' to 'guitar, ralph macchio, steve vai, ry cooder, cuttin heads, end scene, spoiler' - edited by EndAll

Guitar Duel from Crossroads

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'guitar, steve vai, ry cooder, cuttin heads' to 'guitar, steve vai, ry cooder, cuttin heads, end scene, spoiler' - edited by EndAll

Henry Rollins vs. Techno Viking

Drax says...

Both are equally viable methods of producing music. Yes there's a lot of easy techno remixes that took minimal effort to cash in on.. but there is PLENTY of that in the acoustic side as well. Just turn on the radio.

One of my better friends from HS ended up learning guitar. His motivations where people like Steve Vai and Satrioni, so I saw how much work that took. I can definitely appreciate the skill it takes.

Most of the electronic stuff I listen to though took some amount of blood, sweat, tears and love for the craft to produce as well.

Mickey 3D - Respire (Breathe)

Eklek says...

Approche-toi petit, écoute-moi gamin,
Je vais te raconter l'histoire de l'être humain
Au début y avait rien au début c'était bien
La nature avançait y avait pas de chemin
Puis l'homme a débarqué avec ses gros souliers
Des coups d'pieds dans la gueule pour se faire respecter
Des routes à sens unique il s'est mis à tracer
Les flèches dans la plaine se sont multipliées
Et tous les éléments se sont vus maîtrisés
En 2 temps 3 mouvements l'histoire était pliée
C'est pas demain la veille qu'on fera marche arrière
On a même commencé à polluer le désert

Il faut que tu respires, et ça c'est rien de le dire
Tu vas pas mourir de rire, et c'est pas rien de le dire

D'ici quelques années on aura bouffé la feuille
Et tes petits-enfants ils n'auront plus qu'un oeil
En plein milieu du front ils te demanderont
Pourquoi toi t'en as 2 tu passeras pour un con
Ils te diront comment t'as pu laisser faire ça
T'auras beau te défendre leur expliquer tout bas
C'est pas ma faute à moi, c'est la faute aux anciens
Mais y aura plus personne pour te laver les mains
Tu leur raconteras l'époque où tu pouvais
Manger des fruits dans l'herbe allongé dans les prés
Y avait des animaux partout dans la forêt,
Au début du printemps, les oiseaux revenaient

Il faut que tu respires, et ça c'est rien de le dire
Tu vas pas mourir de rire, et c'est pas rien de le dire
Il faut que tu respires, c'est demain que tout empire
Tu vas pas mourir de rire, et c'est pas rien de le dire

Le pire dans cette histoire c'est qu'on est des esclaves
Quelque part assassin, ici bien incapable
De regarder les arbres sans se sentir coupable
A moitié défroqués, 100 pour cent misérables
Alors voilà petit, l'histoire de l'être humain
C'est pas joli joli, et j'connais pas la fin
T'es pas né dans un chou mais plutôt dans un trou
Qu'on remplit tous les jours comme une fosse à purin

Naked Girls Walking through Paris

whatever says...

An attempt to translate the lyrics. Forgive my english.
ps: Yes, it happens every day in France :-)
baby baby baby .....

first girl

je veux des plans sur la commode
(I want "plans" on the cupboard)

(understand she wants to have sex on the cupboard, play word in french with "plans sur la comète" which designate designs (dark or not) relying on unrealistics assumptions)

j'veux Tellier sur mon ipod
(I want Tellier on my ipod)
Sorry I don't know who is Tellier

je veux l'amex black de ta mere
I want your mother's Amex (card)
je veux la voiture de ton pere
(I want your father's car)

j'veux sortir avec tes potes
(I want to date your pals)
j'mettrais ma plus belle culotte
(I will wear my hottest panties)

j'veux une session un peu hot
(I want a session somewhat hot)
j'veux bien qu'tu r'gardes mais pas qu'tu p'lote
(I want you to look, but not touch) or
you may look but not touch

baby baby baby ....

2nd girl

j'veux etre dans l'top de justice
I want to be in the justice top (I don't get the meaning of this phrase, maybe just for the rhyme)

la main d' Gaspar sur ma cuisse
Gaspar's hand on my thigh

je veux compter même sans les doigts
I want to count, not only with my fingers

je veux les tiens au bon endroit
I want yours (fingers) on the right spot

je veux pas prendre les escaliers
I don't want to climb the stairways

tien c'est parfait, tu vas m'porter
well that's fine you are going to carry me

je veux que moi sur les photos
I want to see only me on the pictures (photos)

et j'veux poser pour Saint Lau
And I want to pose for Saint Lau (Yves Saint Laurent)

je veux des enfants surdoués
I want gifted children
et j'veux qu'mon chien soit diplomé
I want my dog to be qualified (graduated)

je veux ta tête sur un plateau
I want you head on a tray
and I want my by Denisot (a well known talkshow presenter in France)

3dr girl
je veux pas d' cake, j'veux de la coke
I dont' want cake I want coke (scrambled)
I don't want Kate I want Ethan Hawk

je veux sauter d'une grande échelle
I want to jump from a big ladder
and you have to cope with the rainbow

je veux des glaces choco vanille
I want chocolate/vanilla ice creams
je veux tes boules à la myrtille
I want your balls with blueberries

je veux danser comme Vanessa
I want to dance like Vanessa
j'veux voir son mec à Ibiza
I want to see her guy in Ibiza

je veux dormir quand tu te réveilles
I want to sleep when you wake up
et j'veux l'même T-shirt que Yelle
I want the same T-shirt as Yelle's

j'veux rentrer dans tous mes Jeans
I want to fit in all my Jeans
et j'veux qu'tu rentres avec ta prime
and I want your "prime" (your bonus) to fit in as well

j'veux des glacons dans mon verre
I want ice cubes in my glass
faire une souflette à ta grand-mère
soufflette: no idea how you would translate this (when smoking cannabis, you exchange the smoke)

j'ai vu ton ex, tu sais la sotte
I have seen your ex (former girl friend) you know the moron
dis lui qu'j'ai retrouvé ses bottes
Tell her I have found her boots

j'veux pas noyau dans ma cerise
I don't want no stone in my cherry
j'veux qu'tu redresse la tour de Pise
I want you to straighten up the tower of Pisa (leaning tower of Pisa, here obviously something else)

j'veux jouir dans une 2 chevauxx
I want to come in a "Deux chevaux" (an old french car)
et je vais l'faire derrière ton dos
And I will do it in your back (with somebody else)

baby baby baby

Francoise Hardy - Tous les Garcons et les Filles

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