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Parting Words from Choggie (Wildwestshow Talk Post)

Drax says...

I only experienced Choggie v2, I wasn't around for his first stay with VS. I don't like to see anyone gloat on his loss (not directing that at kronosposeidon), but he seals his own fate when he reacts harshly to downvotes of his own comments / videos. I can respect his opinion and downvotes when he's not over reacting himself at criticism.

It's one thing to have a different opinion then everyone else, it's another when you act like you're automatically right. That's just closed minded on the other side of the spectrum.

-edit: To his credit, I think many times he acted as he did to attempt to rattle people's cages in a good way - get them to "wake up" (in his words) and see things differently, but it seems he crosses too many lines at times too.

Meh, I'm rambling.. thanks for the wild west times, Choggie...

Hot New Book Warns Women: 'Wake Up! He's A Shapeshifter'

Zifnab says...

I swapped it out with the YouTube version now that it is available. Sometimes The Onion embeds go squirrely.
>> ^ant:
Hmm, is anyone else having problems playing this video? It doesn't work in my IE8 and Mozilla's SeaMonkey v2.0.3.

Hot New Book Warns Women: 'Wake Up! He's A Shapeshifter'

Ricky Gervais on 'The Marriage Ref': 'The Weirdest Show ...'

Down Time Yesterday (and Last Night) (Sift Talk Post)

A Tribute to the Movies of 2009.

Shepppard says...

>> ^kymbos:
Man, I missed a lot of flicks last year. What's the soundtrack?

From YT "Audio Copyright Notices:
'Malabar Front' by If These Trees Could Talk remains courtesy of If These Trees Could Talk, ® 2006.
'Death' by White Lies remains courtesy of Polydor Ltd. (UK), ® 2008.
'Crying Lightning' by Arctic Monkeys remains courtesy of Domino Records, ® 2009.
'1901' by Phoenix remains courtesy of Ghettoblaster under Exclusive Licence to V2 Records, ® 2009.
'Wake Up' by Arcade Fire remains courtesy of Rough Trade, ® 2005."

Can't see embedded videos in Mozilla's Web browsers? (Sift Talk Post)

ant says...

>> ^campionidelmondo:
>> ^ant: is not mine, but it is not showing up in both Mozilla's SeaMonkey v2.0.1 and old Firefox v2.0.0.20 on my home system like my office's machine. IE6 was fine. Something is wrong with Mozilla browsers on here!!

FireFox 2.0? IE6? Did you finally get that time machine running?

Firefox v2.0.0.20 was from XeroBank browser which haven't updated its Web browser yet so I just use its Firefox. I rarely use it.

As for IE6, MS still supports it and I mostly use it for MS Updates and once in a while, problematic Web sites.

Can't see embedded videos in Mozilla's Web browsers? (Sift Talk Post)

Can't see embedded videos in Mozilla's Web browsers? (Sift Talk Post)

Can't see embedded videos in Mozilla's Web browsers? (Sift Talk Post)

ant says...

>> ^dag:
They're showing up for me.

Interesting. No show for me in SeaMonkey v2.0.1 even if I disable AdBlock Plus, enable referrers, and disabled FlashBlock.

IE7 worked though. Anyone else having problems?

Wake Up Call

bmacs27 says...

uh... documentary? No. Financed propatainment on behalf of the John Birch Society v2.0? Yes.

Endall, do me a favor... define power. The term is used frequently within the film, without satisfactory explanation of how exactly it is being used. I was wondering if you could help me out.

Dublin's People - Canon 7D (HD + fullscreen)

Seric says...

Vimeo: Filmed at the end of the 2 day F-Stop Academy Cinematography workshop in Dublin when we were in wind down mode. Shot on a pre-production Canon 7d.

I took the Canon 7d, Zacuto Tactical rig, Z-Finder V2 and one lone lens, a Canon 35mm f1.4, which becomes more like a 50mm lens on the 7d. So a bit like what I did with Sofia's People (but I didn't have the Zacuto rig for that).

I shot 1/50th of a second as I was shooting 24p and to match the 50hz frequency of the artificial all around me in Temple Bar.

I also shot some stuff 720p 50p with shutter at 1/100th to get the slow motion shots of the juggler which were conformed to 23.98p in Cinema tools to create the beautiful slow motion.

Sound on the last bit was just the internal mono cam mic as I didn't want a big mic on top of the camera.

Big thanks To Darragh and Emma for organizing the workshop. To all the people attended and especially the people who came to the intensive 1 day Cinematography practical workshop on Sunday. Jala (from Germany), Cathal (from N. Ireland) and Jean-Jacques (from France) stayed on another night and joined me for the night shooting. We had a great time. You may also spot my partner in crime Den Lennie a couple of times here.

Music is appropriately by the great THIN LIZZY and is of course Whiskey In The Jar.

Minor colour balance grading was done. That's all to take out the yellow of the sodium lights.

Smoking may look cool on camera kids but it's bad for you! The reason so many smokers in this? All the smokers are outside, all the non smokers are inside due to smoking ban. I hope you notice the one in my mouth was not lit! :-)

More info on my blog at

More workshops coming to you soon!

If you cannot download it anymore as their is a daily limit on vimeo, you can download it from here too as long as you are a free member:

Youtube video avatars are a bit wonky (Sift Talk Post)

Conan Responds to Newark Mayor

ant says...

>> ^videosiftbannedme:
This is the third NBC clip in 3 days that hasn't played for me. The thumbnail is there, but never loads. Had to go to Hulu to see it. What gives?

It works in XP Pro. SP3's Internet Explorer v6.0 SP3, but not Mozilla's SeaMonkey v1.1.18 and Firefox v2.0.0.20.

ant (Member Profile)

ant says...

And it's back now. I noticed resizing between clicks. I took screen captures: ... I even reproduced it on a clean Firefox v2.0.0.20 browser. Oh well.

In reply to this comment by ant:
I didn't change on my side! Grr. Dumb computers. I blame Siftbot.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
We haven't touched a thing! Must be something in your computer or browser.

Glad it's working again.

In reply to this comment by ant:
Weird, it works again. Umm, did you guys do something?

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Then it probably isn't the ad banner causing it because that was added back in 4 days ago.

No one has touched the site today so it sounds like something might have changed on your computer. Is that a possibility? If not, I'd suggest contacting campionidelmondo to see if he might have a clue as I don't know how his code functions, nor how he fixed it for you the last time around.

Sorry the site's being a stubborn pain in the neck.

In reply to this comment by ant:
I noticed it today.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Nothing really... Hmm, except re-enable the banner ad that was mistakenly removed from the top of the page, though that shouldn't have anything to do with anything Flash on the page...

Approximately when did this start happening again? Did anything else change on your computer (e.g., updated browser, Flash, FlashBlock, etc.)?

In reply to this comment by ant:
Uh oh, I have to click on my FlashBlock twice again. What did you guys do?

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Oh, good I'm very glad it's working for you now. That's a relief.

I don't even know what the problem was. It was apparently an issue in campionidelmondo's new javascript code that does the resizing of the video to fit your current page width. He didn't elaborate on the exact issue, but I'm just glad he could make it work for you again!

In reply to this comment by ant:
Rad! It does work!!!! So what was the problem?

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Hi ant-

campionidelmondo's fix has been applied so it should start working for you now. Do a hard reload (hold ctrl+shift while reloading) to make sure you have the changes and let us know if all's well again.

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