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Corvette Burnout - Burns Something Out Allright!

spoco2 says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Tyres? TYRES?
Speak English!
>> ^spoco2:
AND the dumbass cameraman walked in FRONT of a car doing that... yeah, that'd go well if it suddenly launched.
Absolute wastes of space these people. Anyone who thinks that destroying their $600 tyres after 8000 miles is a sane thing to do is an a-grade retard.
If you're looking for the type of people who contribute the most to our world's resources being destroyed, allow me to present exhibit A.
Hope that utterly destroyed your car dick.

Actually, I am speaking English. I understand, it's hard for you provincial outposts of the empire to correctly spell everything

Corvette Burnout - Burns Something Out Allright!

quantumushroom says...

Tyres? TYRES?


Speak English!

>> ^spoco2:

AND the dumbass cameraman walked in FRONT of a car doing that... yeah, that'd go well if it suddenly launched.
Absolute wastes of space these people. Anyone who thinks that destroying their $600 tyres after 8000 miles is a sane thing to do is an a-grade retard.
If you're looking for the type of people who contribute the most to our world's resources being destroyed, allow me to present exhibit A.
Hope that utterly destroyed your car dick.

Corvette Burnout - Burns Something Out Allright!

spoco2 says...

AND the dumbass cameraman walked in FRONT of a car doing that... yeah, that'd go well if it suddenly launched.

Absolute wastes of space these people. Anyone who thinks that destroying their $600 tyres after 8000 miles is a sane thing to do is an a-grade retard.

If you're looking for the type of people who contribute the most to our world's resources being destroyed, allow me to present exhibit A.

Hope that utterly destroyed your car dick.

Allan McNish VAPORIZES his Audi in ginormous crash (Le Mans)

Biggest Garage in a House You've Ever Seen = Also Stoopid

spoco2 says...

>> ^residue:

couldn't afford a driveway? also, wtf happens when it rains, wouldn't that idiotic door fill up with water and collapse under it's own already unstable weight?

No, you can see that along the bottom edge it has room for the water to flow out, and it never gets level, so the water will always flow down through the outlets.

But the point about having grass up to it is stupid, will have tyre marks in it in no time.

Bet He Didn't See That Coming - *SLAM*

Mammaltron says...

Yeah that puts in perspective the internet theory of pointing your bike at an escape route when you stop.

It's just not going to work when they don't even have the decency to lock their brakes up and squeal their tyres for 3 seconds before hitting you.

He only wanted some bacon!

dannym3141 says...

Small dog barking loud.

I remember some lad doing this in a pub a long time ago. Decided he didn't like a friend of mine so started putting up a really loud and kinetic "front". My friend, skinny guy, just sat there - completely relaxed - laughing at him and poking holes, poking fun in every fresh yelled insult/threat the guy came out with.

Then the little shit said "i'm going outside and you better follow me", left and let the tyres down on MY bike. Then legged it when i went out after him.

Greatest burnout in the history of EVAR!!!

JestJokin says...

Agreed Bone, the fire is from the tyres getting above the ignition temp of the rubber. I high pressure fuel leak on that kind of engine would have a much more dramatic effect. Also to Ant. I could be wrong but I think the tyre popped at 1:25. That could be the engine backfiring a little as he lets off though. Not sure.

Welsh invent machine to turn Tyres into Oil

Yogi says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

Reusing is always grand, but I wonder what the byproducts are. Like the whole plastic recycler most likely spitting out dioxins, I am unfamiliar with rubber as to know what it would break down into.

Maybe we can use the dioxins to poison people we don't like

Man invents machine to turn Plastic into Oil

Reefie says...

Definitely plausible, seems like this guy is focusing on the refinement. Working with plastic means that the end product is easier to refine, whereas other attempts in this field have worked with materials such as tyres and have to deal with the metal and other materials that exist. IMO cost is the big problem right now, energy requirements can sometimes make the final product more expensive than the original.

How The Media Plays With Muslims' Emotions

acidSpine says...

It's not only a dupe but the description is unbelievably misleading. The son was in court for smashing up a tyre store because some fucknut car burnout show got cancelled NOT for "[protesting] occupation of muslim lands". Thats terrible Farhad

At first, you think this truck is driving out of the mud...

A10anis says...

spoco2 Cat777 had a turbo that sounded just like that. And i must be missing something, what aspect of the wheels turning made you realise it was a model? Was it because they seemed to turn fast? well, the 777 tyres were 10' and you would be surprised how quickly, even in mud, they would turn. As i said, it was only on seeing the long shot that it became obvious to me. Sorry i'm not as smart as you. As for your smarmy remarks, you would never have been allowed near the mine, so don't fret it.

kymbos (Member Profile)

curiousity says...

I replied at the video to keep the comments together.

In reply to this comment by kymbos:
Thanks, curiosity. I saw Michael Reynolds speak last night, and found it amazingly motivating.

I have just bought a very environmentally unfriendly 50s weatherboard house, and am trying to find ways to make it more sustainable. At the moment it loses so much heat out of ceiling to floor single glazed windows, and it has no thermal mass to speak of. I'm toying with the idea of a tyre wall through the middle of it, but it's not a particularly practical solution.

But he made the point last night that every existing house has potential to be made more sustainable. You just have to think outside the square and come up with innovative solutions

Thanks for your links, I'll have a look.

Earthships and the Garbage Warrior

kymbos says...

Thanks, curiosity. I saw Michael Reynolds speak last night, and found it amazingly motivating.

I have just bought a very environmentally unfriendly 50s weatherboard house, and am trying to find ways to make it more sustainable. At the moment it loses so much heat out of ceiling to floor single glazed windows, and it has no thermal mass to speak of. I'm toying with the idea of a tyre wall through the middle of it, but it's not a particularly practical solution.

But he made the point last night that every existing house has potential to be made more sustainable. You just have to think outside the square and come up with innovative solutions

Thanks for your links, I'll have a look.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

alien_concept says...

Sure we do

Main Entry: everything
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: entirety
Synonyms: aggregate, all, all in all, all that, all things, business, complex, each thing, every little thing, fixins', lock stock and barrel, lot, many things, sum, the works, total, universe, whole, whole ball of wax, whole caboodle, whole enchilada, whole lot, whole shebang
Antonyms: nothing

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Ha, you said "tyre." It's like you English got a word for everything.

In reply to this comment by alien_concept:
Yes kind of like the mashup between a baby hedgehog and a car tyre

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
We all could have. Still, it's amazing how well they mash together. In a disturbing way.

In reply to this comment by alien_concept:
Yeah, coulda lived without that one

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
I told disco_man about this already, and I thought you might be equally amused and/or disturbed by it too.

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