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Why it's good to have a dash camera!

rottenseed says...

That reminds me of this time that I was driving a commercial vehicle. I had cajones those days...the type of cajones that would allow me to back into a parked, unoccupied vehicle and blame it on the owner.

Anywho I lost my commercial driver's license for it and I totally blame the guy. It was his stupid car's stupid fault. I want to rape his wife and kill him. I'm going over there tonight, I hope he doesn't have a pump shotgun and implicit direction by the State Troopers to fire at will.>> ^deathcow:

I unfortunately met a dude once who backed into my _parked_ and_unoccupied_ vehicle and still had the cajones to say it was my fault. He backed up without looking that there was somewhere for him to go. He told the police 'I beeped twice before backing up.' (I know, my unoccupied car should have heard the beeps and then moved itself.) My car was unusable afterwards.
It was a big commercial vehicle he hit me with. He wasn't carrying proper insurance and I think he lost his commercial drivers license over it. Thats when the fun started. He called me one day to say I had ruined his life and his business that day. And oh yeah, that he was coming over to rape my wife in front of me and then kill me.
This guy had a string of misdimeanors and a couple felonies by then. The Alaska State Troopers suggested I buy a pump shotgun and said, this guy has a history of assault, this guy has directly threatened you, if he steps on your property you do whatever you need.

Why it's good to have a dash camera!

Sarzy says...

>> ^wraith:

>> ^Sarzy:
>> ^deathcow:
This guy had a string of misdimeanors and a couple felonies by then. The Alaska State Troopers suggested I buy a pump shotgun and said, this guy has a history of assault, this guy has directly threatened you, if he steps on your property you do whatever you need.

That is quite possibly the most bad-ass advice ever given to anybody.

Or, the most terribly wrong advice ever given.
Suppose he was hammered when he called and later comes by to apologize, maybe because his wife, his mom, his priest or even his parole officer told him to, he steps on your lawn and you shoot him with your new shotgun.

Oh, I didn't say it was good advice -- just bad-ass advice, like something out of a Charles Bronson movie.

Why it's good to have a dash camera!

wraith says...

>> ^Sarzy:

>> ^deathcow:
This guy had a string of misdimeanors and a couple felonies by then. The Alaska State Troopers suggested I buy a pump shotgun and said, this guy has a history of assault, this guy has directly threatened you, if he steps on your property you do whatever you need.

That is quite possibly the most bad-ass advice ever given to anybody.

Or, the most terribly wrong advice ever given.

Suppose he was hammered when he called and later comes by to apologize, maybe because his wife, his mom, his priest or even his parole officer told him to, he steps on your lawn and you shoot him with your new shotgun.

Why it's good to have a dash camera!

Sarzy says...

>> ^deathcow:

This guy had a string of misdimeanors and a couple felonies by then. The Alaska State Troopers suggested I buy a pump shotgun and said, this guy has a history of assault, this guy has directly threatened you, if he steps on your property you do whatever you need.

That is quite possibly the most bad-ass advice ever given to anybody.

Why it's good to have a dash camera!

deathcow says...

I unfortunately met a dude once who backed into my _parked_ and_unoccupied_ vehicle and still had the cajones to say it was my fault. He backed up without looking that there was somewhere for him to go. He told the police 'I beeped twice before backing up.' (I know, my unoccupied car should have heard the beeps and then moved itself.) My car was unusable afterwards.

It was a big commercial vehicle he hit me with. He wasn't carrying proper insurance and I think he lost his commercial drivers license over it. Thats when the fun started. He called me one day to say I had ruined his life and his business that day. And oh yeah, that he was coming over to rape my wife in front of me and then kill me.

This guy had a string of misdimeanors and a couple felonies by then. The Alaska State Troopers suggested I buy a pump shotgun and said, this guy has a history of assault, this guy has directly threatened you, if he steps on your property you do whatever you need.

Trailer for Sci-Fi Thriller Lock-Out! (2012)

dannym3141 says...

>> ^budzos:

>> ^buzz:
The problem with Guy Pearce is that you never know whether the film is going to be absolutely awesome (Memento for instance) or an absolute steaming pile of gangrenous, maggot ridden, shit... (errr, lots of his other stuff)

This looks like maggot shit to me. I'm turned off by any scene with a guy being unfazed by a series of merciless punches to the face. That shit will scramble your eggs. It takes me right into "this is a silly movie for Buffy fans" territory.

Found your comment funny, but don't forget that some films are good because of blatantly over trumped characters. I mean, i fucking love Starship Troopers, and it's crap in theory. Overly stoic hero - could work. Arny's pulled it off many times.

Cop pulls over sheriff

carneval says...

>> ^mxxcon:

>> ^carneval:
>> ^mxxcon:
2 power hungry pigs trying to measure whose penis is larger.
one doesn't want to be arrested because he's a sheriff, the other one thinks "you don't pull rank on me, i'll bust your ass".

Not sure I agree. The trooper is just doing his job, and he's doing it pretty respectfully, while taking his obligation to arrest the guy seriously at the same time.
Yes he does. But would he be doing that if camera/mic wasn't on?

Maybe, maybe not. I'm glad the camera is there, regardless.

Cop pulls over sheriff

mxxcon says...

>> ^carneval:

>> ^mxxcon:
2 power hungry pigs trying to measure whose penis is larger.
one doesn't want to be arrested because he's a sheriff, the other one thinks "you don't pull rank on me, i'll bust your ass".

Not sure I agree. The trooper is just doing his job, and he's doing it pretty respectfully, while taking his obligation to arrest the guy seriously at the same time.
Yes he does. But would he be doing that if camera/mic wasn't on?

Cop pulls over sheriff

carneval says...

>> ^mxxcon:

2 power hungry pigs trying to measure whose penis is larger.
one doesn't want to be arrested because he's a sheriff, the other one thinks "you don't pull rank on me, i'll bust your ass".

Not sure I agree. The trooper is just doing his job, and he's doing it pretty respectfully, while taking his obligation to arrest the guy seriously at the same time.

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Occupy California: Berkeley Police Brutality

csnel3 says...

Checkout Part 2 of this video! as soon as the cops are done beating back the students and taking down the offending tents, they group together and back out of the area,like they are in danger, then a sea of students move in and pop up some instant tents with cheers and laughter. It really warms the heart to see the way these kids reacted to the storm trooper wannabees.

Shock Troopers

Lady Trooper Chases then Arrests Miami Cop in Marked Car

60 Minutes - Trey Parker & Matt Stone's Subversive Comedy

budzos says...

Hell no. I was a complete stoner of the correct age group who went to see it in theatres, and I hated Super Troopers. Total disconnect with their style of comedy here.

>> ^moonsammy:

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^budzos:
Team America was the funniest movie of the 00s.

I wish I could refute that...but I tried and I can't think of any other funnier movie. There HAS to be one...someone help!

Super Troopers?

60 Minutes - Trey Parker & Matt Stone's Subversive Comedy

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