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Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn Official Full-length Trailer

Starship Troopers - invasion

The Babymakers Trailer

Fletch says...

>> ^schlub:

looks... awful

Olivia Munn AND the Super Troopers guys? Are you high? This looks AWESOME! The sexiest woman on earth (after Ana Kasparian) and the guys behind the greatest portrayal of troopers since Ponch and John set the bar oh so high in the late seventies! This is WIN!

Unreal Engine 4 Tech Demo

KnivesOut says...

Hang in there lil trooper.>> ^DarkenRahl:

You'd hope that having an exact tag as well as a number of the same words in the title AND doing a search for likely candidates before posting would have found that other one. But I didn't. And I searched.

The World's Scariest Drug (Vice Documentary)

Never, Ever Give Up. Arthur's Inspirational Transformation!

chingalera says...

The more fat cells you make the harder it is to lose weight and keep it off. Fat cells stay fat cells in your body even when they are not loaded with fat. Takes just as much discipline to get fat as it does to get un-fat.

Yoga can affect changes that seem miraculous (and they are) but anything one does to clear chi as a practice can do the same. Ever see what Pilates can do?? Volleyball? Swimming?

Oh hey, Rottenseed?? You are most likely already hermitized. You should simply stop watching TV with a view to actually getting any real information. News rhymes with lose and like this feel-good journal pimped-out to yoga-man it includes an over-abundance of adverts.

Incredibly cool story. More power to the man who blew out his knees and compacted his lumbar hopping out of transport planes for the empire! Reminds me of that scene from Starship Troopers where the mobile infantry recruiter without legs exclaimed with enthusiasm, "The mobile infantry made me the man I am today!"

High speed police escort of foreign race cars

Sagemind says...

"A founding member of Driving Force Club, an elite New York City group of luxury sports car enthusiasts, bragged on Facebook about a "very fun" run last month with NFL running back Brandon Jacobs, who is wearing a New Jersey State Police vest.

The photo was posted March 30, the same day two State Police troopers allegedly escorted a caravan of luxury sports cars at speeds in excess of 100 mph down the Garden State Parkway to Atlantic City. The occupants included former Giants running back and sports car enthusiast Jacobs, according to a source with knowledge of the trip.

In the complaints, obtained by The Star-Ledger, witnesses said that in the early afternoon, they saw two State Police patrol cars with their emergency lights flashing driving in front of and behind the southbound caravan, which included dozens of Porsches, Lamborghinis, Ferraris and other vehicles, all with their license plates covered with tape."

High speed police escort of foreign race cars

ulysses1904 says...

>> ^CrushBug:

I have no idea what was going on in this video. So, there were a bunch of sweet looking euro cars, right? I mean, it was nice to see, but I don't get why the guys recording were so fired up. Also, I don't understand the tags "busted" and "football players". Who was busted and which were the football players?
Upvote the WTF.

Total Recall (2012) - full trailer

One Way To Deal With A DUI Checkpoint (Refusal)

CaptainPlanet says...

>> ^budzos:

If the government thought they could get away with it, they'd institute random house searches.

Thank you for being a voice for liberty. some of these sifters are nauseating, and if it were up to them the precogs would be hunting us all down as i speak.

bottom line, reckless drivers should be dealt with, and the troopers need to get their gun touting asses out of everyone else's face. if you've ever been handcuffed/arrested for nonviolent crimes, you know the coppers aren't protecting you, they're watching you. i wont even get into the for-profit policing we have in my city.

One Cop Keeps Another From Getting Out Of Control

Why it's good to have a dash camera!

deathcow says...

>> ^poolcleaner:

>> ^deathcow:
I unfortunately met a dude once who backed into my _parked_ and_unoccupied_ vehicle and still had the cajones to say it was my fault. He backed up without looking that there was somewhere for him to go. He told the police 'I beeped twice before backing up.' (I know, my unoccupied car should have heard the beeps and then moved itself.) My car was unusable afterwards.
It was a big commercial vehicle he hit me with. He wasn't carrying proper insurance and I think he lost his commercial drivers license over it. Thats when the fun started. He called me one day to say I had ruined his life and his business that day. And oh yeah, that he was coming over to rape my wife in front of me and then kill me.
This guy had a string of misdimeanors and a couple felonies by then. The Alaska State Troopers suggested I buy a pump shotgun and said, this guy has a history of assault, this guy has directly threatened you, if he steps on your property you do whatever you need.

Please continue your story.

I have a 12 ga shotgun now. I read a few Massad Ayoob books about firearm defense. I never heard from the psychotic guy again. I have seen him several times very up close in our local store in the years since, and though he doesn't recognize me anymore, I recognize him quite well. He looks physically ragged these days.

Why it's good to have a dash camera!

BoneRemake says...

>> ^calvados:

>> ^deathcow:

This guy had a string of misdimeanors and a couple felonies by then. The Alaska State Troopers suggested I buy a pump shotgun and said, this guy has a history of assault, this guy has directly threatened you, if he steps on your property you do whatever you need.

So did you buy that shotty?

I bet he bought throwing knives and learned the skill. I bet deathcow can harpoon a baby seal with a pencil from 50 meters.

Why it's good to have a dash camera!

calvados says...

>> ^deathcow:

This guy had a string of misdimeanors and a couple felonies by then. The Alaska State Troopers suggested I buy a pump shotgun and said, this guy has a history of assault, this guy has directly threatened you, if he steps on your property you do whatever you need.

So did you buy that shotty?

Why it's good to have a dash camera!

poolcleaner says...

>> ^deathcow:

I unfortunately met a dude once who backed into my _parked_ and_unoccupied_ vehicle and still had the cajones to say it was my fault. He backed up without looking that there was somewhere for him to go. He told the police 'I beeped twice before backing up.' (I know, my unoccupied car should have heard the beeps and then moved itself.) My car was unusable afterwards.
It was a big commercial vehicle he hit me with. He wasn't carrying proper insurance and I think he lost his commercial drivers license over it. Thats when the fun started. He called me one day to say I had ruined his life and his business that day. And oh yeah, that he was coming over to rape my wife in front of me and then kill me.
This guy had a string of misdimeanors and a couple felonies by then. The Alaska State Troopers suggested I buy a pump shotgun and said, this guy has a history of assault, this guy has directly threatened you, if he steps on your property you do whatever you need.

Please continue your story.

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