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Version 4.0 Issues (Sift Talk Post)

ReverendTed says...

First: I went to and when I clicked to go to the second page, I got a gallery of videos. I changed it to "list" and I got a list of videos.
Edit: I managed to duplicate this one. I did a search (for "stop motion pig" if you're wondering) and then clicked "Blogs". This time, the FIRST page was sifted videos.

Second: I'm using the "light" scheme and when I mouseover links the page content gets shifted slightly as the linked text turns bold and white.
On second glance, this isn't happening on this page. I'll have to go track down where that was happening, or if it was a transient event.

inflatablevagina (Member Profile)

peggedbea says...

fuck working out. im just gonna shit my brains out.
i have awesome sifts right now. more to come.
vote vote slut.

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
i love you too bea. dont be afraid. We are on a diet together right? youre working out and im not eating.

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
fuck you. grow a dick.
and i dont fuck fat chicks.

wait, unless its tuesday.

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
i want you inside of me bea. All 830 pounds of you. Our enormous bodies will sweat together and make a delicious fat girl soup... ahhhh.. yeah

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
andrew from six flags and some dude christy tried picking up in a bar during the transient period. fucking hebaphiles.

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
wow... i swear ive met this man twice. once at a theme park when i was 16 and once at a random bar somewhere in the american southwest when i was 18. he tried to pee on me both times.

andrew from Six Flags?????

inflatablevagina (Member Profile)

peggedbea says...

fuck you. grow a dick.
and i dont fuck fat chicks.

wait, unless its tuesday.

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
i want you inside of me bea. All 830 pounds of you. Our enormous bodies will sweat together and make a delicious fat girl soup... ahhhh.. yeah

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
andrew from six flags and some dude christy tried picking up in a bar during the transient period. fucking hebaphiles.

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
wow... i swear ive met this man twice. once at a theme park when i was 16 and once at a random bar somewhere in the american southwest when i was 18. he tried to pee on me both times.

andrew from Six Flags?????

inflatablevagina (Member Profile)

Olberman: Glenn Beck Encourage Americans to Shoot Americans

gorgonheap says...

What about to defend themselves from their government?

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world."

Atheist answers: Why does anything matter? (Blog Entry by gwiz665)

gwiz665 says...

When contemplating the meaning of life I often go back to on of the great philosophers, Whedon, who wrote:

Life's not a song.
Life isn't bliss.
Life is just this.
It's living.

Like Sisyphus the work in itself is the meaning there is. In the grand scheme of things what we do does not matter very much, videos that show the scale of the universe seems to exemplify that. I would gather that there is no real meaning (as in purpose) of our existence. We can invent a bunch of them, which are of course temporally bound, like all things are, such as "we live to better ourselves and our species". We are but a short part in a very long chain of life, our purpose could be construed as just filling that role and making sure that our species evolves - the same "purpose" all other animals have.

The first and third question seems intertwined, so I'll just answer those two together.

Morals, ethics, personal relationships, social lives, these are all bound in a very finite time period and a very small amount of space. And yet they do matter, to me. The stars and quasars are pretty indifferent to who I meet at a party, but to me it can be pretty important. It's all about perspective.

Can I imagine myself not existing? Well, yes and no. I can look at relatives and friends who are not among us anymore and relate to the void they've left - I can imagine that I would leave a similar void in other people. This is of course only transient, and my memory would be replaced at some point, or at least diminished. We make a very small dent in the universe, but we still ought to enjoy it as much as we can.

It's much harder to reconcile the fact that when I'm dead I really don't exist anymore. That won't make it any less true though. I've argued earlier that we are essentially determined biological machines and that we in principle don't have free will, this is just as hard to reconcile myself with, but the fact that it's hard to imagine, won't make it any less true. (That on may actually be false, but I doubt it.)

January 2009 Los Angeles SiftUp a Great Success (Sift Talk Post)

January 2009 Los Angeles SiftUp a Great Success (Sift Talk Post)

Issykitty says...

Meowy good!

Might I add that all the Sifters and individuals we met there were wonderful! We were hoping for a surprise appearance from someone, but to no avail... although when some of us went out for a bite to eat afterwards, I swear we ran into the spirit of Choggie, who showed up to us in the form of a loopy transient, straight out of a David Lynch film.

LED Sensitive Electronic Air Piano

joedirt says...

I don't know why this would be fake, but the video doesn't seem to sync up. Seems like someone played music dubbed after.

It could be a sequencer only.. Where the music is already in the midi and you are only controlling the pace and it is all one big next note switch.

I don't see how there are three vertical levels. My assumption is that it works based upon when you stop moving to avoid any transient hand motions.

Don't Vote

gorillaman says...


Noocracy doesn't require an absolute measure of intelligence. Reasonable indicators are enough, I'm sure we both agree it is possible to distinguish between smart and stupid.

Constitutional republics like the U.S. are a kind of chronologically-removed noocracy; the 'smart people' establish a lasting foundation of law with which they hope to bind the excesses of the mob to whom they surrender government. I respect the idea, but these always degenerate towards democracy, demonstrating the need for an active policy.

"How are things like that EVER going to work without some sort of military might to hold off the non bright and the scared? And then, if you start down that road then you'll be running into the issue that the intellectuals will see that for what it is, which is a form of dictatorship, and not agree with that on humanitarian grounds."

This is the heart of our disagreement. Intellectuals, the best of them at least, will and do recognise that democracy, not noocracy, is oppressive. I've already called it the plural of dictatorship, a more common term is the tyranny of the majority. More fundamentally, democracy is immoral on an individual level; imposing ones will on society, by voting or any other method, without the expertise to make the most correct moral determination possible is violence.

I can point to successful, if limited, quasi-noocratic government systems already in operation. The constitutions of states nominally ruled by law may be transient, but they certainly slow the relentless advance of the mob. The House of Lords in the UK is viewed as baffling and almost miraculous in its ability to identify and oppose the worst legislation of the elected house. If you'd like to know how I'd go about implementing noocracy in my own country, I might start by expanding the authority of that body while rationalising its membership criteria.

Study show Parents More Concerned About Violent Video Games (Videogames Talk Post)

gorillaman says...

Sure, but it'll have to wait as I'm going to bed.

edit: and I'm back.

>> ^spoco2:
You just don't GET IT. The things that kids see and do when they're young are not all 'fleeting' and transient, it all accumulates, it all forms who you are for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. Please, do tell us all your wealth of experience that allows you to make your insanely ill thought out claims? Do you have first hand experience of children being exposed to porn that has lead to them being rounded individuals. Do you have children of your own? (Not trying to say that only people with children can discuss child rearing, but you're making some pretty damn ridiculous assertions as to how kids should be reared.) Have you actually had sex?

I won't be swayed from the belief that adults are responsible for themselves. This is not only a fundamental fact of our existence, that we make frequent conscious decisions about how to act, it's also the essential foundation of every possible functioning society.
I have first-hand experience of being a child, which is sufficient. I saw my first porn mag when I was pretty young, before I'd learned to masturbate certainly. I enjoyed reading it and put it away when I was done. I didn't freak out or suffer deep psychological scarring.
I don't have children. I have had sex.

>> ^spoco2:
Oh for fuck's sake. You don't think a SIX YEAR OLD being fucked, giving head and having anal sex is going to do NOTHING TO HER? Fucking hell you are warped. I'm telling you it is NOT relatively common, please do provide us with facts and figures to back up ANY of your wild claims. I'm sorry but you are just spouting UTTER, UTTER garbage. To think that a child being fucked in a disused building is going to have no long term affects is... my god, you are truly oblivious to so much in life.

A little imprecision in my wording there. By common I mean relative to its perceived frequency. I'm talking single digit percentages reporting each of penetrative and coercive sexual play. If you give it a moment's consideration you shouldn't find that too surprising - probably everyone here has participated in sexual play as a child, of course the level of that play will vary. Hell, even just by chance you can expect some dicks to make it into some mouths.

I think you're gigantically exaggerating what actually happened in your example. This girl didn't 'give head', she had a little boy's dick in her mouth. She didn't get fucked or have anal sex, she had a little boy's dick in her vagina and anus, probably briefly and ineffectually. As I've been saying, it's on the extreme end of the natural discovery process.

>> ^spoco2:
What is your fucking obsession with kids having to know EVERYTHING right now? Right, out of the womb... here's dad fucking your mum again... here's dad beating a few people up, here's a porn collection for nighttime reading.

My comments have displayed no such attitude. Kids don't have to learn about sex at an early age any more than they have to, say, learn chess, but they would be improved by either education.

Study show Parents More Concerned About Violent Video Games (Videogames Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

>> ^gorillaman:
To the entirety of your first post I need only say that kids get all kind of stupid ideas, they're transient and part of the learning process, while adults are responsible for their own actions.

You just don't GET IT. The things that kids see and do when they're young are not all 'fleeting' and transient, it all accumulates, it all forms who you are for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. Please, do tell us all your wealth of experience that allows you to make your insanely ill thought out claims? Do you have first hand experience of children being exposed to porn that has lead to them being rounded individuals. Do you have children of your own? (Not trying to say that only people with children can discuss child rearing, but you're making some pretty damn ridiculous assertions as to how kids should be reared.) Have you actually had sex?

Your second post does not account for the frequent quasi-sexual encounters, both coercive and otherwise that occur between children of that age. The type of incident described in your linked article, is, while not typical nevertheless relatively common without exposure to pornography. I doubt it was particularly deleterious to the development of either child. The obvious over-reaction of the police probably was.

Oh for fuck's sake. You don't think a SIX YEAR OLD being fucked, giving head and having anal sex is going to do NOTHING TO HER? Fucking hell you are warped. I'm telling you it is NOT relatively common, please do provide us with facts and figures to back up ANY of your wild claims. I'm sorry but you are just spouting UTTER, UTTER garbage. To think that a child being fucked in a disused building is going to have no long term affects is... my god, you are truly oblivious to so much in life.

You are not worth talking to any further on this topic as you have zero, zero, ZERO idea of how sex affects people.

I commend your attitude to nudity in the way you raise your children. Have they seen you get erections, engage in intercourse and ejeculate? Then they remain ignorant of some of the functions of their body.

What is your fucking obsession with kids having to know EVERYTHING right now? Right, out of the womb... here's dad fucking your mum again... here's dad beating a few people up, here's a porn collection for nighttime reading.


You have zero idea how kids see the world, or should. ZERO.

Study show Parents More Concerned About Violent Video Games (Videogames Talk Post)

gorillaman says...


To the entirety of your first post I need only say that kids get all kind of stupid ideas, they're transient and part of the learning process, while adults are responsible for their own actions.

Your second post does not account for the frequent quasi-sexual encounters, both coercive and otherwise that occur between children of that age. The type of incident described in your linked article, is, while not typical nevertheless relatively common without exposure to pornography. I doubt it was particularly deleterious to the development of either child. The obvious over-reaction of the police probably was.

I commend your attitude to nudity in the way you raise your children. Have they seen you get erections, engage in intercourse and ejeculate? Then they remain ignorant of some of the functions of their body.

edit: I realise I assumed you were a dude, if you're not you can still get the point.

Needy or Greedy: Professional Panhandlers

oxdottir says...

I live in a community known as a good place to go when you are living on the streets. We have the resident weirdo homeless, we have the down-on-their-luck families and we have the transient kids. I sometimes keep mcdonalds and taco bell bucks in my wallet and give them to homeless, and they are always very gratefully received. I've lived here a long time, and I know the regulars, and I know the look of the transients. I also know there are kids who come to downtown to beg as a lark. As a matter of fact, my own son has cadged for change downtown.

All that is to say that I know there are fakers, but I also know there are people who really need it. I think I have some chance of telling who is who. I think if I never gave a bit of coin to a beggar, it would be worse for me than it would be to give coin a few times when it wasn't really needed. Now, granted, I am much more likely to give money for a product or service (the people selling tamales or strawberries, for instance, or even a song), but sometimes, as a human being, you have to look at another human being asking for help, and for the tiny amount it costs you, just not say no.

This is an important topic, and I think that investigative reporting is good, but somehow, I can't bring myself to upvote this, because the story seems somewhat meanspirited.

One mans beautiful collaboration with nature

bamdrew says...

I remember he used to throw hand-fulls of dust of different colors into the air (and sometimes other people would photograph it) as a form of highly transient art... just watching the clouds of colored dust float into each other... fun stuff.

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