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Toto's 'Africa' by Kristen Bell And Dax Shepard

gorillaman says...

I think I could probably disable Dax Shepard long enough to bundle Kristen Bell into the back of a jeep and make my escape.

Maybe I should construct an animatronic trojan hippopotamus that shoots tranquillizer darts through its nostrils.

Disturbing Muslim 'Refugee' Video of Europe

shang says...

Well if you hate your country then try and fix it.
I love mine, and I hate some of the problems we got, but I'd never go anywhere else. If enemies try to attack us, then don't whine when we retaliate. And yes we've had a technical coup de tat during Roosevelt era, he ignored the standard 2 terms and stayed in 4 terms, 16 years instead of 8. It was after him that a new amendment was formed to force the 2 term limitation as before it was a honored tradition only stated verbally by George Washington, and kept until Roosevelt, then a law had to be made to stop it from happening again. Since he abused it.

become a hactivist, if you don't want to take up arms. learn sql injection, xss attacks, and use wikileaks to expose things and force changes. Or if the majority is fed up then the people have the right to coup de tat.

If you don't like how Americans on a whole do things, then in your router block the American CIDR. Go to and you can easily firewall the entire country so you'll never see another Amercan based website again.

While I may dislike certain policies or even hate my president and disagree with occasional supreme court ruling. There's 3 things I'd have zero problems dying for. First I'd die for my son, I'd die to defend myself and my home, and I'd die for my country.
The American dream can never be destroyed, no matter how retarded and uneducated the 'political correct' mongs try, or any whining, or anything at all, will never change the American way of life.

I'll let a few founding fathers' quotes explain the ferocity of the "American way of life". I would never want to live anywhere else.

"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery."
- Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, January 30, 1787

“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

"Americans need never fear their government because of the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation on Earth."
- James Madison

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom... go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels nor arms. May your chains set lightly upon you and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."
- Samuel Adams; 1776

and in response to people like you who attack what we say/do/etc for not being "political correct" or whatever made up phobia they want to use this week.

"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."
- Thomas Paine

artician said:

I hate my country specifically because it intrudes on other peoples countries. Fuck countries. The American "way of life" is dependent on invading and taking natural resources from other countries. The US has alternatives to killing, but they dismiss them because it's inconvenient.

You can't claim that people are free to stick to their own country when your own country invades, kills and tries to control theirs.
That is why people fly planes into your buildings.

The Red Drum Getaway

JustSaying says...

This is super awesome!
Reminds me of a dream I had where I tatooed frozen Tigers with Matt Damon. It got really weird once I accidentally stung myself with a tranquilizer dart, got high and watched the movie of that while I was in it. Matt was super nice, though.

Real Time with Bill Maher: Christianity Under Attack?

newtboy says...

Many people seem confused about our government's origins.
Wiki- Treaty Of Tripoli-unanimously ratified by congress and President John Adams 1797
Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion;

as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen [Muslims]; and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan [Muslim] nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

"By their actions, the Founding Fathers made clear that their primary concern was religious freedom, not the advancement of a state religion. Individuals, not the government, would define religious faith and practice in the United States. Thus the Founders ensured that in no official sense would America be a Christian Republic. Ten years after the Constitutional Convention ended its work, the country assured the world that the United States was a secular state, and that its negotiations would adhere to the rule of law, not the dictates of the Christian faith. The assurances were contained in the Treaty of Tripoli of 1797 and were intended to allay the fears of the Muslim state by insisting that religion would not govern how the treaty was interpreted and enforced. John Adams and the Senate made clear that the pact was between two sovereign states, not between two religious powers.[15]

The constitution and bill of rights were based on English Common Law, which existed long before the Romans brought the idea of Christianity to if people insist our laws are based on religion, remind them the religion in power where/when they came from was Pagan religion, and they should be worshiping Odin.

How an Aussie postman deals with dogs

Sepacore says...

If you have any issues with people feeding your dog, consider the core (and controllable) problem, your dog is eating without your instruction.

We had a dog when I was a kid, & there were dog fighting rings in the area that the cops couldn't prove (or shutdown) and the asshole dog-fight trainers would steal "new competitors" by dropping tranquilized meat in their yard.

Well, my dog starved himself for 3 days while at a dog kennel when we were on holidays because my dad forgot to tell the couple looking after our dog that "he won't eat unless you say munchies". The couple spent $100's on dog foods ranging from basic to premium, steaks sold for humans, even tried force feeding him, until they eventually called us in tears and heartbreak about how the dog would not eat.

Quote dad: Oh shit, say munchies
Quote lady: (dogs name), munchies
Result: he hooked in like a starving dog would, who had been well trained to deal with people who would affect our dog for their own agenda.

"Your" dog's behaviour is YOUR responsibility, not a strangers.
One can be controlled, the other cannot. Pick your battles and fight what you can win.

The dog we had prior to the one in the above story, got stolen twice, we got him back once. Losing 1 dog due to our naivety was enough.

PS: i agree people "should" leave your pets/kids etc alone. However, this is reality and special conditions need to be accounted for.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Procrastinatron (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

Best song yet! I hope you find me more like this one! I really dig that mellow sound, songs like that put me into such a relaxed state. Actually all the songs you've shared with me have that same sort of tranquil sound to them - I guess that is what I like about them.

That headache sounds excruciating. I hope you feel better now...I'm guessing you must because otherwise you wouldn't sound so cheerful.

I noticed that! 4 out of 5 made top 15...that is so impressive. I think your King of Cannabis one was just as good as the others but didn't get as many votes because people didn't have the time to watch the full video. It's too bad because they missed out on a really good one.

Did you notice that you are the #5 sifter already this week?

Also, your applauded comment was tied for the third highest voted comment last week. You are off to an excellent start.

Procrastinatron said:

I certainly am becoming addicted to VideoSift! It has both a fantastic community and a very fun concept. Then again, the utterly agonizing, rusty-nail-in-left-hemisphere, cradling-head-in-hands-and-trying-not-to-vomit headache also helped me stay awake though. Also, now there are four of 'em in the top 15, and frankly, that wouldn't have happened without the power points you gave me! Thanks again for the warm welcome, and thanks for all the help. (Let's hope this one isn't blocked.)

Who Knew These Guys Were In So Many Movies

ctrlaltbleach says...

Here are the Lyrics in French

Mon pote I think translates to my hommie or my buddy or dude.

Mon pote c'est mon suisse même s'il a pas d'oseille
C'est ma ganache, ma gueule mais il me ressemble pas
C'est mon frère mais on a pas été porté par les mêmes bras
C'est mon srab, c'est sûrement pas lui qui me dénoncera
Mon pote c'est mon gros mais c'est pas Pierre Ménès
Il ne casse pas de sucre sur mon dos
Il peut supporter l'OM et si ça l'aide je mentirais à sa femme sans problème
Si mon pote vient d'loin, lui ou bien ses darons
Noir, blanc, jaune ou marron, ça fait d'moi un ignorant d'moins
J'attends pas d'toi que tu me cires les pompes
Ce sera pas à cause de ta franchise si je coupe les ponts
J'te mettrais pas dans mes embrouilles et si je faisais l'con
J'te demanderais pas de rappliquer avec une pelle en pleine nuit sans poser d'questions
Mais s'il le faut ramène-moi à la maison
Si je pars en vrille please ramène-moi à la raison
On peut être en désaccord, on peut se prendre la tête
Pourtant y'aura toujours une part pour toi dans mon assiette
Mon pote n'hurle pas avec les loups
On ne lave pas le linge sale en public mais entre nous
C'est pas toujours le bon vent qui amène mon pote
J'cautionne pas toujours la façon dont il se comporte
J'aimerais pas apprendre qu'il m'a trahi ou qu'il complote
Ça enterrerait nos relations même si elles sont fortes
J'ai pas scellé mon sort au sien, pour moi les choses sont claires
Mon pote c'est mon vieux mais c'est pas mon père
J'aimerais qu'il le reste longtemps alors j'évite d'immiscer
Entre lui et moi l'argent, les femmes et tout c'qui pourrait nous diviser

Mon pote a pas toujours été là
Trop longtemps mon meilleur pote c'était moi
Mon pote squatte à la maison, on passe des nuits blanches
On refait l'monde, on s'entend même dans les silences
Mon pote répond toujours à mes coups d'fil
Qu'on s'appelle toutes les heures ou toutes les douze piges
J'peux tout lui faire comprendre avec un sourcil
Au bord de l'explosion mon pote c'est la goupille
Où j'suis beaucoup d'gens mélangent potes et groupies
Mais j'ai compris la trahison depuis Rox et Rouky
Mon pote essaie pas d'plaire à tout prix
Fait pas semblant d'bouger la tête quand j'fais des couplets pourris
Fin d'soirée, toujours un coin d'canapé
Ma caisse est pas dans l'fossé parce qu'il garde la clef
Rien nous sépare même les grosses sommes
On élève pas les cochons mais on a soulevé quelques cochonnes
Mon pote rabaisse personne pour se mettre en valeur
C'est mon reflet, nous briser c'est risqué 7 ans d'malheur
Mon pote n'est pas une bête en chaleur
Et j'peux dormir tranquille le soir où j'lui présente ma soeur
Fidèle en amitié
Si j'ai plus les pieds sur terre mon pote me rappelle les lois d'la gravité
Toujours prêt, toujours le premier à rappliquer
En cas d'coup dur où pour une partie d'Play
C'est mon antidépresseur, mon lexo, mes amis n'sont pas tous des héros
En pratique on a tous nos défauts
Si un jour dans ma vie j'oubliais d'être réglo
J'réécouterais ce morceau comme une sorte de mémo

[Flynt & Orelsan]
C'est pour mon pote de 20 ans
Pour mon pote de maintenant
C'est mon pote dégueulasse et mon pote pimpant
Pour mon pote le plus vilain
Pour mon pote le plus con
Pour mon pote terre à terre
Pour mon pote sur Pluton
C'est pour mon pote tchatcheur et mon pote dyslexique
Mon pote à qui ma pote a dit non mais qui persiste
Pour mon pote chômeur, mon pote qui travaille
Pour mon pote kickeur, mon pote qui rappe mal
Mon pote boxeur, mon pote pianiste
Mon pote manutentionnaire, mon pote artiste
Mon pote crochet, mon pote Roger
Mon pote qui squatte chez un pote et qui a pas d'projet
Mon pote en costume, mon pote en coste-la
Mon pote qui vit à la campagne

True Facts About The Land Snail

Caged Animals- All the Beautiful Things In The World

BoneRemake says...

OH I AM ALL ABOUT THIS VIDEO RIGHT NOW. BREASTS, MUSIC,TRANQUILITY. I am off to get an ice cream cone and when I come back I hope the video views has gone up. Art is beautiful when breasts are included. Music helps

ICE CREAM AWAY. Ps. I shall get a scoop of mint chocolate.


Dirty Pictures FULL- Alexander Shulgin Documentary

shagen454 says...

Besides for the cheesy Burning Man footage this is a really great doc on psychs. A lot of docs keep true with mystical experience but the way Ann describes it is in reality the way it is and a reason they are useful experiences not to be taken lightly. The whole part where she says one must face he/her inner shadows/monster and learn to accept them by working through them. A good psychedelic experience can be like a birth, a death - the happiest or the most distraught.

The first few times I took a psychedelic it was a little nerve-wracking because I wasn't sure what I might see in myself. I think many people are afraid of taking psychedelics because of that unknown factor. For me the tranquility in what I would call ego-death is what made me embrace some form of spirituality. Before taking psychedelics - "spirituality" was a four letter word that made me cringe.

The amount of ignorance and deception out there about psychs is staggering.

Paddy Power -- Chav Tranquilizer (uncensored)

Banned Paddy Power Advert -- Chav Tranquilizer

Banned Paddy Power Advert -- Chav Tranquilizer

Banned Paddy Power Advert -- Chav Tranquilizer

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