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Football Player Finds Grenade And Almost Loses His Hand

artician says...

>> ^njjh201:

Iran is huge, if you lined its western border up with the west coast of the USA it would stretch from the Mexican border to the Canadian, and as far inland as Western Colorado.
Isfahan is right in the middle of all that, so bringing 'war torn' into this makes about as much sense as linking a shooting rampage in Denver to the drug wars in Mexico.
And in any case there's no war in Iran just yet. War torn Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc are all hundreds of miles away.
>> ^artician:
Wow. Even knowing this is coming from (what we're told is) a war-torn part of the world, that's insane.
Haven't they heard of streaking?

You're absolutely right. Wartorn was a poor word choice on my part. "Militaristic" would probably be more accurate, but ultimately I was trying to convey that most US folk don't really know what it's like over there, and they have a bad reputation. And on top of that, now, grenades at football games.

Football Player Finds Grenade And Almost Loses His Hand

Football Player Finds Grenade And Almost Loses His Hand

Without Planned Parenthood, what's left for women in the US?

Yogi says...

>> ^Lann:

Not exactly easy if you are low income and don't have an independent form of transportation. I don't think she was making this video to bitch about it only for herself. She made a point of how long it would take someone to get to one of the 13 clinics with public transportation. If someone is dependent on public transportation, they are not likely going to have an easy time moving to another state.
There are sometimes situations that make fucking moving impossible.
>> ^Yogi:
Fucking Move.
I know I know there's reasons and principles and shit but if I was in a place that sucked nothing could keep me there. Fucking move everyone, lets all just move somewhere where you're treated right.
Ok story time. My brother is sort of weird and effeminate. Not really gay, just kinda goofy and girly. My family moved to North Carolina, cause there was a job for my dad. The kids at the private school were utter fucking dicks. Always mean, backward little fucks. So they picked up and moved again, this time to Iowa. They couldn't be happier, tons of nice people about and a school where my brother is accepted.
So yeah, you don't like some place, or some place doesn't like you well this is America.
Fucking Move.

No there isn't. People hitchhike, or walk. They leave war torn countries everyday. Leaving and starting over is never impossible, it's just hard.

Sam Kinison makes some good points on World Hunger

vaire2ube says...

not to mention growing FOOD with WATER to feed ANOTHER FOOD which is watered... then transported (FUEL) and frozen (ENERGY) until i forget I defrosted it and throw it right in the trash because hey, I can order more from Amazon Fresh and they will drive it to me.

we will barely escape the end times from drought due almost solely to mismanagement and greed. im torn between doing the right thing and conserving, and just having a heck of a time burning out. The white mans burden indeed! i feel like a captain going down with a ship i never realized i was piloting... but ill keep calm and respawn in my videogames until im numb

Tyre Slasher Kharma.

deedub81 says...

His arm is torn in half and that tire smashes his face on the concrete step like American History X.

I don't like watching that - I don't care what that douche just did. It makes me feel awful to watch this and I hope he was okay.

Tyre Slasher Kharma.

Dog terrified of low-fat lamb jerky

csnel3 says...

I'm gonna say that if the dog takes the treat they bash him upside his face. He is in training to not except treats, look at the scar on his face and the way he is emotionally torn. Its well known that a dog that excepts all treats can easily be bypassed or renderd useless.

Why Dave Chappelle Quit Illuminati

Chaucer says...

>> ^direpickle:

>> ^wraith:
A question that always bothered me and that has almost nothing to do with this video: Why do so many African Americans think they have to go to Africa to find their roots? In Europe, in all countries except France, 99% of African people are really first or second generation immigrants from one of the dozens of Nations in Africa.
They have relatives living there.
I understand that.
African Americans have their roots as much in "Africa", as I have my roots in....I don't even know...Germany? France? Russia? Hungary?
I don't even know where my ancestors lived three hundred years ago.
And I don't care.
I don't get it.

Your ancestors (probably) weren't torn away from their homeland unwillingly, and you did not grow up somewhere just a hairsbreadth away from deep, institutional racism. Have you ever spent a lot of time somewhere where you were a minority? It's not always terribly comfortable.
That said, someone already mentioned that Chappelle didn't go there for that reason. I don't know if anyone actually does. Is it a thing? But I can absolutely see why someone growing up in America might feel that they need to try to find some connection to where their ancestors came from.
Just guessing. Mostly from Irish/German stock, here. But many generations removed.

You mean like the Puritans, the Protestants, the Irish, the Germans, the Chinese, or any of the other religious or ethnic groups that were forced out of their countries?

Why Dave Chappelle Quit Illuminati

direpickle says...

>> ^wraith:

A question that always bothered me and that has almost nothing to do with this video: Why do so many African Americans think they have to go to Africa to find their roots? In Europe, in all countries except France, 99% of African people are really first or second generation immigrants from one of the dozens of Nations in Africa.
They have relatives living there.
I understand that.
African Americans have their roots as much in "Africa", as I have my roots in....I don't even know...Germany? France? Russia? Hungary?
I don't even know where my ancestors lived three hundred years ago.
And I don't care.
I don't get it.

Your ancestors (probably) weren't torn away from their homeland unwillingly, and you did not grow up somewhere just a hairsbreadth away from deep, institutional racism. Have you ever spent a lot of time somewhere where you were a minority? It's not always terribly comfortable.

That said, someone already mentioned that Chappelle didn't go there for that reason. I don't know if anyone actually does. Is it a thing? But I can absolutely see why someone growing up in America might feel that they need to try to find some connection to where their ancestors came from.

Just guessing. Mostly from Irish/German stock, here. But many generations removed.

Door Falls Off Airplane In Flight! -- DANGEROUS SKYDIVING...

Porksandwich says...

Isn't the door opening the wrong way anyway? If it opens with the hinges at the tail, all the force of the wind is pushing against it moving forward and it's either flapping out in the wind or being torn off. You'd never be able to close it again.

Mormons Bury Kitten Alive In Concrete

artician says...

>> ^Jolth:
It actually was a break off sect of the Mormon faith run by Warren Jeffs. Who was the polygamist leader that was over that small city that was raided in Texas a few years ago. So this wasn't from the LDS faith, it was from the FLDS sect that believes rather strange and disgusting things that have no affiliation with the Mormon faith other than that they think that polygamy should still be practiced and in very nasty gross ways. I have many friends that are mormon and they are very torn apart by the news of this story, that is not a way to treat any of God's creatures.
So I'd say we all shouldn't be just throwing accusations out at any religion until you know all of the facts. It's something I need to work on myself actually, but yeah, this is terrible that something like this has happened. I do not want to see something like this happen again!

Totally not religious, or arguing for or against anything here but being careful and certain, but that headline reads:
FLDS faithful blamed for concrete cat torture caught on camera
However the article has NO mention of anyone associated with any group being caught on camera. It says what we already know: they assume it was this group, and someone video taped the cat, no perpetrators or evidence.

This seems entirely misleading. So no, it wasn't "actually a break off sect of the Mormom faith". That is still an assumption by the people who found the cat, who's only other evidence is that they say this group threw dead animals on the guys property over the years.

If the details about the other preceding dead animals turn out to be true, then it definitely lends more weight to the accusation of this being caused by really terrible people from this FLDS group, but it's beyond rational comprehension why people are throwing that around, when it seems to me to be just as likely that a cat fell into an open pit in the middle of the night by circumstance.

C'mon internet, use your collective reasoning!

Mormons Bury Kitten Alive In Concrete

Jolth says...

It actually was a break off sect of the Mormon faith run by Warren Jeffs. Who was the polygamist leader that was over that small city that was raided in Texas a few years ago. So this wasn't from the LDS faith, it was from the FLDS sect that believes rather strange and disgusting things that have no affiliation with the Mormon faith other than that they think that polygamy should still be practiced and in very nasty gross ways. I have many friends that are mormon and they are very torn apart by the news of this story, that is not a way to treat any of God's creatures.

So I'd say we all shouldn't be just throwing accusations out at any religion until you know all of the facts. It's something I need to work on myself actually, but yeah, this is terrible that something like this has happened. I do not want to see something like this happen again!

Bill Withers- Lovely Day

BoneRemake says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Switch this version for the shitty 80s techno cowbell one. I can't upvote that butchered shit.


man I am so torn between giving two shits what you think or want, and knowing what I want.

It is a tuff one I'll tell ya that !

Car Alarm Symphony

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