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Walking With High Heels Is An Artform

Destiny ViDoc - The new game from Halo creators, Bungie

00Scud00 says...

After watching this I find myself kind of torn, a lot of this feels like Halo but dressed up in a different set of armor, mentally I was filling in a lot of the blanks with Halo names, like the Earth being destroyed by the Covenant and it seemed to fit nicely. That said, I kind of liked the Halo series, at least the parts I was allowed to play as a lowly PC gamer, but if this is going to be a console and or multiplayer only affair, then I suppose I can stop caring.
Oh, and then I saw this little gem over on Rock Paper Shotgun,
"We did a bunch of ambitious things on Halo deliberately to reach out to people. We limited players to two weapons, we gave them recharging health, we automatically saved and restored the game – almost heretical things to first-person shooters at the time. We made the game run without a mouse and keyboard. And now nobody plays shooters the way they used to play them before Halo ’cause nobody wants to."
Compliments of the studio's co-founder Jason Jones, I haven't experienced milk flying out of my nose like that since gradeschool.

Crazy pickpocketing skills! Apollo Robbins

moonsammy says...

The pen at the end couldn't have possibly been the same one, unless the video was edited. After he takes the pen he touches Lauer only one time, and is nowhere near his jacket pocket. I assume *a* pen with a torn $100 was in there from the get-go, rather than it being the same item.

High School Streaker Gets Away

Quentin Tarantino: 'I'm shutting your butt down!'

Internet Security: TOR and Freenet

More Faux Rage from Ann Coulter

A10anis says...

If we had concealed/carry in the UK, by Sunday morning half the drinkers from the Friday/Saturday night binge would be dead. Seriously though, I'm totally torn on the gun issue in the USA. However, I do come down on the side of those wanting to ban automatic weapons.

Anonymous - Message To The Westboro Baptist Church

STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS - Official Teaser Trailer

direpickle says...

"As our heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew."


Chimps vs. Raccoon WAIT FOR IT

seltar says...

I don't understand why people are getting their panties in a bunch as much as they seem to do over this video. Especially the people chanting for the guy who was laughing to be torn limb by limb!?

How is it different from a cat playing with a mouse before eating it? Or the thousands of other examples of fucking NATURE!

Maybe something to do with them being bipedal? Might hit a bit too close to home for some people..

Also, there are no rules in the animal kingdom, so there are no "cheap shots".
Humans invented rules to all sorts of things in society, including fighting, and I'm pretty sure other animals don't really have that. At least not towards other species.

I'm not saying I enjoyed what the monkeys were doing to the little fella, but I can understand somebody laughing at the entire scenario unfolding before their eyes. To chant for his head on a stake seems worse than what the chimps were doing.

The Big Bang Theory Flash mob!

Chimps vs. Raccoon WAIT FOR IT

Hurricane Sandy - End of the World Type Shit

Disney buy Lucasfilm for $4.05bn. Star Wars Ep. 7 in 2015.

probie says...

After buying countless, differing versions of the original trilogy over the years, surviving the prequels, and seeing what a mess the entire franchise has become, Star Wars has long since been dead to me. After Indy 4, Lucas deserves to have his arms torn off by the proverbial Wookie.

I'm just glad he didn't have any hand in the Back to the Future movies.

"Actual" real footage of Obama's birth in Kenya

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