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chingalera (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

...finally right, finally.

You should have let me be. I warned could not hear. You made it...too easy.

...and I am going to grace your profile page(s) with a palette most reflective and befitting your so called art,...your malodorous offal...your own dribbling trail...your own words.

Wait for it....


Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Prison (HBO)

Januari says...

I read your first post... and your second which for the most part was like reading the first one again, although without the zeal for rapid executions. Speaking of replying and not reading...

Never did get an answer to how many innocent people you'd be willing to sacrifice to see that "justice' was enacted that much faster?.

What your argument has lacked in its entirety is any sort of facts beyond what you seem supremely confident would work.

Correct me where i'm wrong... i'm genuinely asking here... Lets get the whole list of what exactly your advocating... as the solution to solving the prison problem.

Rapid executions... i'm assuming some kind of limit to appeals and time to issue them? (despite over 140 people being exonerated since 1973)

Dramatic increase in government surveillance... Because you know... its not like a right to privacy was one of the founding principles of this country.

Forced Sterilizations?... I'm really curious how else you'd enforce your breeding policy... or would you simply lockup the parents if they didn't meet the criteria you think appropriate, and had a child anyway? May fine them into oblivion?

Dramatically stricter sentencing?.. because lets be honest those jaywalkers have had it too easy for too long!... guessing this means you'd be advocating dramatic bulding projects... more prisons... more guards... MUCH more from the sounds of it. I'm sure companies like Geo Group would LOVE to provide that service... they're doing just awesome so far!...

And finally prison conditions... despite it being extraordinarily expensive to warehouse people for profit like we are... Doing just a TERRIBLE job of doing it and already sending an unprecedented number of people to prison... you want more.. because THAT will deter crime.

You want conditions to be 'adequate' yes? Indoor-plumbing... clean water... etc... just not TOO adequate lest they get to comfortable at 'casa de prison' system and never want to leave!...So things like AC or 'clean food' might be optional?... and of course... they should be billed for any treatment?.. .maybe have to 'work off the cost'?

Did i miss anything?

Jerykk said:

You should read my complete post before posting reactionary statements. I never said current prison conditions are ideal. I said prison isn't working as a deterrent to criminals. As I said before, there are three potential ways of fixing that: make the punishment more severe, increase surveillance and enforcement or make prison safer and more comfortable in an attempt to rehabilitate criminals. The first two options are practically guaranteed to produce results. People litter, jaywalk, pirate and break traffic laws all the time because they know they can get away with it and even if they get caught, the punishment will be relatively minor. Conversely, it's much harder to get away with major crimes and the punishments are far more severe, which is why major crimes are committed far less often than minor ones. History has proven that fear is a very effective deterrent. Convince people that there are significant consequences for their actions and they'll think twice before doing something stupid.

Rehabilitation is less proven. If prison were comfortable, safe and enlightening, it could reduce crime rates as criminals are taught the error of their ways and spread their new-found wisdom amongst other potential criminals. Or it could increase crime rates as prisons become a refuge where the desperate get free food, shelter, healthcare and other conveniences.

The ideal solution would be to ensure that only qualified parents are allowed to reproduce. The majority of criminals are the result of poor upbringings, with negligent, ignorant and/or abusive parents unwilling or unable to train their children to become productive members of society. In an ideal world, there would actually be prerequisites to parenthood. Aspiring parents would need to meet certain criteria like minimum income, education and a clean record. If these requirements were somehow enforceable, crime rates would drop drastically.

The Random Stop - Anatomy of a Murder

Jerykk says...

This seemed pointless. They tried to make the event more impactful by overdramatizing it (showing the cop talking to his wife about their daughter, drawing out the gunfight, having the cop mention his family right before getting killed, etc) but it just made it feel like a cheesy Hollywood drama. The actual dashcam footage is way, way more impactful and really shows how sudden and brutal murder can be.

It's all too easy to hate cops (and authority figures in general) but it's also easy to forget that even a routine traffic stop can be a life-or-death situation. Cops have no idea who is behind the wheel. It could be a soccer mom or it could be a violent psychopath.


lucky760 says...

No, it's too easy to foul something up by doing such a sweeping change automatically, so they need to be handled manually.

In most cases a spammer doesn't have much content, so it's typically just a matter of me updating a single post. The only trouble is ensuring people alert me that it needs doing.

Thanks for hollering.

Lilithia said:

I was looking for a way to ban this spammer and remove all of his posts. I used the spammer invocation on his profile page, but this only banned him and didn't remove this sift talk post and the video he posted. Is there a way to remove all of the posts of a spammer without discarding them manually (because that doesn't completely remove the spam from the site). This is also a problem whenever I try to remove a remaining video by someone who has already been banned.

The Unstoppable Walk to Political Reform

Stormsinger says...

He's always interesting to listen to, but I still can't see any way this can possibly work. It's too easy for the Kochs and Waltons to continue to buy the legislators, even those who have "committed" to his cause. Which means it will have to be done over, and over, and over. While the corporate media and astro-turfed blogosphere pour out a flood of propaganda against it.

It's a nice dream, but that's all it is. The only way to change the path we're on involves rivers of blood, I'm afraid.

Would You Help A Freezing Man?

shatterdrose says...

It would be better to splice the two videos together to showcase the differences. Oh, and don't forget the pretty blonde girl. Oh, better yet, put the little boy, an older man and a pretty blonde on the bench with no jacket and see who gets offered the most coats. . . Too easy? Kinda how I feel about these videos nowadays since they've been so over done.

Google Glass Haight Crime

newtboy says...

I fully agree, the reaction was unreasonable and illegal. I understand I may have sounded like I was excusing the attack, I did not mean to.
My point was you should not assume people will act reasonably, respectfully, or even legally when they are 1.drunk and 2. you are continuing to antagonize them (illegally?) by recording their drunkenness after being asked to stop. They had no right to assault or rob her, but it was easily foreseeable that something like that would happen. The same would probably happen if she were 'demonstrating' a full size video camera in the bar, but the glasses make it too easy to forget that's what they are.
The bartender should have foreseen the escalation, taken control right away and made her put them away or leave, then there would be no problems. The bar may be in trouble for not doing that in the end.
The fact that google had to put a public warning up about this shows me it's a big issue they need to address and not leave it solely up to their users to act properly...I'm not sure how they might do record light maybe, so you can show you aren't recording?
Perhaps I'm wrong, but as I understand it you are still not allowed to record audio of others without consent on private property (or many public properties), and these people obviously didn't consent.

Yogi said:

You may not raise your hands to a person just cause they're being annoying. It's called battery. If you own a business you can ban these things or kick the people out who use them. You may not beat the shit outa them and introduce the random chance that you might kill a mother fucker just cause they annoy you.

Tracey Spicer on society's expectations of women

bareboards2 says...

I tried to read the article -- I'll try again later.

Seems like same old, same old to me.

Look, I agree with you that it is pretty stupid that women are held up as being better than men. It is really stupid that men are insulted by being defined by their lowest common denominator or by some superficial stereotype.

When I was in my 20s, which was a long time ago, I would hear things like -- if women were in charge of the world, we wouldn't have wars. Bullshit. Women are just as capable of being territorial and selfish as any man. And men being stupid about their emotions, and walled off? It was clear to me that they were victims of emotional terrorism from men, boys, women and girls, who put enormous pressure on them to "be men." Whatever the fuck that means.

But to constantly throw everything into the pot and expect every single video about women to include the pressures on men is not helping. I'm glad to hear that you acknowledge being "triggered" -- which to me is an emotional response out of scale with the current situation. I'm glad you know that.

Maybe if you could channel that energy into specifics, instead of broadsides. Instead of challenging women's right to talk about themselves and their experiences, why not challenge the part of the videos that do the denigration towards men? I try very hard not to denigrate men, and I fall into it way way way too easy. (A source of shame for me.) A woman makes a crack about men being stupid? Jump on it! Say it is bullshit. Say you don't like it when we do it to you. OPEN OUR EYES TO OUR OWN BULLSHIT.

But that isn't going to happen when a woman is talking about her own experience and you jump in and muddle things by bringing up men and their challenges. That is where the "make your own video" comes from. Men aren't the topic right now. Women are the topic. And fuck yeah, we are victims. And we need to learn how not to be. Which is what this (flawed) video was trying to do.

The thing is, men are victims too. They just never talk about it. Why is that?

I absolutely agree with you that men have enormous pressures on them. I have two male friends who have talked at length about the experience of growing up male and not fitting the stereotype (and it is a stereotype), and what they suffered as they tried to make their own lives despite those pressures. Both of them were perceived as "weak". And now they are some of the best people on the planet because they had the courage to stay true to themselves.

I just beg of you to keep these topics separate.

Let women talk about their issues.

If you can find videos where men talk about their issues, post them.

If you find something in a video where men are denigrated, speak up about that specific piece of it.

It godawful tiring trying to change the world, isn't it?

(And maybe as you stick up for men in specific instances, you might grow some insight into the challenges faced by women. Maybe gain some sympathy as you attempt to help women have some sympathy towards men.)

Trancecoach said:

I don't have a lot of time at the moment to get into this in depth, but this article might help to clarify my thoughts on the issue.

This is not a "competition," by any means, but I am sensitized to the issue, having been indoctrinated throughout my schooling and my upbringing by what feels like a social inequity which purports that, implicitly, men are "bad" and need to be "checked" at every turn, while women are "good," and must be protected and acquiesced at all times. As I get older, however, this attitude turns sour as I continuously find myself faced with a stark dichotomy between either heeding the social, professional, and political needs, wants, and desires of "all women," and those of protecting my own social, professional, and political needs, wants, and desires "as a man." These shouldn't be dichotomous, but for some reason, it has become such.

I am willing to look at and manage my own triggers and/or issues around this, as a personal effort (and I do on almost a daily basis), but in the meantime (and in the hopes of supporting such an effort), I feel there needs to be a lot more recognition and dialogue around what constitutes "equality" (be it gender, or financial, or otherwise) within a society that is either politically regulated and thereby "rigged," by definition on behalf of some people, at the expense of others; or it is socially imposed, whereby (for example) a man is simply expected to be the breadwinner, by virtue of his gender, and reactively judged if he is or can not be that.

I have no interest in "making a video" about this, since my energies are better placed elsewhere, at present, but I can and do make comments on videos like this one, in an effort to meet and respond to the messages with which we're inculcated, with the personal albeit opposing view that things "are as they are" for a reason, and if we're to do anything about it, it requires a fuller examination of the entire picture, and not simply a one-sided, biased and therefore "unequal," perspective which posts blame (and/or guilt) upon one side of the equation without any (or with little) insight as to what role one plays in the issue, oneself.

I am not saying that the inequities aren't there. In fact, I'd go so far as to say
that people need to come to terms with the fact that some people will always "have more" than others and, in a leveled playing field, that is the only fair situation that can exist. In other words, any forced or imposed "equality" is implicitly incompatible with both liberty and freedom, and can not (and should not) be abided as a matter of course.

I encourage you to take a look at the article posted at the top of this comment for another perspective on the same (or "similar") issue.

The Power Of One Pink Tutu

artician says...

Err.... Tmobile viral? Theres this level of pretentiousness here with the "art" talk, and a sense of performers acting out scenes, and the fact that they talk about how its a phenomenon when most people who live on the internet probably only just heard about it through this.

I am admittedly bitter so could be wrong, but I don't put it past corporations to fake such a thing for an advertisement. It's too easy to manufacture realities today.

"The Stanley Parable" explained

ChaosEngine jokingly says...

Your finance sucks at games! I beat the game first time I played it! Stupid game, way too easy

Lendl said:

My fiancee for example hates it. She thinks it's stupid and waste of time and $12 and was angry that I played it last night before bed. Here, let me show you some messages she sent this morning:

so i was thinkking
well i was googling and you cant win your game

Ricky Gervais on His "Pathological Atheism"

poolcleaner says...

You know what really annoys me? So-called theists that trample over the idea that "we don't know what happens when we die", as if it were something never before considered in western philosophy. Shadows on a wall. That's all any human can know. Oh, but the voices (or "feeling" of a holy/unholy spirit) of "god" in your head confirmed that they're real because they said so..!? K...

Does anyone else not see the inherent security risk here? How does a god truly interface with a human mind and authenticate its validity beyond all shadows of doubt? Oh, you just know right? As if you're the expert on human perception. If the concept of demons or Satan be real, perhaps there is only that. Have you considered? Of course not, devout theist, the clause exists for a reason -- do not tempt. Never question. Does this sound like freedom... or tyranny at work?

Maybe the voice of "good" is in reality bad. Perhaps all voices from other realms (should you wish to believe such a concept) are the voices and feelings from another world bent on conquering our own. You don't know and you're better off ignoring ALL of this bullshit. One man's god is another man's demon and thus it's safe to just assume they're all demons, should you even fucking ignorantly consider believing this nonsense.

It's the only rational conclusion that I can imagine which takes into account the inherent security risks between potential "linked" worlds, and in which relinquishes fearful self interest and acquisition of "treasures" in the after life (afterlife class war much?). It's like clicking on an insane URL in an email from Sender: "God" h__p:/!YOURMINDSASLAVENOW. Would you seriously do that? You have no idea and you didn't even consider that belief could lead to damnation. It's just too easy. And what do we say about things that are too easy? I know what that means in this life, thank you very much.

Now you're hacked. Idiot. And you call unbelievers stupid and sad. For fuck's sake you can't even control your own mind's will to sync with the known patterns of security that we use for survival in this world. You think you're going to be safe in the next? You're ensnared and if you have an eternal soul, I HAVE PITY FOR YOU.

All we really know is that we don't know. It's not a revolutionary idea and in my honest opinion, if there is a life after death, then facing the ultimate fear of your own mortality is a challenge for true fulfillment of an undeserving eternity.

To believe in an after life without question is not to admit ones mortality. Admitting your mortality is a sobering and freeing concept. Again, I continue to feel pity for those whose minds are not free to process this.

Wavepool Lifeguard Rescue

ChaosEngine says...

To add to what others have said, I worked as a swimming instructor when I was younger, and it's amazing how un-water-wise some people are.

For a start, if you can't swim, those rings are a terrible idea, especially for kids. They are way too easy to flip over, and then suddenly your kid is underwater and freaking out.

Everyone should be taught to swim in school.

High Heel Surfing

oritteropo says...

Even though the high heel surfing competition was held in Kuta (in Bali, Indonesia) the women are from *Russia

Clearly ordinary surfing is too easy for them, but at least the heels would be a useful defence against sharks. Right?

radx (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

This has me more concerned than the NSA mess. Too easy for this to tip into community shunning and violating the rights of the accused. Innocent until proven guilty.

If he never used names, I'd be fine with it. But he uses names apparently.

Community shunning did work in the old days -- maybe this will indeed make a difference in the crime rate.

I don't like it when one person wearing a badge of authority does it.

TYT - Oh No - Is 'Back Door Teen Mom' The New Kim Kardashian

EvilDeathBee says...

Lol, you're way too easy to provoke.

chingalera said:

Maybe focus on your own dramatic issues rather than be yet another, to call attention to the dregs of society by exposing your own particular form of damage??

You have gun-issues, obviously-Baby-with-bathwater works in a dream-world, baby....

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