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The Most Costly Joke in History

Asmo says...


When it comes to the JSF, you can't fix stupid. In the designers, the people who think it's too big to fail, or the fanboys... = )

transmorpher said:

Overpriced, I'll agree with that - I'll also add overdue

1) We need F-35s because the playing field is currently too level

Senator Lindsey Graham is on the 'Ted Train'

heropsycho says...

The party is split no matter who wins. Trump has and likely will get more votes than anyone, but if he wins, I have even Republican friends who out of a moral obligation feel forced to vote for Hillary Clinton. Let that sink in. These are people who claimed Obamacare was "a complete government takeover of the health care system" claiming people (which is pure bullshit), and they can't stomach the thought of a Trump presidency.

On the other hand, Trump supporters might riot if Trump doesn't get it.

I don't generally make drastic predictions about politics, but I think we are watching the destruction of a political party. I don't see a way forward for the GOP because the Tea Party movement is too big and energetic within the GOP to not dominate it, yet cannot accept their way is a losing way, they are perfectly content on burning the GOP to the ground in the process, and too stupid to understand that is what they are doing.

bobknight33 said:

Lindsey Graham is a disgrace to the party.

Trump only exists because the party does not give a lick about its base.

If the GOP does not pick Trump or Cruz the GOP they will split / kill the party.

Teacher Speaks Out For His Students Against School Policy

MilkmanDan says...

I hope what he said makes some people think.

Unfortunately, I think that the machine that he is raging against is too big and too "full speed ahead" on NCLB for his reasoned and passionate words to have any real effect.

Going Interstellar - Photonic Propulsion

newtboy says...

I'm confused. They imply a 3 day trip to mars is possible, but is that at the maximum speed photonic propulsion can deliver, or do they include the acceleration and deceleration times? As I understood it, photonic propulsion can deliver extreme speeds, but only at a minimal acceleration. That means that maximum speed is much faster, but accelerating to that speed takes immensely longer, and the same goes for deceleration. Maybe they've invented a new method I've not heard of with much higher acceleration, but that's not really mentioned in the video.
They actually seem to imply they plan to use the same tech as cyclotrons, which means essentially a huge rail gun (and that's not photonic propulsion BTW, it's magnetic). Again, the amount of propulsion is miniscule, but the top speed is high with that method. Yes, you can expel matter at near speed of light, but only in tiny amounts and using huge amounts of energy.
Yes, it may take 10 minutes to achieve 30% the speed of light....with single molecules or atoms.
There are MANY reasons why we can't do this at macro sizes. Just look at the size of a cyclotron needed to accelerate an atom to those relativistic speeds. Now think about sizing that up to accelerate enough matter to move a spaceship instead of a single atom and it's likely near the size of the entire planet. We won't be building a cyclotron that size ever, nor will we likely ever shrink the accelerators to a size where they can fit inside a spaceship to shoot trillions of atoms out like a light speed gun. They are just too big and use too much power. Maybe once fusion is perfected and miniaturization also perfected it could work for interstellar travel, but never for local space travel, the acceleration levels are just too small.
Also, it seems solar sails give the same or better acceleration to the same top speeds without the impossible technology....but they don't work too well for stopping except at other stars.

3 Steps To Proper Lifting

Khufu says...

I want to get stronger, but I don't want to look like a power lifter... so I was thinking I should do more than 8 reps, but I REALLY don't want to look like a bodybuilder so I can't do 9-12 reps. So I'm thinking I'll start with 8 1/2 reps and see if I start getting too big. Sound ok?

Reaction to the Fine Brother's "React" Youtube controversy

mxxcon says...

Once again you do not understand the fucking difference between COPYRIGHT and TRADEMARK.

They shut down that guy's video for a COPYRIGHT violation because he used their videos wholesale without permission from them.

Whereas you can bet your ass that fine bros get all the legal permissions necessary from all the videos, items and people before they run any of their episodes. They are too big of a target and too much money at stake not to do it!

They shut down that guys video for COPYRIGHT violation, not TRADEMARK violation. They got a trademark for the logos and the exact format of their shows!
They did not trademark the concept of a "react" video!

mentality said:

Yeah I watched it. Did you watch it? Do you even understand why people are upset?

The point is the Fine brothers built their empire reacting to other people's content, but are now preventing other people from using their own derivative content. It shows just how much "good will" they have about people building a "community" with this trademark of theirs.

Start Getting Used To Saying President Trump

ChaosEngine says...

To address your points:

>> Bush: Disaster. Remember, remember the Patriot Act?
GW is not up for re-election and to the best of my knowledge Jeb had nothing to do with writing the Patriot Act. He supports it, but almost all the candidates do. I'm not a huge fan of Jeb, but he actually seems like the smart one in his family. Would still prefer him not to be president.

>> Clinton: Lying, manipulative, currently under Federal investigation by America's FBI department. Really?
@newtboy already addressed the so-called "email-gate" or whatever. As for "lying, manipulative"? You're kidding, right? She's a politician. They're all lying and manipulative. Ultimately, I think Hillary will probably get the democratic nomination and while I'm not a huge fan, she's an order of magnitude better than any of the republicans.

>> Bernie Sanders: Self-purported Socialist. Lovely.
So what? "Socialist" is not a bad word. Many of the highest ranked countries for citizen health and happiness are socialist. America needs to grow the fuck up and get over it's childish clinging to McCarthyism. A bit of socialism would do it the world of good.

>> Ben Carson: I have no particular qualms, by all means intelligent, however, doesn't say anything beyond the bloated party line.
Ben Carson, "intelligent"? Are you fucking kidding me? The guy's borderline insane. How he ever got to be a surgeon baffles me.
This is a guy who thinks that "Joseph built the pyramids to store grain", that doesn't understand fucking magnets, er, gravity and believes evolution was ‘encouraged by’ Satan. He's a fucking moron.

>> That brings us full circle back to Trump... He has a real, tangible plan...
to fuck everything up? Seriously, Trump is an idiot and would be the worst thing to happen to the USA (and by extension the world) in decades. His ignorance is matched only by his ineptitude.

>> As for Obama, and I include him because many seem to think he is great for some reason..
a) I don't think he's great, he's been a huge disappointment and
b) he's irrelevant to this debate
but anyway...

>> His healthcare plan failed(look it up)
I did and it hasn't.

>> America is now over $18 Trillion in debt.
I wonder if the previous president starting two wars has anything to do with that?

>> And he insists on throwing pebbles at ISIS while the EU does all the fighting
Way too big a topic to address here. Post on another video if you want to discuss it further.

>> I am not necessarily saying that Trump is a good person, or would make a good President, but he would me loads better than the other shrimps for candidates...
He's not, he wouldn't and better than an invertebrate with a brain only barely recognisable as such is not a sufficient bar for the presidency.

Syntaxed said:

Who would you have Americans elect?

Conor McGregor vs The Mountain

ChaosEngine says...

Agreed. Even in a "real" fight, although McGregor is a trained fighter and knows how to seriously injure someone and Björnsson (to the best of my knowledge) isn't, he's just too big.

He could probably lie down, let Connor put an arm bar on him, and still just break the arm bar and get up.

The only way to beat him would be at range with a spear or something. You'd be fine as long as you weren't stupid enough to get too close

dannym3141 said:

That's why they have weight classes in fighting sports. You can't rule anything out, but quite clearly early on the big guy had hold of him and let go, he was playing.

Knowing Connor, he'd have asked if the guy wanted to spar a little, just for fun; and consider what Connor - an tough, egotistical (yet lovable), pro fighter - finds fun He definitely wanted to carry that on longer than was comfortable for the big fella after he got grabbed early on... let him know who would win a real fight. Cheeky bugger, but definitely the archetypal lovable rogue.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

I wanted to drop a few (dozen) lines on VW this weekend, when the first dust settled. But I saw this question posed and couldn't resist:

"Why did no one blow the whistle on VW emissions? Are US or German whistleblower protection or rewards insufficient?"

Easy. No one blew the whistle, because it was an open secret. Both Brussels and Berlin knew about it. In fact, they banned precisely this device a few months ago. And you can bet your ass that a) these are not the only tests VW cheated on, and b) they are not the only ones doing it.

Too big to jail, son. Same shit, different day.

Fatty fatty two by four?

aaronfr says...

I've got a couple problems with this video and the common response across the internet:

Her story is just a series of anecdotes, not any kind of proof of industry standards.

Being rejected by "the industry" is a meaningless phrase. She was rejected by a couple of agents and customers, not "the industry".

But this is the big one...

Nobody said she was too fat. Nobody! But that is what everyone responds to, an argument that was not made. She was told that her hips are too big, that is not about body mass, that is about physiology. Diet and exercise can keep the fat off your hips, but it can't make them smaller.

What these agents are probably looking for is a more androgynous look. A smaller hip to waist ratio and bust to waist ratio. It's not about BMI at all.

Europe"s Strongest Man 2015 - "The Mountain"

Payback says...

Training for strength maxes out before bodybuilders continue for form. There's a point of diminishing returns for strength that actually falls back on itself when their muscles become too big to do any actual work, making them actually quite weak.

Dumdeedum said:

It always amuses me that the strongmen competitors never look like bodybuilders.

oritteropo (Member Profile)

radx says...

Take a look at these two charts, if you have a minute.

Spain: left scale is GDP (green) and industrial production & construction (black), right scale (inverted!) is unemployment rate (red)

Greece: same data, same scales

Unemployment tracks industrial production & construction in Greece and Spain, as you would expect. And so does GDP in Greece, but not in Spain.


It's too big a difference to not wonder if someone's fudging the numbers here to make it like austerity did the trick for Spain.

M. Taibbi: Largest Banks Admit to Massive Crimes, Still TBTF

M. Taibbi: Largest Banks Admit to Massive Crimes, Still TBTF

nanrod says...

I hate the term TBTF. If the corporation is too big to fail then don't let it or cause it to fail but rather put a few key executives in the slammer for 20 years and fine them into poverty. The corp. will replace the executives with new people who might think twice about the legality or morality of the methods they use to increase shareholder value and earn bonuses.

White Rapper Overweight Rap Battle

newtboy says...

Brutal, ballsy, berating of Biggie,
I wonder if mama was fat, would he be,
So quick to pick on another man's issues
Or would he feel badly, and hand him some tissues?
To dry up the tears that another made fall
by saying that he was too big to play ball,
or to feel, or be loved, or to be a real man,
or just sit in the heat without help from a fan.
His rhymes were OK, but the tempo was lacking
Like a long cooling drink, from a well they've been fracking.

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