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Obama: Romney's 1 Point Plan

Obama: Romney's 1 Point Plan

dotdude (Member Profile)

Gordon Ramsay's Perfect Scrambled Eggs

gargoyle says...

you guys are all funny. 55 comments! I like the idea of whole mushrooms, whole cherry tomatoes, and lovely dense, well-toasted bread. The eggs are really extraneous to that tasty base. That and the butter.

Jesus Painting Fail

mintbbb is Your New Supreme Empress (Sift Talk Post)

Robot Chicken: The Rescue (The ULTIMATE Showdown)

kceaton1 says...

I almost put this in the love channel, just for this one-time piece considering it's their 100th episode and the time and effort that goes into their productions. THIS is a proper example of the love and care they put into their job, if enough people feel the same we could add it in, BUT I added it to SKILLFUL as I thought that said what they did more than well enough and also...explained the time and love being put into these efforts.

Kudos to their production staff and crew, their executive staff and assistants, and OF COURSE...ALL of the voice actors over the years which have made this a unique experience to watch! Here's a virtual toast to them and if you can, take a shot in their honor and watch their 100th episode if you haven't AND ESPECIALLY WATCH the Star Wars specials if you have never seen them (SHAME ON YOU!!!).

Some of this is an extension of my information above, but not everyone reads it and I wanted the important bits in.

Quick and Simple Life Hacks in the Kitchen

Camaro catches fire and burns inside transport trailer

Melbas (Member Profile)

HP Offers 'That Cloud Thing Everyone Is Talking About'

ReverendTed says...

>> ^PostalBlowfish:

I have 2 TB of drives in my local computer. I could backup everything I have three or four times and still not fill 2 TB. So I don't need to backup my shit online, but more important than need, I don't understand why I would want to hand over my files to someone else.
Because while you're protected if your primary drive goes "BRAAAARRRRGGG-KCH-KCH-KCH-KCH-KCH", if your home burns then your backup drive is as toast as your primary. You need offsite redundancy.

Personally, I use CrashPlan to backup from my home computer to an external drive on my work computer. (I own my business, in case you were wondering about that.) So, it's still not "The Cloud", which is...The Internet? Apparently?

Fletch (Member Profile)

Army sent flame thrower to destroy huge wasp nest

Army sent flame thrower to destroy huge wasp nest

How to Make a Better Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

EvilDeathBee says...

I've never understood the spreads only sandwiches. A sandwich has to have substance! Lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, ham, salami, olives, spring onion, mayo, whole gran mustard, etc. I do like peanut butter, jam, Vegemite, but only on slices of toast with plenty of butter.

I'm hungry now

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