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FULL LENGTH VIDEO BK - Spongebob Squarepants "Square Butts"

EDD says...

This is off-the-charts awesome. And that's coming from someone who hates Spongebob Squarepants (holy crap I just wrote that name *shivers*) with a thermite-bright passion. I might even have to change my opinion of Nickelodeon.

John Ziegler Arrested at Katie Couric Journalism Event

rougy says...

>> ^Sagemind:
Again..., What is it with police and arresting an mistreating people for no reason what's so ever...

I thnk it's called 'authoritarianism' because 9/11 changed everything.

We're safer now because of it.

And ignore the evidence of thermite in the WTC debris.

Stupid truthers.

If 9/11 was an inside job, then we've been bombing the shit out of two countries for the past seven years for no remotely justifiable reason.

And Boeing and Lockheed would lose some money...and boo-hoo that's bad for our economy....

It *could* just be coincidence

joedirt says...

If you dreamed about planes hitting a skyscraper before 9/11, you were part of the govt conspiracy, or a jew. Clearly, you know about it ahead of time, maybe even you planted some thermite.

Steven Jones Pipes In About 9/11

BoneyD says...

Heathen, I'm directing that assertion at all the theorists frankly. You can be offended all you like, but the reason is as follows:

What does all this bullshit about it being an 'inside job' do to relatives of people who died on the day that have been unable to properly grieve? Thinking that there may be some unpunished crime that lead to their child's/father's/mother's death.

Ok, lets say what you're implying is true... lets say the US government, or clandestine parties within, hijacked four planes and flew them at four targets within their own borders. How can it be that NO official document has come to light in the last eight years with even a hint of any of this being orchestrated, nor has even a single whistle-blower come foward. Also... the Republican party risks being caught! If they were implicated in masterminding this, it would have them all sent to the gas chamber or shot by firing squad, with no exception! There is no way they would take the chance with a plot as risky as that.

By the way, do you really think a government that has bungled the Iraq/Afghanistan wars so badly, that we know so much about, could be pulled off by the lunatics currently in power?

Again, this is not just directed at you, but you must realise what entertaining the idea of what is suggested implies. And no, I didn't watch all of this, I just can't... it's such a frustrating grind to sit through so much waffle. If there was thermite in the dust everywhere, then there must be another logical explaination. Period. And by the way, the building did not just fall in it's footprint. There was extensive damage and fires cause in surrounding buildings, which is completely unlike a controlled razing.

I do not normally downvote videos, as I feel they need to be within a certain threshold of unsuitability for VideoSift. But I will now, I'm getting really sick of this disappointing garbage.

Steven Jones Pipes In About 9/11

heathen says...

>> ^BoneyD:
What are you talking about? The link describes how clean up began fairly soon after the collapse, where they used thermite to cut the remaining columns. It could very well have been all over the place ...
... What I think is happening with conspiracy theorists is that they can't accept that the "simple people" of the Middle East are as smart and as resourceful as any westerner. It is hubris to assume that they are lesser people to be pittied and unable to comprehend what the West has been doing to them. America is a fantastic nation and has accomplished some truly amazing things in its history, but it really has to get this superiority chip off its shoulder and learn a little humility.

I do not see the people of the Middle East as "simple", and I resent your implication that I would be so ignorant.
I am also not American, so please stop throwing generalisations and hypothetical accusations at me.

Please look at the facts presented in the video, rather than basing your argument on opinions you have formed prior to watching it.

I can't speak for anyone else but I am not trying to assign blame to anyone here, neither to the American government nor to Al-Qaeda.

What I am saying is that planes striking the towers the way they did being the cause of the towers falling in such a clean and compact manner is highly unlikely, if not impossible.

Thermate was found to be throughout the dust from the collapse, covering several blocks, including in rooms four stories up. This is not localised thermate residue from the clean up of the site, there would be no need to cut any steel that far away.

The idea that two towers can fall cleanly into their own footprint from two plane strikes, and a third that was not struck also fall in the same manner, is incredible.
When combined with the information that Thermate, a material used in controlled demolition of buildings with steel structures, has been found all over a wide area in and around the site then the idea that only the planes caused the collapse seems ridiculous.

I would be just as happy if the government said that they agreed the terrorists appear to have used more than just the planes to bring down the towers and that they were going to commence an investigation of how they could have got the thermate and other explosives onto the site.

Steven Jones Pipes In About 9/11

BoneyD says...

>> ^heathen:
>> ^BoneyD:
Ohh, for fuck's sake:

Have you actually watched this video? I don't see how your link is relevant?
This video is not discussing photos showing "angle of the cuts".
There is no accusation here related to firemen.
This is not related to the "yellow residue".
What is stated here is that the dust cloud from the collapse of the towers, that covered several blocks, contained thermate.
The dust cloud occurred prior to the cleanup operation.

What are you talking about? The link describes how clean up began fairly soon after the collapse, where they used thermite to cut the remaining columns. It could very well have been all over the place.

This other page they foward to (if you read my link?) talks about the absurdity of an apparatus required to set off a thermite cutting device on a column. Which would be bulky and clearly visible as the walls would have to be moved in to fit them.

Anyway, to be honest, I'm not up to scratch with all the physics here... because I don't need to be. I can accept that Al-Qaeda has the capasity and the will to pull off an attack as sophisticated as this, employing a style they have used before (ie. multiple simultaneous attacks on two or more targets), and the vast bulk of verifyable evidence points to this being the case. Richard Clarke stated in his book 'Against All Enemies' that an attack using airliners was not unknown as a probable tactic in intelligence circles.

What I think is happening with conspiracy theorists is that they can't accept that the "simple people" of the Middle East are as smart and as resourceful as any westerner. It is hubris to assume that they are lesser people to be pittied and unable to comprehend what the West has been doing to them. America is a fantastic nation and has accomplished some truly amazing things in its history, but it really has to get this superiority chip off its shoulder and learn a little humility.

Steven Jones Pipes In About 9/11

schmawy says...

But wait, what's this?

With the enclosed description:

From my local drugstore (specialist for paints)
I had some aluminum powder left.

When U mix it together with plaster powder
the aluminum can react with it.
But it needs a high temperature to ignite it.
Here I used a sparkler as a fuse.

I placed the mixture in a tin-can of peanuts.

WOW. Really a bright light,
overmodulating my camera.

This reaction produces an enormous heat,
melting the tin-can into an irregular shaped
piece of junk.
Residual aluminum or plaster cannot be found
after the reaction. The only thing is a slight
odour of rotten eggs
(H2S - hydrogen sulfide).

And another...

This mixture is stronger than thermite use aluminum powder with anhydrous Calcium sulfate(Gypsum heating above 250 °C),reaction start by ignite magnesium ribbon,and the chemical equation is:

Steven Jones Pipes In About 9/11

schmawy says...

I'm not sure that fire forensics guidelines require investigators to look specifically for Thermite when specifying "accelerants" but I'm not a fireman, It's work looking into.

Incidentally, 2500° C = 4532° F.

3: I will encamp against you all around;
I will encircle you with towers
and set up my siege works against you.

4: Brought low, you will speak from the ground;
your speech will mumble out of the dust.
Your voice will come ghostlike from the earth;
out of the dust your speech will whisper.

Isaiah 29 (New International Version)
OMG 9/11 just made me believe in the bible!

Seriously, Is asking NIST to look for thermi(a)te too much? The samples he had certainly seem to have a very good likeness to commercially available types.

Steven Jones Pipes In About 9/11

Steven Jones Pipes In About 9/11

heathen says...

>> ^BoneyD:
Ohh, for fuck's sake:

Have you actually watched this video? I don't see how your link is relevant?

This video is not discussing photos showing "angle of the cuts".
There is no accusation here related to firemen.
This is not related to the "yellow residue".

What is stated here is that the dust cloud from the collapse of the towers, that covered several blocks, contained thermate.

The dust cloud occurred prior to the cleanup operation.

Steven Jones Pipes In About 9/11

BoneyD says...

Ohh, for fuck's sake:

It was not a goddamn government conspiracy... It was a plot formed and carried out by a radical Islamic group, who held grievance against the US for infractions they felt were made against the Muslim world. Including: the presence of US bases on holy Saudi land; the interference with Iranian politics (installing the pro-western Shah via coup in the 1970s); the first Gulf war against Iraq; the support of Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories; etc. etc.

Grow the hell up and realise what is really going on the world, so that governments can learn not to just muscle around Middle Eastern nations, giving rise to such groups which do seek to exploit an angry muslim populace.

Steven Jones Pipes In About 9/11

heathen says...

Very interesting video, which I recommend watching.

Short summary for those who may not have the time/patience to watch the whole thing:

- Thermate was found throughout the dust from the WTC collapse.

- Thermate is thermite that has been mixed with sulphur, to keep the iron in the thermite molten longer, which helps when using thermite to cut through steel.

WTC - Multiple explosions documented

Sagemind says...

Comon' people, get your foot out of your asses.
It is not conspiracy to tell the truth.
The truth is that your government is lying to you.

Are you so blind as to give in to dis belief that they could do this and ignore all the facts. Actual facts! like:
-> black boxes being taken by government officials and being hidden away
-> film footage going missing like from the gas station across from the white house
-> actual thermite being discovered at the site
-> the whole clean-up mess being shipped over seas with anyone having a chance to looking at it
-> film footage of multiple demolition explosions
-> The film footage of the plane not being a passenger jet
-> first person reposts of multiple explosions before the planes hitting and the buildings coming down
-> The impossibly quick "pulling" of the third and fourth towers
-> The not plane shape hole in the White House
-> The wreckage at the White House not being from a passenger jet and suddenly disappearing
-> Conveniently finding all the passports of the Hi-jackers
-> finding several of the declared hijackers alive, unknowing and well after the fact.
-> leaked internal information that something was going happen that morning.
-> warnings to upper whitehouse officials to stay out of the building that morning.
-> reports of workers working for months inside the trade buildings every night in hidden seclusion.

I could go on but my fingers and brain will get sore, I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, in fact, ask my friends, I do it too often, even when not warranted, but come on, this is blatantly obvious - OPEN you eyes Americans!!!

Rant finished...

You can't polish a turd.....actually you can.

Hive13 says...

It is part of Episode 113 – "End With a Bang" aired 11/12/08 where they tested three popular idioms. "You can't polish a turd", "hit the ground running" and "end with a bang".

Pretty good episode. Jamie cuts an SUV in half using thermite.

French Foreign Legion - "Uncovering theTrue Face"

NordlichReiter says...

For those of you who feel that the french are ... what ever that stereotype is that the bush era has dumped on them.

The French made the FAMAS, thermite plasma, and they helped us out during the revolutionary war. Where did the statue of liberty come from?

So before you take the stereotype as true take a moment to look at our relationship with France.

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