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Charlie Sheen's Video Message to President Obama

volumptuous says...

I think Elvis did it.

He was made of molten steel and asbestos, and then the other guy got terrorism insurance like three days before The USA WTC Attacks of 911 and also ran a fake-flag against the Pentagons, which was NOT AN AIRPLANE, but was actually lazers shooting from super hi-tech rhinestones on his cape.

Everyone was in on it. Elvis "died" a long time ago, to receive the proper training to pull this off, not even thinking of all the co-ordination with the Pelosi Elite Task Force, who then planted and lit thermite explosives all over WTC 41 and 47.

They knew some skeptics could catch on to their evil plan one day, so they thought "hey, lets send out some of the absolutely stupidest people on the planet to push the 'inside job' theory!!", knowing the public would never buy their shit, Pelosibot3000 XL thought of only one name...Reid.

"Harry! Get Alex Jones on the phone!" Cried PLB3kXL.

"He's so fucking stupid, dishonest and unqualified, absolutely NOONE will buy this shit 8 years after it happened!"

And there you have it my friends.

PLB3kXL has successsfuullyy pulled teh woolz over all sheeple's eyes.

And, also.

Charlie Sheen's Video Message to President Obama

PostalBlowfish says...

>> ^spoco2:They have NO PROOF AT ALL that it was, NONE. The 'Thermite' bullshit is exactly that, bullshit, the 'molten steel' arguments are completely bogus.

You seem to be suggesting that you have a good explanation for all the molten steel. Let's hear it.

Proof is hard to come by because most of the proof was destroyed quickly. Some of the people who investigated this conspiracy (and lets be honest, even the official story is about a conspiracy) were scientists who knew how to find evidence of thermite, and in the evidence they could get samples of, they concluded there was sufficient evidence not to rule out thermite. It seems that the fires that supposedly caused the collapse were not sufficient to create molten steel, and you say it's all bullshit. So tell us the alternative explanation.

ps. I heard no mention of blame in this video. Of course, you wouldn't know that since you didn't watch the whole thing. Also, I hope you realize that the molten steel question is by far the least fundamental one. The simple concept of the pancake theory of collapse and the massive resistance against falling debris is easily the simplest matter involved that doesn't make sense in the scenario. The building simply fell faster than it would have if the official theory was true. These are serious questions worthy of answering. How could anyone honestly not want to know the answers? I'm not sure I want to know who was responsible, if not Al Qaeda, but I'm sure I'd like an explanation to the questions of what happened.

Richard Gage lays out the case for a 9/11 Conspiracy

bcglorf says...

Why did all three building fall into their own footprints?
They fell in a downward direction because of the little known force called GRAVITY!
They didn't exactly hit their own footprint too neatly though, as the first two collapses managed to adequately miss their own 'footprints' and hit WTC7 with enough force to cause it's collapse as well. The other hokum like max temperature of a fire and nano-thermite are equally ridiculous, 5 seconds in google will get you good answers to any of them if you really honestly care.

I don't think you need to be an "engineer" to conclude the 9/11 Commission Report does a poor job addressing these questions.

You shouldn't need any degree at all to wonder how the experts that formed and have read the official investigation have missed something fundamental enough that even you as a laymen can easily see it.

Richard Gage lays out the case for a 9/11 Conspiracy

joe2 says...

his arguments:

1. it's never happened before
2. no large deformations associated with collapses
3. evidence of 10 key features of controlled demolition
4. bldg 7 falls straight down at freefall speeds
5. 700 "architects and engineers" demand investigation
6. pools of molten iron at site
7. office fires are 1400-1600 degrees, not 3000 degrees
8. iron found in dust which proves thermite was used
9. small chips of unignited thermite
10. "nano-thermite" found which is complex to make
all of these are irrelevant or just plain not true and been debunked over and over and over. i think a lot of people just lost their minds on 9/11 and are willing to believe the craziest thing they hear. it's pretty sad. but this richard gage dude apparently is making money off this by selling books and copies of a dvd and speaking fees. and he is NOT an architect as he claims in this video. so i think he's just a con man.

Richard Gage lays out the case for a 9/11 Conspiracy

bcglorf says...

>> ^shuac:
Here we go. Cue the uber-patriots: "So you're saying Bush colluded with the terrorists to kill thousands of people and destroy billions of dollars worth of property?? You morons! Downvote!"
Uh, no. No sane person is saying that. Try to pay attention.
What they're saying is quite simple: "There should be a thorough, independent investigation."

Well, I agree that no sane person is saying that, Richard Gage is. Sorry, couldn't resist.

Seriously, if he says it's a controlled demolition and the implications of this are really 'dark' because of how secure these buildings are, what is that supposed to imply? Remember that the government's investigation clearly denies any kind of controlled demolition. You can't distance Richard Gage's claims from the argument that very high level officials were responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

Also notice he's moved up his claims from thermite to the much scarier nano-thermite. Throwing the word nano in helps rally in the choir he preaches to.

and more simply, BOOOOOO!

Richard Gage lays out the case for a 9/11 Conspiracy

demon_ix says...

The question she asks at 5:04 is something I would expect a theist to ask in theological discussion.

If Al-Qaeda was able to bring explosives and military-grade thermite into the buildings, why even bother with the planes?

9/11 Blueprint for Truth - Compelling Presentation

crotchflame says...

I keep waiting to see what's so convincing for the people here and I can't find it. But rather than counter-arguing I'll give my advice as a scientist to the people who present these things.

1) Quit talking about the "myth" and "official story." You should be proposing this as a hypothesis as an alternative to the standard hypothesis. Presenting the scientific method as a way to tell the truth from lies is a perfect example of this where they should have simply described it as a method for determining the truth. You're giving away an emotional conviction toward the conclusion of the study.

2) Quit mentioning that no building has collapsed due to fire before. It's irrelevant.

3) Almost all of the eyewitness accounts should be ignored - especially given the chaotic nature of the events that day and especially people claiming to have heard explosions.

4) The fact that the towers fell mostly on their own footprint is exactly what you'd expect from a building collapsing under the weight of the topmost floors. There's simply no source of momentum to force the tower to fall sideways. Building 7 is more interesting though and the video spent more time on this.

6) Too much of the analysis is based on small samples and having been done by this Dr. Jones alone. It seems as though there could be several other explanations for the thermite evidence Jones found that isn't presented. I'm not even saying they're better explanations, but I feel pretty certain someone has presented other explanations and this guy doesn't present them.

...Anyway, I'm getting bored. Basically, by the way this is presented I can't believe this guy, or any others I've seen, are being objective and so I can't shake the feeling that there's lots of data that isn't being presented here. I spend a lot of time listening to technical talks and you can quickly tell the difference between someone presenting scientific results and someone trying to sell you something.

Charlie Sheen's Video Message to President Obama

IronDwarf says...

What evidence? The government had all debris and steel shipping out of the country ASAP and wouldn't let anyone near it to examine it! As well as all debris from the Pentagon!
And yes, Actual Thermite was found in the debris before it was whisked away!

Yes, it is unfortunate that those materials are no longer available to be viewed. It would clear up untold numbers of these wobbly theories in an instant.

However, to continue believe that a conspiracy this big would have no whistleblowers is absurd to the highest degree. You would have to live in a fantasy world, having watched too many shitty action movies, to believe that to have participated in something this big wouldn't weigh on the conscience of at least one person. Oh right, the government and/or billionaire cabal would have silenced them, and subsequently anyone who would have spoken up about that mysterious death, and then anyone who would speak up about their death, etc etc etc. Doesn't that sound absolutely absurd and wholly unbelievable to anyone else?

It's almost like belief in these conspiracy theories has become a religion for some people. They believe what they believe because they believe it, and no amount of rational, reasonable explanation or debunking or actual proof will make them see things differently. It seems to become comfortable to believe because the theories are consistent and controllable, unlike life, which is often chaotic and unexplainable and uncontrollable.

Oh goodness, Thermite! It was proven that no amount of thermite could have done anything to the steel trusses inside the WTC, either through weakening them or cutting through the steel itself. There is no way to make thermite do the damage that all these ridiculous sites claim, like making a clean cut through steel. It burns way to quickly and chaotically to do anything to steel, especially stuff that thick.

Charlie Sheen's Video Message to President Obama

Sagemind says...

What evidence? The government had all debris and steel shipping out of the country ASAP and wouldn't let anyone near it to examine it! As well as all debris from the Pentagon!

And yes, Actual Thermite was found in the debris before it was whisked away!

>> ^IronDwarf:
Since the official version of events has already been released, I would say it is up to the conspiracy theorists to provide their evidence that contradicts the official version. And by evidence I mean physical proof of bombs inside the towers, physical proof of a missile hitting the Pentagon, physical proof of anything that happened that directly contradicts the official version.

Charlie Sheen's Video Message to President Obama

gwiz665 says...

I would like to hear some of these things explained properly too. Many of the things in here are hard to explain, the thermite looking liquid fire that poured out of the towers, building 7, the pentagon plane crash. I can hardly imagine a conspiracy in this magnitude, but it's not a court marshal, I just want to get a real investigation and get the truth out.

Charlie Sheen's Video Message to President Obama

spoco2 says...

Nope... sorry, stopped watching as soon as it went into that bullshit 'It looked just like a controlled demolition ergo it was'.

What utter drivel.

What utter dross.

Questioning who really planned and carried out the attacks is one thing.

Suggesting they were planned demolitions by the government, get stuffed.

Really, utterly, get stuffed.

Just because a building falls down in a manner that looks like what you've seen in controlled demolitions does not make it BE a controlled demolition.

They have NO PROOF AT ALL that it was, NONE. The 'Thermite' bullshit is exactly that, bullshit, the 'molten steel' arguments are completely bogus. It's all shit coming from people with no proper understanding of how things work in THE REAL WORLD. Their claims have been debunked time and friggen time again.

And if Charlie Fucking Sheen is their spokesperson now... well... good luck to you, really... it's CHARLIE SHEEN! You are pinning your hopes on him? F*ck me, that's sad.

Change? (Info Revolution 2009)

spoco2 says...

>> ^EndAll:
There's more to the arguments than all the talk about thermite, though. Take for instance the account of former 9/11 videographer Kurt Sonnenfeld. As for the thermite though, there still are some valid questions to be raised - a recent scientific study was released that added credence to these questions.. check it out, it's linked to in this here article.
And Nordlich, I can empathize with the way you feel. It's hard not to be pessimistic, apathetic, or just feel utterly hopeless about everything. There are individuals and organizations all over the world though that fight every single day to educate people and inform them of the truth. It's up to us to get involved and enact real change.

Nooooo, you've been suckered in by their utter non-scientific drivel too! What exactly in Kurt's writings did you find to be of any credibility? Really. He goes on about how if black boxes were destroyed, how come other bits that he saw weren't. Um... because things like that happen all the time when it comes to destruction, some things get utterly destroyed, while other bits escape seemingly unharmed due to the way their were thrown from the area or whathaveyou. I mean THIS is the sort of shit that the ENTIRE 'truther' movement is based around, these sorts of bullshit 'I saw molten metal, must have been steel, how could it have got that hot without explosives' SHIT.

Argh, it drives me mad.

And Kurt himself left the country due to the suspicious death of his wife where he was accused of murdering her. Which he has now turned into a way for them to stop him showing something or other about 9/11... which is madness.

And the 'scientific study'. *sigh* You need to spend some time reading the posts here because everything those supposed scientists claim as being 'proof' is utterly debunked.

Almost completely everything to do with the 9/11 conspiracy nonsense is people seeing things happen one way, against what they expect (the buildings falling straight down for instance) and then ascribing something they do know to look like that (a demolition) and forcing the facts to fit.

It's utterly infuriating. And you can spend a long time in 'their world' on the net and seem to think you're reading material backed up by others, but it's all a cyclic loop of the same stuff feeding back from one person to another.

Don't get suckered in.

As for the New World Order... meh, I haven't spent the time looking into it, and don't plan on wasting my time on it frankly.

Change? (Info Revolution 2009)

EndAll says...

There's more to the arguments than all the talk about thermite, though. Take for instance the account of former 9/11 videographer Kurt Sonnenfeld. As for the thermite though, there still are some valid questions to be raised - a recent scientific study was released that added credence to these questions.. check it out, it's linked to in this here article.

And Nordlich, I can empathize with the way you feel. It's hard not to be pessimistic, apathetic, or just feel utterly hopeless about everything. There are individuals and organizations all over the world though that fight every single day to educate people and inform them of the truth. It's up to us to get involved and enact real change.

Change? (Info Revolution 2009)

spoco2 says...

except that world government thing, that was batshit and an unnessesary component of american hegemony.

No, but see, I did say that there was reasonable stuff in here... BUT... it has that bullshit music to try and make it all seem evil and all encompassing. and then it does throw in stuff like a 'world government' which is that whole 'New World Order' bullshit.

Just because there are reasonable things said, doesn't make all of it ok.

It's like the 9/11 conspiracy theorists who say the towers were brought down by previously set up thermite explosives which were then detonated after the planes hit.

They say a true thing of 'where exactly is the evidence to link Osama and the attack or Iraq and the attack'. No real arguments there... but then they go on about thermite and molten metal and the ridiculous 'evidence' that they've 'gathered' to prove that the towers were brought down by the government using those methods.

I can agree with the fact that they went after the wrong people entirely in regards to who to blame and then attack, but I don't then by extension believe in the rest of their batshit crazy talk.

8 Must See Documentaries

enoch says...

i only mentioned the thermite babble as a point of discussion,but im glad we agree about the questions concerning the actual events of that day.lets remember the governments "version" is by definition a conspiracy theory.
thermite babble may be just that,but there are still many un-answered questions.

i am gladdened you watched some of those documentaries,even if you disagreed with their premise.i tend to agree with your point of the slanted view of many docs but i have no problem in that long as it can offer new information.
arundhati roy's we-come september happens to be my favorite.maybe because it is one womans way of seeing things and not an outright gotcha documentary.
i also could not agree with you more on the point that things are complicated and that there is a wealth of information much more soundly based.i look forward to your posts in that regard my friend.i am also glad that you did not take my post as a swipe at you....nuance can be difficult in text,and some mistake my comments as attacks.
they are not.
anyways..thanks for clarifying,always appreciate your intelligence and wit.

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