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8 Must See Documentaries

bcglorf says...

you stated about the "thermite babble".
ok...that should be a topic of discussion

I would disagree, it should NOT be a topic of discussion. It deserves as much discussion as questions about Obama's birth certificate. It is a waste of time. I will gladly try to clarify the 'thermite babble' with friends, family and people I meet who believe it, I consider at least attempting that discussion worthwhile. I will avoid listening to hours of video that includes the 'thermite babble', that is relatively worthless.

I consider it akin to refuting the latest cult of the day. I consider watching Scientology's latest video to be relatively worthless. I do however consider discussing Scientology with friends, family and people I meet who don't know it's a scam worthwhile. I've already picked up enough about Hubbard that I really don't see the need for anymore proof for the truth of things. I don't feel a need to spend days and nights going through every piece of teaching anyone in Scientology has ever come out with before rejecting it all as not worth my time and a bad source for useful information. I consider videos that believe in the thermite myth to be in the same category of proven non-utility.

the "conspiracy theory" we were given and the questions therein have never been fully answered by the american government.

I'm not sure which 'conspiracy' you refer to. For certain I agree lots of what happened around 9/11 has not been answered, in particular a lot of what happened immediately after. My previous point though ties into my response here. Videos talking about thermite are one of the poorest places to go looking for those answers. The answer to the biggest question though is clear. Al-Qaeda was responsible for the 9/11 attacks. The proper response to that is littered with a lot of smoke and mirrors and a century of geo-politics, and I don't see any of the trailers for these videos looking as promising sources for wading through that.

i have no problem with disagreements,but at least digest the material before you critique said material.

Well, I've now watched the two that looked the most worthwhile.

"War Made Easy" didn't provide a single piece of novel information, and was little more than archived news footage with a one sided commentary read by Sean Penn. I learnt nothing as expected and wouldn't reccomend it to anyone. I'd in fact argue against someone not informed about recent history watching it for the very false image that it protrays of recent history taken all by itself without knowing the things the film leaves out.

"Why We Fight" confirms what I said I expected as the high mark of the videos. It includes some new footage and interviews, although the information found in those videos that is new/novel is trivial in nature. The major points and facts it does present are all available in other places, and with better context. More over, it presents an extremely one sided picture and works more strongly as a propaganda piece than as an informative work.

For anyone under the delusion that corruption isn't rampant in American government, this video has important information. There are better sources for that information though, and to be honest no video is likely to persuade people so deluded anyways. In the real world though, one has to actually look beyond the state of America and look also at the geopolitics of the places it is in conflict with. Yes, we all know Cheney is corrupt and his actions have been criminal, that isn't the final word on the Iraq conflict. In many ways, that fact is barely a footnote.

Both videos, as I've said elsewhere, follow the same road to failure as the mainstream media, and the same road to failure they themselves decry. That failure is the oversimplfication of geo-politics and it's causes. Both videos present the problem in American foreign policy as simply being too militaristic, and the solution as simple as reducing military spending or better media coverage of arising conflicts. If only the world where truly that simple. In reality things are vastly more complicated, and there is a wealth of video, interviews, and documentaries that attempt to investigate and reveal the layers of that complexity. These videos though are no where near that world.

8 Must See Documentaries

enoch says...

>> ^bcglorf:
>> ^EndAll:
Did you watch any of them, in full, bcglorf?

Nope, the trailers are more than enough for me to tell there are much better ways to spend my time. Should a person be expected to read the Koran and Bible from cover to cover before being allowed an opinion on religions based on them?

healthy skepticism is good,in my opinion a must-have in this media drenched climate,but to dismiss information based soley on trailers does not fit into that weakens your stance and makes your opinion less likely to be taken seriously.

many documentaries have a bias,as do so many news shows we are subjected to,but the points they bring up should be pursued and discussed.what many documentaries bring to the table are questions,valid ones many times.they give a much more well-rounded context which gives us a more complete picture.i agree it us up to us to sift through the rhetoric because sometimes that all it is....rhetoric.

let me make an example.
you stated about the "thermite babble".
ok...that should be a topic of discussion,but to out of hand dismiss all other points due to a disagreement on one detail disregards a much greater point that the
"conspiracy theory" we were given and the questions therein have never been fully answered by the american government.

this is the same mentality of a fundamentalist concerning the bible.they cannot accept any conflicting information concerning the bible because to do so would be,in their minds,rejecting we have creationists and young earthers.their inability to even consider ideas which challenge their understanding of the world must,at all costs,be rejected because if they even considered the possibility they may have to change their concepts and ideology.political ideology can be just as dogmatic and implaccable as religious is a dangerous place to get stuck in for it leads to stagnation and rot.

i enjoy your comments,and even debating with you,but you are so much better than what you portray here my friend.i have no problem with disagreements,but at least digest the material before you critique said material.

8 Must See Documentaries

bcglorf says...

>> ^EndAll:
Did you watch any of them, in full, bcglorf?

Nope, the trailers are more than enough for me to tell there are much better ways to spend my time. Should a person be expected to read the Koran and Bible from cover to cover before being allowed an opinion on religions based on them?

Unless people really start getting behind them it's not worth the time to go through and sifting the truth from the propaganda in them. As i said already, I'm confident there is a lot of true information in these films. I'm sure there is even a lot of new information for many people watching them. That is NOT enough for me. As I said before, FOX often has new information first. The problem I have with BOTH is in the selection of the facts made available. By presenting a long list of negatives about something and failing to include any positives you can use nothing but the truth to paint a picture that is entirely false.

From the trailers presented here(thermite babble) and the past work of some of the authors(zeitgeist) that tells me what to expect, and it isn't of any better quality than the mainstream media(some in fact appears worse). The only difference being the spin has been turned 180.

Mythbusters - Thermite vs Ice

ReverendTed says...

On the one hand, I'm on board with the idea that "this is similar to the ingot burst", but I disagree that you'd get an even more spectacular result with a bucket of water, as butt3rnuts suggests.

I disagree because I've done that, and it just liberates a lot of steam.

In my case, the setup was a pot of thermite that poured into (well, through) a coffee can of water and then down into a large beaker of water and sand.

As an aside, the glass formed as the thermite contacts the sand is a pretty neat souvenir.

Mythbusters - Thermite vs Ice

Mythbusters - Thermite vs Ice

Mythbusters - Thermite vs Ice

Gapo says...

The water gets vaporized extremely fast because of the very high heat of the burning thermite. 1 liter of water turns into 1700 liters of steam nearly immediately. You get the idea why you see an explosion.
It's the same thing as if you would try to extinct a grease fire with water. NEVER EVER DO IT!

cybrbeast (Member Profile)

cybrbeast (Member Profile)

Mythbusters - Thermite vs Ice

Enzoblue says...

The aerosolizing theory sounds plausible to me. Lots of things ignite that way, I've personally blown a ball of fire with a mouthful of corn starch and I hear sugar and flour work too. A mouthful of thermite, (as if), would be insane.

Mythbusters - Thermite vs Ice

Mythbusters - Thermite vs Ice

Mythbusters - Thermite vs Ice

butt3rnuts says...

pho3n1x hit the nail on the head. I was a personal witness to the same type of reaction in an art school metal casting class. A classmate of mine didn't properly dry his mold before the casting. Once the 1300+ degree liquid aluminum hit the tiny pool of water in the bottom the whole thing exploded. If the mold hadn't been 3/4 buried in a sand pit before hand we would have been in trouble

I'd suspect an even better reaction by suspending the thermite above a bucket of water, which would result in a quicker conversion to steam due to the lowered energy required and the greater surface area.

Mythbusters - Thermite vs Ice

Mythbusters - Thermite vs Ice

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