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Kid Finds Mum's Massive Dildo

Going to the Doctor in America

Porksandwich says...

Can't help but think that we're setting us up for a big wave of very sick people on medicare. When the things they have require a lot of therapy and recovery, perhaps multiple surgeries to fix....where as if it had been caught 20 years ago prior to them being on medicare it might have been quite simple to address....but they didn't have insurance so it wasn't feasible.

Plus you look at the insane amount of "defense" and "spying" costs we have in the US, and that stuff keeps getting increased and cheered on like it's a cure for everything.

Walt gives Hank the Wrong CD

Trancecoach says...

If you watch this week's episode of Breaking Bad, it will all make sense. It's even funnier tho if you know the whole context.

Here's the synopsis for this week's episode in which wiki describes this portion of the story as follows:

"Walt and Skyler invite Hank and Marie to a restaurant. The Whites try to convince the Schraders to keep their children out of the situation, but the Schraders refuse to comply; Marie even states bluntly that Walt should kill himself to end it all. As the Whites leave, Walt gives his in-laws a DVD of his "confession." Playing it at home, Hank and Marie discover it is really a form of blackmail accusing Hank of being the mastermind of the Heisenberg empire and forcing Walt to cook meth for him. Hank then finds out that operation and therapy which made him walk again was paid at Walt's expense, from Marie's unwitting receipt of Walt's drug money, which gives credence to Walt's story and torpedoes his own credibility."

CrushBug said:

I have no idea what is going on here. Can anyone link to the original video so I can get some framing?

I forgot my phone

shinyblurry says...

its kind of sad when you visit a park and everyone there is either on their phone or a laptop. yes, this kind of thing does happen..and ive read that teens having grown up texting need therapy to learn how to communicate face to face. this vacuous culture that idolizes the self naturally creates self-absorbed people who are perpetually distracted by their own private little universes. having been hooked by the constant influx of new information and entertainment, you are really seeing a picture of addicts getting their fix. its generation me, myself and I..too busy with gratifying the self to even look you in the eye

Why Are American Health Care Costs So High?

Bruti79 says...

This is a false or misleading statement. The reasons for some Canadians having to wait or not being able to have a doctor are different. Canada has had a terrible drain on it's medical system with doctors and nurses going down to the US, because they make more money there. This has lead to new programs to entice them to stay in Canada. It looks like they have been working, but it's a 10 year study and we need to see the numbers.

As a Canadian who has been though the healthcare system in Ontario, and had family members who've had been through health care in Quebec, Manitoba, Alberta, British Columbia, Halifax and Newfoundland.Labradour, I can tell you the parts that work and the parts that don't.

I'm a type I diabetic and I've had cancer twice. I've had a sarcoma in my saliva gland and as a result of radiation therapy, I've had melanoma skin cancer crop up on my body as well. I've had four major surgeries on my body. Two of them were serious complicated nervous system surgeries or lymphatic resecctions. I've been through my fair share of Canadian health care.

First things first. It's not a national healthcare. Anyone saying national healthcare doesn't know what they're talking about. The provinces and territories have their own health care. Granted, the territories get a lot more help from the Federal Gov't, but the health needs of people in Ontario are different from those in Manitoba.

Let's get into the brass taxes. I've had the nerve surgery and radiation therapy that was done on my face evaluated at a hospital in West Virgina as part of a study to compare American HC vs. Canadian HC. For my first surgery, I got to choose my doctor, I was given a list. They recommended one doctor, who was an expert in North America for nerve surgery, but he was recovering from a surgery of his own. They suggested I wait for him to be ready, but if I wanted to proceed, I could wait if I wanted.

I waited and surprise, no facial paralysis. I then had to do 30 days of intense radiation therapy in my parotid bed, to make sure they got it all.

I paid a total of $300 dollars in parking. I also have private health insurance for diabetic supplies, which means any medication I had to get to deal with the after effects of radiation had an 85% payback.

Years later when the effects of radiation had settled and I had a tumour form from the radiation, I had gone to my family doctor, saw a specialist the next day and then within the week I had an excision done. It came back positive and within a week of that, I was given a sentinel node biopsy to see if it had spread.

It had.

Within a month of the first examination, I had a full lymphatic ressection of my left leg and groin done. This wasn't as complicated as the facial nerve surgery, so I got a list and a suggestion of who to do the surgery.

That came back clean, but I now deal with a lot of complications from that.

That surgery cost me nothing.

In West Virgina at a hospital (they didn't tell me which one they used.) The total for all the exams (CT, MRI, etc.) the surgery and the radiation therapy came out to $275,000. Give or take.

This is why it drives me nuts when I see people get things wrong about Canada. We have problems, oh yes we do. For example, don't be over the age of 65 in BC or Quebec. The diagnostics training in Nova Scotia or Newfoundland if pretty terrible. But, I got to choose my doctor, and I saw everyone really quick. Why? Because you don't fuck with melanoma.

So, I'm sorry Trancecoach, I saw that video you linked. The guy lost a lot of credibility at "Communist State of Canada." You're already skewing your message to say something. You are just plain wrong about health care in Canada, the way you talk about. I am living proof of how well it works.

I'm a self employed photographer and the most I've ever had to pay was for parking at the hospital. That was the $300 dollars. I paid my taxes and that paid for my health care. If I didn't, and if other Canadians didn't, I would not be here, as with many other Canadians.

Critique us for the things we do shitty, but I have yet to see anyone do that. I see talking points and misinformation from people just spreading false info.

Get your facts straight. I know how it works in Ontario the best. But, I also know for a vast majority of the other country. I can tell you Saskatchewan has had an exodus of nurses, but that's not bad health care system. That's a gov't system that can't keep nurses in the province. If we can keep doctors and nurses, the system works great.

The guy you linked to, most of his sources for data are absolute crap and he misleads a lot of his talking points. This stupid lottery doctor that happened was because it was an isolated town in the wilderness and there was only one doctor left after the other passed away. So yes, he had to do a lottery for people so he wouldn't get swamped, unless it was an emergency. It was a town, I believe about 10,000 people, but I'm not sure on that.

Trancecoach said:

The US government pays a lot for healthcare. When you work for a major university (as I have you), you became acquainted with how much funding their university hospital gets for research from the government. And in countries like Canada, where you can't even find a doctor and have to wait months to see one, of course the spending will be less as they have fewer medical providers and fewer variety of services. But your point is well taken. The US government does spend more "tax" dollars per capita than many of these other socialist healthcare utopias.

Woman thinks all postal workers are after her

chingalera says...

See though, how a bot (pun intended) of well-placed and otherwise distinctly-directed chum calls to the mat a reasonably informative discussion of the varied dynamics of mental divergence, yeah verily, even a professional chimes-in to offer the low-down?!

I still believe that the embed was intended to coax the finger-pointers out for a troll and I'm still pissed at someone's particular lack of civility and courtesy after an ass-rape, without a customary reach-around there, KUbrikboy 😈

How bout a chat sometime? I'm cheaper than therapy and love to entertain!

blankfist said:

You doth protest a bit much about schizophrenia, chungilaaeria.

Woman thinks all postal workers are after her

Chairman_woo says...

I feel I can say with some authority that having worked with (primarily) schizophrenic patients for the last 3 years that you don't have the slightest clue what your talking about.

"She's a tiny step away from attacking these random strangers......she needs to be committed"

Yup, there's absolutely no hint here that she's the vulnerable one most likely to actually end up hurt or taken advantage of. (it's not like only around 10% (UK) of sufferers act violently) Better watch out for that crazy lady people! She's probably got an axe at home and everything....

"If you, or anybody were to try and talk to her and "understand" her, she would repay you with accusations of stalking and wanting to do her harm"

So you know her personally then? Maybe you read her case file instead? I'm sure you'd never make such an outrageously deep personal judgement about someone based on only a few video's clearly shot only during psychotic episodes!
Naturally you must have taken the time to find out what she's like when she's calm and comfortable and how her condition has developed over her lifetime, I mean what kind of colossally judgemental anus would make a sweeping character judgement without doing that? Not you I'm sure

So tell me. Has she had any cognitive behavioural therapy? Did she respond well? How frequently has she suffered episodes in the past? Is this a recent condition? What medication is she on? What kind of family support does she have? Has she ever committed a serious violent act in the past? Does she have friends? Is there any history of self harm, eating disorders, learning difficulties? Has she ever displayed suicidal ideation? Has she been institutionalised in the past? How did she respond to that? Has she ever refused treatment? ETC. ETC. ETC!!!!

"And what is there to understand?"

Yeh what's there to try and understand about the personal complexities of another human beings anguish? Clearly she just needs to be locked up in Bedlam and drugged with all the other crazies!.........
...........Disgusted beyond words

Rawhead said:

And what is there to understand? she accusing random strangers of staking her, that is the definition of insane, and crazy. Shes a tiny step away from attacking these random strangers. she needs treatment yes, but her treatment will take years, possibly decades. If you, or anybody were to try and talk to her and "understand" her, she would repay you with accusations of stalking and wanting to do her harm. she needs to be committed.

Marriage Counseling Envisioned by Children

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'trampoline, angry wife, kids, crying baby, therapy' to 'trampoline, angry wife, kids, crying baby, therapy, kid snippets' - edited by Fusionaut

Toy Soldier takes a header at Disneyland

Dan Savage on What to Expect From a Gay Roommate

bamdrew says...

In female to male gender transition, transgendered people often have voice changes with testosterone injections if they are younger. Their voice will drop, not unlike during puberty for men, although they may also choose to attend voice therapy to further 'pass' as a man.

Anyhow, the sound of what is 'feminine' and 'masculine' are to a degree hormonal. It can be hormones delivered artificially, hormones exposed to during development that change the different aspects of the brain, a lot of the details are not well understood.

Theres a lot more to say, but I might be rambling. Jump on the googles if you're interested, maybe stumble on the Kinsey Institutes sex and gender research.

VoodooV said:

anyone know if what savage says is true or is he just speculating? I always assumed it was a sociological thing and a manifestation of counterculture and that it would eventually go away as gays are accepted and treated like everyone else

Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL

Crazy Amy's Baking Company

Cracked Chiropractor Commercial: Is This For Real?

criticalthud says...

sure, Chiro is western as much as osteopathy is, but in the general scheme of things, somatic practitioners in the west are considered "alternative" health care. Chiro is good for acute subluxations. Poor for chronic. Most acute subluxations are however a result of a chronic misalignment that has suddenly become acute.

as for, homeopathy. quackery perhaps, but it also operates under the same exact same premise as vaccinations: "like cures like".

PT's operate under a principle of "strong vs. weak" muscles in assessing structure and prescribing treatment. Their general bent is to "strengthen" the weak muscles in order to stabilize the problematic joint. The problem with PT and any other therapy that is primarily concerned with relative length in contractile tissue (muscle and fascia), is that contractile tissue is a "reactive" system in the body rather than control. The control lies within the neurology. PT has thus been shown to be of limited effectiveness.

and, btw, the garbageman has done more for stopping the spread of disease than the doctor.

Cracked Chiropractor Commercial: Is This For Real?

hatsix says...

Just to be clear, Chiropractic care is VERY MUCH "Western" medicine. It is a bit over 100 years old, but just as much pseudo-science as the grand-daddy of quackery, Homeopathy.

There are many practitioners that mix it with non-quackery, like Physical Therapy and Massage Therapy. There are some that mix it with traditional "Eastern" medicine, like acupuncture and herbal medicines. But that doesn't reduce it's quackery.

And certainly, there are many questionable practices in non-alternative medicine, especially with behaviorally-difficult children. But it isn't their fault that there is medication that lessens the severity of these outbursts. Don't blame the doctors for giving parents what they ask (and pay) for. Blame the parents who are looking for a quick fix, rather than spending time with their kids to fix the real issues. These are cultural issues, not specifically issues with the medical establishment, the same as obesity and diabetes.

The true way to tell if someone really understands alternative medicine's issues with mainstream medicine is to bring up Chiropractic care. If they can fault mainstream medicine for treating the symptoms and not the core issue, and they feel like adjusting alignment of bones is better than a PT working to heal your body so it can handle it's own alignment, they're really just being contrarian and anti-authoritarian, Not actually being logical with their choices.

criticalthud said:

are you an md? if you are, the number of patients you see, the treatments you can provide, and what drugs you deal are dictated by insurance and pharmaceutical companies, and you have no choice but to comply while you pay off your 200k in loans.
Do you know what iatrogenic death means, or what the rate of iatrogenic death is? check it out....
There is plenty of quackery in the western md world.

as for Chiropractic, at least they are attempting to address the most glaring hole in western medicine: the rather obvious relationship between the structure of the body and the function of the body.

And when it comes to somatic/structural issues - which make up over 50% of hospital visits, and of which the western world treats with drugs or surgery, the chiro's at least have some of the theory correct, it's just their methodology that is fucked.

But, as for fundamental quackery, let's look at how the western world treats kids. First, hook them on sugar, then call them ADHD and give them methamphetamine salt (Adderol), followed by Ambien cause they can't sleep, followed by Prozac caused they are depressed cause they can't sleep, ...all the while they are raiding mom's medicine cabinet for the oxycontin or whatever opiate derivative they can find.
yeah, it's a JOKE. But we were trained to bow to authority, call the doctor god and worship the white coat and piece of paper on the wall.

I mean, for fuck's sake, listen to the side effect list of any major drug out there. really? that's "health care". bullshit.

Western md's shine in trauma, which was learned from our spirited attempts to have a continual state of warfare. for that they are top-notch. Anti-biotics were a huge deal, but all they've learned to do since the advent of penicillin is to make analogue after analogue, and they've stuffed so many people full of anti-biotics for just about every malady, that we are becoming genetically resistant to them as a species.
health care. yup.
how many of you out there can even afford this type of "health care"?
but please, do some research and go on for hours.

The Perks of Paranoia

brycewi19 says...

I'm not a big fan of how easily he interchanges the terms "paranoia" and "conspiracy theory".
Paranoia is a real mental health condition that falls under the category of anxiety.
If it was such an "evolutionary trait" then it would be so readily and successfully treated with therapy and medicine.
It also shares a common trait, almost everyone who suffers from paranoia anxiety does not wish to continue suffering from its symptoms. I would assume that if it were such a positive evolutionary trait, then it would have been a more desirable ailment to suffer from.

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