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sad anime soundtrack collection

BoneRemake says...

Do you honestly have no clue as to what you do ?

The only thing I personaly respect about what you do with the ban thing is that you adhere the Terms of service ( which everyone reads of course right ??? ).

The rest of the time you deny possible gems in the rough without any warning.

I mean I do not want to be so in your face, but to see you write that made me mad. You have denied so many possible peole here without any incling of the genuine purpose of the site, you just outright ban people and we are not stupid, it is so you can garner some form of level up, you got called on a lot of things in the past in that regard. SERIOUSLY ? ? you ask her why she explained that ??

TELL YOU WHAT , I honestly told people exactly what she did in a pm, while you asked your silly little funnel of a question. What makes people pissed is that you give no quarter, you give no choice ( to most - obviously some are blatent www. whores ) but you have a black and white for the most part.

So do not be impressed or decompressed when someone actually explains something to someone, I have been doing it for years on the opposite behalf of you. Lately I just got tired of it for the past year and couldn't give a shit.

But I am in a talking mood, I love ya enough to write this because it astounded me as to your obliviousness to actually giving someone a chance, not just this video in general, this video was the scratch test and the lattice grew.

WHEWWWWW free therapy !

chicchorea said:

...with all due respect...?...

chicchorea (Member Profile)

chingalera says...

I'll try again at a point-by-point answer for yas but geez man, you seem thicker than most.

I CHOSE to pester your banning-manner repeatedly because you were cold-hearted and in-general, the matter-of-fact un-welcomingly rude person to potentials who obviously either had some language-barriers some of them, while others simply did not read the long-winded faq-sheet buried in that un-intutive portion of the site map (notwithstanding, MOST of the fuckers you ban are spamtacular and obviously not giving a damn an anyhow....GOOD JOB. ATTA-BOY. Clean the place up, not slighting you for that aspect of your fun here).

Your didactic reasoning supports your hollow assumptions (if such feeble tripe could be called that) and here in these latest and repeated insults and accusations concerning myself all we see are petulant forays into your own limitations in the realm of deductive reasoning at best, or 180 degrees off-kilter at their crudest and worst. MEANING, your assumptions of my legal status and sexual proclivities in particular, as you struggle at what seems justification for your delusional rants. You're basically unilaterally seeking to defame my personal integrity and character because you feel bad about me having poked you so much about yer ban-user fun here.m Real simple. Not too much thinking required, and you are over-thinking to stroke your own, knight-in-rusty-sheriff's-badge honor, plain and fucking simple.

I tried the last comment to show you your misinterpretation of meaning by using the definition of 'haitus', the same which has no fixedm limitation other than that of the will of the vacationer. Read a fucking dictionary maybe, with a view to meaning rather than the view of how it suits your own confabulation?

I didn't say did I, that I was taking anything but a hiatus, which could be long or short....and if you know me at all you know I won't stand for insolent crackers who in my absence, with a personal hard-on to burn me and shit all over my work and time logged here on this site, one of which I have been on since near it's inception, ya thick lump?. Did you think I'd let the place pull a kronospissant on me again? From the likes of who?! You may want to get a fucking clue.

You need some some growin'-up there fatwa (look it up) if ya think my skin ain't thicker than yer skull.

You take shit to pedantically literal to be hanging your shit in my store and expecting me to take you anything more than a seriously misanthropic humanoid.

Tired of being polite with you chicco, yer obviously in need of some quality human interaction and maybe some therapy to deal with the Aspberger's, unless yer dysfunction be something simpler to counterman. I am unqualified to determine such as, "I Am Not A Mental Health Professional."

Ain't 'private' anymore either, your shit screams abuse of the site, for all to see.

chicchorea said:

...are you really so deluded that you think everyone is as stupid as you evidently...hiatus...RIGHT.

Integrity...again...RIGHT...I have enumerated but a few of your lies and your misdeeds plainly, publically, and repeatedly but not answered by you.

For your convenience, again, here:

And neither can you or will you. YOU DARE NOT...CANNOT...but impotently deny and deflect. You have made much many times at others not answering point after point. Why not me.

You have not taken me up on or put to me to prove them as I have given you opportunity to repeatedly...why not? I know do you. I have only spoken in verifiable facts. Your actions...facts about you and your actions. And...they are all available to everyone here as they were to me. I reiterate, derivable from your own actions and words here.

And deserve the same as you have given and give to others on this site or rather have not.

Now you smell it ...

Missing Andy - Dave

alien_concept says...

I'm dirty Suzanna
I've got problems with grammar

So boy where's your manners
Come buy me a slammer

She said how you doing
Welcome to Canning Town
I ain't got much money
And I talk real funny
Now let me in the back of your van

Now then I've had a couple of drinks
But you look a bit of alright
and I put your bands sticker on me Primark knickers
and I think that might have broken the ice

And she told me her brother was a thief
A dead cockney for knocking out coppers teeth
Her mum stayed home washing all the pots and pans
And when her old man came home he knocked her round
And she told me her mother was on meph
Her daddy used to run with the ICF
I like getting out now then to catch a breath and meet a bloke or two
And that's when she said

I'm dirty Suzanna
I've got problems with grammar
Some say it's my stammer
But it's not not my fault
So boy where's your manners
Come buy me a slammer
And you'll get laid
And I will call you Dave
Yeah I will call you Dave
Even though your name is Steve

She said that her last fella
He was a proper upmarket guy
Said he took her to the races
And all the nice places like Nandos and TGI

She reached for her sambuca
As I notice her tattoo
It was a love heart with Steve
It was written down her sleeve
Yeah my last bloke was called Dave too

She told me she struggled with her speech
And ducked a lot of school to go hang out on the street
She tried so hard even *spoke of therapy*
No matter what she tried said it never worked for me
She told me she never had no friends
I've made a few acquaintances by opening her legs
I think it were me we could probably go the length and have a sprog or two
And that's when she said

I'm dirty Suzanna
I've got problems with grammar
Some say it's my stammer
But it's not not my fault
So boy where's your manners
Come buy me a slammer
And you'll get laid
And I will call you Dave
Yeah I will call you Dave
Even though your name is Steve

She said lets go out
Lets go out to the cinema
There's a Vue in Beckton or Dagenham
And it really ain't that far
You can bring the big van
I'll bring the condoms and we can
Fuck all through the night
That's why they call me dirty Suzanne
And if I should have a baby
We'll get a council flat
Or maybe get a council house
Nah, you need three kids for that
You can take me shopping to Lakeside if we're flash
And we'll have all we need
Child Benefits and that

I'm dirty Suzanna
I've got problems with grammar
Some say it's my stammer
But it's not not my fault

I'm dirty Suzanna
I've got problems with grammar
Some say it's my stammer
But it's not not my fault
So boy where's your manners
Come buy me a slammer
And you'll get laid
And I will call you Dave I'm dirty Suzanna
I've got problems with grammar

Amazing voice London Grammar - Full Performance Live on KEXP

chingalera says...

Get me started on pretentious children's names ....Lets share, shall we??

From bad to worse with three ratings, 1 being wannabe beat generation, 3 being, the only cure for you is checking-into a bar fight for some inexpensive therapy and the only hope for your kids being foster homes with white supremacist lesbians.

It's a contest people, submit entries below

1 g Sky, b Helms

Enzoblue said:

London?? Might as well change her name to 'will do anal'...

Oakland CA Is So Scary Even Cops Want Nothing To Do With It

Trancecoach says...


> "You are welcome to disagree, thanks to thoughtful men voting to guarantee you that right."

Yes we disagree. But I do not owe my right to disagree to anyone, thoughtful or otherwise. That is my natural right. Some may want to violate that right, but that's a different issue. No one can take away my right to disagree or force me to agree/disagree.

> "It worked for them, it can work again."

Who are you talking about? The slave owning "founders"? Politics often (though not always) works for the elites, sure. But again, I wish you good luck with that -- and in making it work for you.

> "Being satisfied that the process can give good results is not the same as satisfaction with the current results."

I know. You have hope/faith that the process can and may at some point give you the results you like. I say, good luck. It may or may not happen, depending on what will satisfy you or not.

> "The convincing I suggest is convincing those that already think like 'you' to vote the same (and put up reps to vote for that truly think the same). Easier said than done."

I think it's virtually impossible. If you prove otherwise, I may be the first to congratulate you (if you let me know about it).

> "I'm not dismissive, I'm still discussing it with you"

I'm not sure what you mean by "not dismissive". You are telling me what you believe, I understand that. I'm still responding.

> "and never said you're not worth the discussion or 'it's time to ignore you', that was you to me."

Good, I guess.

> "I am argumentative."

I can tell.

> "I have admitted crippling personality flaws in the past, and will again."

Crippling? Wait, I'm not about to get into a therapy session here...

> "You misunderstood, my idea is to put people in that are going to fix the system, not dismantle it, and not just feed it."

Go ahead. Do it. Put the people in that are going to fix it. I know you don't want to dismantle it. That's my preference, not yours. I get that.

>"I would like people that want to fix the campaign finance system and get out, that's one main tap root of the problem in my eyes, one that's easy to fix with enough push."

We each have preferences and opinions. Go ahead and do it. I have little interest in that so I'll leave it up to you. We can't all be focused on the same things. And you should probably be happy that I have no interest in politics since I would work to dismantle the system. Not what you want. So my not being involved, not even voting, works to your benefit (in this sense).

> "True enough, I'm not finding those people to vote for, usually. I can clamor for them though, maybe they'll turn up. (as I said before, my candidate rarely wins, I'm poor at finding the like minded.)"

Like you said, and I agreed, you can dream. Nothing wrong with that. Carry on. Good luck.

Where do you live?

Eye Opening Facts About Vaginas

chingalera says...

@mxconn and poolcleaner...Ideals?? Share with the world as a form of self-therapy a particular pet-peeve or hang-up you have over a formulaic style of production consideration perhaps or some personal aversions to the womanly package maybe...who cares about the 'why' of a down-vote anyhow???

Glad you traveled against the grain- My own reasons trump any and all for no particular reason whatsoever, so do yours! No justification needed.

There IS no goddamn "WHY", ever!

Japanese Dolphin Hunt Condemned By World

chingalera says...

Not talking about the guilt of the United States and their use of the fucking A-bomb man, talking about their current dysfunction relative to their oppressive history of their version of feudalism and leadership under the Samurai, Shogun etc., and primarily their treatment of females and the leftovers of tradition that shape the current Japanese paradigm-Sure, their utter defeat and cordon from the west shaped their face the last century, but their history of isolation (by choice and circumstance) their take on other cultures, relationship to the Chinese, etc., and their obstinate deleterious sensibilities that's causing the younger generations of Japanese people to forego breeding for a whacked morality devoid of hope. They all need serious therapy and true, a lot of it lies in the way they internalized their humiliating defeat in WW2.

Love Japan, can't stand the way they are still so out of touch with the whole of humanity. They need to start breeding or their culture will be assimilated.

We forced nuclear energy on them? Please, show me-
Show me a country or peoples who treat women and children like shit, and I'll scream fuck-em or fix-em every time. Goes for the U.S. as well, we're just as fucked.

Yogi said:

Are you fucking serious right now? We destroyed their country with nuclear bombs, make their government and basically force nuclear power onto them, but it's their fault? Bullshit.

Wake Up Pranks

Remembering Some Of the Most Notorious Videosift Shills (History Talk Post)

chingalera says...

MOST of the folks on this site need therapy or self-reflection from time to time bone, line forms at the rear? Attention whores?? Please-The mirror comments I make not infrequently when calling to task users here, please?

Re-read your shit, yer stuff rather, and speak it of yourself and call back??

I have been banned in the past for the "adhom" whatever you wanna get yer panties ruffled-over, used above (dickbag) and there was then no recourse to the mob-I have another perspective, wow. Amazing. Were not you banned for the selfsamish shit??

Call me a dickbag again and again-working on patience and my kindness knows no bounds there, perky...Fuck, ME!

Remembering Some Of the Most Notorious Videosift Shills (History Talk Post)

BoneRemake says...

" I'm wrong most of the time "

Keep that in mind when you are blitzed and running your fingers/mouth off, maybe you should save the message in notepad and read upon it the day ... hours after you have slept it off. Maybe then you would not be labeled as a jack ass drunk drug addict who spews shit all over the sift because he is mad about his own life with no real outlet in his life to let the anger out. Or continue to drink, smoke the smoke, inhale whippets and make cooking videos showing your nature.

Should we feel for you ? you dig your own grave with your messages and somehow expect some semblance of sympathy or recognition for your personality abnormalities. You go out of your way to piss off an offend people and then later on try and describe why.

Grow the fuck up. You are an adult male... and I feel like you actually need to be told that, don't you have kids ? or kid ? how would they respond if they went and goggled daddy and his online moniker.

You did not get to defend yourself.. because you were a fucking dick bag and got banned, you do not have the right to defend yourself, you lost that right when you were a drunk cunt. You shouldn't go around now trying to stand up for yourself after you have trashed your personable name you align with.

You want attention, that is all I read about you, you spout shit either to get people riled up or to just break the monotony of few posts but you out of EVERYONE here have no base to make a standard of yourself, your standard is already set with how you are perceived. You might want to start from the ground up sober ( as hard as it is ) and only write down your sentiments when you are in that sober stage.

You vie for attention, you are an attention slut on this site, a lot of the messages you write have an air of " poor me " poor you ? poor the sift for putting up with your bullshit.

YOU need therapy, in the states it is expensive and not covered by "health care" but boy oh fucking mighty Christ do you ever out of everyone here need someone to talk to about your thoughts and problems, the sift is not an online therapy session to spew your views of distrust and hateful attitudes.

You are not special, no one is. We are all tadpoles in a pond waiting to be eaten by the fish. metamorphosize and grow the fuck up so you can't get eaten.

Until then... Good luck guy, thanks for the Tie .

Edited to add the reason I am logged in : fixing kick ass song embed =

I suggest you listen to this while I slap your face :

Teenager Brings Class to Tears with Just a Few Words

AeroMechanical says...

Perhaps related to the phenomena where people with debilitating stutters can nonetheless sing perfectly. In the first part, it almost sounds as though he's rapping a little bit. It's damn impressive.

Perhaps there is a whole new field of therapy for people who suffer with stuttering through practicing freestyle rap. Can't say as I could possibly truly understand it, but I suspect it has a lot to do with establishing a rhythm. I'd be interested to know what he's listening to. Does it even need to have lyrics?

Drunk off-duty deputy tries to arrest female soldier at bar

chingalera says...

He's a person who became a marine (a shitty one), then a cop (gang member) to abuse power and illicit control over others. His character screams it, his words, his body language. A broken human in need of serious therapy.

I read now where officer Bell has been suspended without pay as a result of the incident. He'll be back on the street in no-time, harassing more innocents and abusing women with a badge and a gun soon, residents of South Carolina who don't want his shit on the streets should demand his accountability in this matter. But they won't, they are too busy being programmed by the television and officer dickbag will be back on the street in no time.
Welcome to America. YOUR AMERICA

Porksandwich said:

If she wasn't a soldier, a member of a large institution that would have probably looked into it themselves, I doubt it would have backfired on the cop as much as it did. In my opinion of course. I just don't see a common college student getting that fast of a turnaround on this guy getting canned, etc...where there would be a lot more "doubt" (read doubt as: chance to cover up because the college probably isn't going to look too hard) as to what happened. Even with a video.

...signs of the coming Apocalypse

chingalera says...

I know, right?! Never seen so many future schizophrenics in one place??
Part mating-ritual, part stadium they have a funnel-cake /spay 'n vaccination wagon somewhere close by

longde said:


Joseph Gordon Levitt is the Lip Synch King

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