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Crysis Sharks gone mad!

Repeated use of "the Wilhelm scream" over the years in movies

10385 says...

Re: Doom, the opening door (originally from Doom, not the sequel), the former human death, and also the imp "alert" sound gets used a lot, the latter for a host of random monsters from random films/TV episodes.

The yeeeEAAAAAAGH (or the one I think you mean) came from Aliens afaik; scene where Drake gets sprayed with acid. I've definitely heard that in other movies since, and I think Aliens is the origin just because it fits in with Drake's voice, and the shot is a closeup up his face as he's screaming, which seems bolder than any of the Wilhelm scream usages or their equivalents for that scream.

Robocop The Game Xbox Intro (This is real!)

Hamster tries to get through the door. Featuring Queen song.

open question for discussion (Blog Entry by smibbo)

blankfist says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
Aliens who travelled light years with advanced technology yet suffer problems opening doors, also picking a planet about as suitable for them as us landing on the goddamn Sun. Imagine if it rained. The whole movie premise is ruined.

Ha! Great point! I never thought about it raining. Wow, all this time and I don't think I ever even considered the rain. Talk about a crater sized plot hole. Still, I've got a soft spot in my heart for M. Night. I loved 6th Sense, and I also liked Signs a lot. I don't care much for Lady in the Water, and Village has a great first two Acts! The 3rd? Meh.

open question for discussion (Blog Entry by smibbo)

Farhad2000 says...

I gave up on M.Night right after the aliens invade earth but are defeat by water bullshit. That was horrible, I could just imagine him sitting in his office "I want to craft a revival of faith in a pastor who has lost it... I know lets add Aliens!". Aliens who travelled light years with advanced technology yet suffer problems opening doors, also picking a planet about as suitable for them as us landing on the goddamn Sun. Imagine if it rained. The whole movie premise is ruined.

I enjoyed The Devil's Rejects. But then I like Rob Zombie in general, it was much better the House of the Dead though, which was really a long music video. I also grew up watching 80s horror movies like Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, Stephen King's It and so on.

I have a serious dislike of new shock horror films though, which just rely on conveying large suffering. Saw was good but its sequels were terrible. Hostel is utter shite.

Don't Pressure the Fed - You Will Lose

Red says...

Wouldn't this may just as well prove the opposite of the point you're trying to make ? How such an institution that can turn over the outcome of an election, outside of any democratic representation or accountability, ain't an open door to special interest ?

I dont know about your education ? but i've seen a damn lot of prominent intellectual deeply critical about the fed around here...

A Gay Brigadier General Asks a question

MarineGunrock says...

If you would like to have a discussion about the press 1 - I'd be happy to, just not here. I'll spell it out for all to read. I don't agree with homosexuality. That does not mean that I won't befriend someone that is openly gay, because anyone who wouldn't is a shitty excuse for a human being. I've had many friends that were gay, and still do. I'd rather not see it allowed in the military, because I simply don't agree with it. The military (at least the Marine Corps) holds strong Christian values, and homosexuality isn't one of them. I don't give a shit if there are ones in there now, but I'm not saying "Let's let em all in." I just don't feel like knowing about it. Our current policy works fine, and probably couldn't work any better. I absolutely feel that an open-door policy for gays would deteriorate our military, and those aren't just my views, but the ones of about 95% of all the other Marines that I know.
I'm not saying that just because gays are in the military that they're going to start color-coordinating out uniforms or anything stupid like that, rather that most Marines/soldiers simply do not agree with homosexuality. If it's some big news flash, 99% or more of the men and women of our armed forces are Republican, so they hold Republican views.

A Gay Brigadier General Asks a question

dannym3141 says...

Outrageous MarinegunRock.

The very first sentence is either poorly constructed or poorly thought out. You compare sharing sleeping/undressing/dressing space with the opposite sex, to having gays in the military - *at all*, whether you share that same space with them or not. Might want to add a few parameters onto the end of there, because right now it looks misinformed and unbalanced, where it should only look misinformed.

Secondly with regards to your "staring at me in the shower" comment; think about america's current policy on gay people in the military. Gay people are currently in the shower with straight people RIGHT NOW (ohnoes). Do you think that, because they aren't allowed to admit to being gay, they're physically incapable of looking at you whilst you lather up? THINK for god's sake.
(And that's not even addressing the latent homophobia of the argument)

And i'm not even sure if it's woth mentioning that your last reason is painting gays as, well, small minded, secretive, ignorant animals. As though they would literally be having sex with each other at night and going into battle the next day side by side - perhaps holding hands? If they did take a lover, then as though they would be incapable of, and the army would stand in the way of, splitting themselves up in order to maintain their mental focus. DO YOU EVEN REALISE COUNTRIES HAVE OPEN-DOOR POLICIES TO GAY PEOPLE AND SURPRISINGLY ENOUGH THEY ARE NOT HAVING IT AWAY LIKE RABBITS IN A SACK.

You know what, everything about your post speaks volumes to me. You probably don't consider yourself a homophobe.

Here's a little logic twister for you;
If the army vetted people to make sure they were disciplined and professional, they would NOT be staring at people in the shower. But then you wouldn't be in the army either, because your opinions are not becoming of a disciplined and professional individual.

(and i'm not even gay, imagine if a gay guy read that bull)

Beautiful F1 Savannah, Nitro, playing fetch

oxdottir says...

Well, in my experience with Tut (my F1) who was quite the escape artist, is that the other cats recognized in about .000001 seconds that Tut was higher on the food chain than they were, and they would be totally gone instantly. Every other cat I ever introduced him to was terrified of him and didn't want to play--even cats that their owners assured me were the most laid back cats in the world--even cats that outweighed him by 5 pounds. He would have been happy to play with them: he was always a gentleman with other cats, not that it got him anywhere (I bet some of you can identify with him there...) I did find him fighting with a possum once, which scared the crap out of me.

And yes, I think someone would easily try to steal him. Or misguidedly try to protect their small dog from one, or something. I don't know if you can tell from this video, but no one who sees one of these cats loose thinks it is a completely domestic cat, and when they move, you just know they are hunters.

I tried my best to keep Tut in, but he was so dang smart. He could open doors in about 3 seconds flat if I forgot and left a door unlocked. Apart from everything else, I didn't think he would be good for the local wildlife and songbird population.

Copied for Qruel: Crysis: How to Activate DX10 Feature in XP (Videogames Talk Post)

Irishman says...

Half Life 2 was an epic sci-fi masterpiece. Episode 1 was excellent. Episode 2 is the simplest and most contrived of the three. It lacks the atmosphere and re-playability of HL2 and HL2 EP1. The 'scenes' are way too simple. There aren't enough engagements with the combine. The hunters are just plain annoying. The big battle at the end is a terrible mess.

And Bioshock, seriously, where is the gameplay? All you need to play it is one brain cell and one finger to click the mouse. It has the most horrible railroading of any FPS I've ever played. It's essentially a rolling graphics engine.

System Shock 2 didn't impress me much either, mainly because it was one of the first PC games I had ever played, and I'd just completed 3 player co-op Hired Guns on the Amiga which is one of THE most atmospheric, challenging and fun games I've ever played. SS2 tasks consisted mainly of 'go here, hit switch, open door, go here, get key, open door...' which gets extraordinarily dull after a few hours.

Deus Ex and HL2 are still the best FPS PC games if you ask me. The storyline of Bioshock that everyone raves on about isn't a patch on the storyline of either of these games.


Aldo Nova: Fantasy

theo47 says...

In the nightmare dystopian future, only Aldo Nova's guitar can open doors.

This was the song we would take the court to when I played high school basketball; it was years after it was popular, but the cassette was lying around, we played it, and it stuck.

Great Danes at Feeding Time. 32" Vertical Leap

drattus says...

Looks like they have some money based on the nice house. With regular bathing of the animals, a HEPA air filter and house cleaning it should be workable and I doubt they'd even have to do most of it.

I have four dogs ranging from 50 to 115 pounds, half of them mutts and none worth a dime to anyone but me. Three rodents for my youngest kid, a cat, and have over time taken in anything from broken winged birds to a hedgehog someone didn't know how to take care of as rescues. It's not as difficult as it seems with a little planning and basics such as air filters for the dander, and we don't have half the resources it seems they would.

Mine don't get on the furniture though. They are barrier trained in a similar way, if I tell them 'out of the kitchen' they go past an invisible line between the pantry and dishwasher and stay out. Won't go out an open door, and so on. Used to have one who you could lay a broom or something across the floor and he wouldn't pass it until told he could.

Door Breach with 25mm Automatic

Penn & Tellers Bullshit - Immigration

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