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Solsbury Hill - Secret World Live - Peter Gabriel

eric3579 says...

Climbing up on Solsbury Hill
I could see the city light
Wind was blowing, time stood still
Eagle flew out of the night
He was something to observe
Came in close, I heard a voice
Standing stretching every nerve
Had to listen had no choice
I did not believe the information
I just had to trust imagination
My heart going boom boom boom
"Son," he said "Grab your things,
I've come to take you home."

To keep in silence I resigned
My friends would think I was a nut
Turning water into wine
Open doors would soon be shut
So I went from day to day
Tho' my life was in a rut
"Till I thought of what I'd say
Which connection I should cut
I was feeling part of the scenery
I walked right out of the machinery
My heart going boom boom boom
"Hey" he said "Grab your things
I've come to take you home."
(Back home.)

When illusion spin her net
I'm never where I want to be
And liberty she pirouette
When I think that I am free
Watched by empty silhouettes
Who close their eyes but still can see
No one taught them etiquette
I will show another me
Today I don't need a replacement
I'll tell them what the smile on my face meant
My heart going boom boom boom
"Hey" I said "You can keep my things,
They've come to take me home."

Unknown Worlds Triumphantly Teases Natural Selection 2

Zonbie says...

Nice to see this wiöll be a standalone game this time
I used to play NS - it was great as long as you didn't have an asshole for a commander (the marines have a player who has top down map and access to play powerups structures open doors use lifts etc)

This will be so cool with mics too!

Ohhhhh....looks nice too!

President Obama Says No to Legalizing Marijuana

rougy says...

>> ^volumptuous:
Obama doesn't work the way that Rougy would like him to work. Obama is a master behind the scenes, and I believe he's more likely to secretly open doors to decriminalization, than to risk his entire agenda by being center stage for the pot fight.

I like you, Vol. I like you a lot.

Maybe you're right...but I'm not seeing it. This is one of many issues that he's backpeddled on.

If anything, he'll use this as a crux issue the next time he's up for election, kind of like the cons always bring up abortion and gay marriage at about the same time. He'll only do it to use us smokers like we were suckers.

My campaign slogan for 2012:

"Obama/Biden - What Are They Smoking?"

President Obama Says No to Legalizing Marijuana

blankfist says...

>> ^volumptuous:
Obama doesn't work the way that Rougy would like him to work. Obama is a master behind the scenes, and I believe he's more likely to secretly open doors to decriminalization, than to risk his entire agenda by being center stage for the pot fight.

That's more of the same we can believe in!

President Obama Says No to Legalizing Marijuana

volumptuous says...

>> ^sometimes:
Does anyone seriously believe that legalizing pot would help the economy? prices would drop substantially, and I really doubt there would be a significant increase in demand to make up for the price cut.

Yes, many many people believe it will help the economy.

• At one medical marijuana facility in Oakland, Ca, they fork over more than $100k per month in taxes into the state coffers. That's one facility, in one month.

• We have over 1,500 facilities like this just in SoCal alone. The expected revenue the state would see would be an immediate injection of $14bn, and at the very least an added $1bn per year.

• You then factor all of the administrative, policing, courts, etc issues, and the revenues you keep expand to a LOT OF MONEY.

There is no reason to believe prices would drop. In fact, as CA state legislator Tom Ammiano wants to tax sales at $50 per oz. That's a LOT! But us potheads would gladly pay it.

As far as the argument "oh, but then everyone would grow it, so there'd be less sales" is ridiculous. I drink beer, but I don't brew it. Why? Because it's really difficult, time consuming, and costly for me to home brew, and the end result would pale in comparison. I also don't want to invest so much time and energy in growing weed in my house, plus where would I do it? How much would my energy bills be?

Still, the title of this video is crap and should be changed.

And Obama would be an idiot to have answered this really any differently. Sure, he could've said something like "our drug policy is flawed, and there are cancer patients who need help, but legalization isn't going to cure an economy that is trillions in the hole."

Be happy he at least took the question. Obama doesn't work the way that Rougy would like him to work. Obama is a master behind the scenes, and I believe he's more likely to secretly open doors to decriminalization, than to risk his entire agenda by being center stage for the pot fight.

A harmless prank on the USC Student Body Vice President goes

blankfist says...

Here's the transcript for posterity.

super: On Sunday, April 2, 2006, USC Vice President Ryan Holt traveled to Washington, DC to voice students' concerns to Congress. On Monday, April 2, 2006, members of the Student Senate purchased $80 worth of balloons. What you are about to see may be disturbing to people without a sense of humor.

Ryan: This is the kind of unprofessionalism that characterized student government years ago, and it's not going to happen now. If I have to there's gonna be-- okay that's it. Email to Ann, and people getting keys taken away and everything. Because this is not a joke.


Ryan: Okay, look, this is a waste of student activity [unintelligible]... and the people who did this are gonna pay for every single one of these! It's not a joke! It's not a joke, Alex!

Alex: Chill.

Ryan: Look at me being serious! We were off doing good work and you come to do something like this!

Alex: Okay. Alright. Geez.

Ryan: And I want to go to bed, and you've come and fucked up my office!

Alex: Calm down.

Ryan: NO ALEX! I am not going to calm down, because this is inappropriate! I am disappointed with you!

Alex: It's a joke.

Ryan: No this is not a joke. Who is going to pay for these balloons?! Out of your pocket?

Alex: We paid for them. Yes, we paid for them out of our pocket.

Ryan: Where did the air come from?

Alex: [befuddled] Wha-- the air? Over there.

Ryan: You used the air that costs money for us to do that stuff.

Alex: No.

Ryan: No, that's not appropriate, Alex.

Alex: [SIGHS]

Ryan: It's not appropriate. And this is not cleaned up [BALLOON POPS] by eight in the morning [ANOTHER POP] I'm going to come in here, take pictures, and there's gonna be hell to pay!

Stand Still Like the Humming Bird

Payback says...

My personal story is about a hummingbird, and maybe his/her kids, that have visited me every other day every summer for the past 5 years. I will be working at my computer, and without a word of a lie, the little bugger(s) will come in through the open door, hover by my monitor, seemingly check out what I'm doing, I say "Oh hai, sup?", then (s)he leaves.

If I'm on the sift, I always upvote what video I'm watching, just in case. I figure their internet is down.

Graham Norton - Cats That Look Like Hitler

King Khan & Bbq - Waddlin' Around

the Official Videosift Catcount (Pets Talk Post)

Ubiquity: Mozilla's New Killer App

xgabex says...

>> ^Babymech:
And then, when I want to go out and meet my friend at the café, I call up Ubiquity and type GO NORTH > OPEN DOOR > GO NORTH > TAKE KEY > OPEN DOOR WITH KEY > USE KEY ON DOOR > OPEN DOOR > GO NORTH
Ubiquity: we make integrated web-use intoa text adventure game.


Ubiquity: Mozilla's New Killer App

Babymech says...

And then, when I want to go out and meet my friend at the café, I call up Ubiquity and type GO NORTH > OPEN DOOR > GO NORTH > TAKE KEY > OPEN DOOR WITH KEY > USE KEY ON DOOR > OPEN DOOR > GO NORTH

Ubiquity: we make integrated web-use intoa text adventure game.

Come on, e'rybody! Let's see your pets! (Pets Talk Post)

Issykitty says...

This is Miss Isobel, aka: Issy, or maybe I should say Queen Isobel? She is my strikingly beautiful girl, and she'll be 4 yrs old this October. I also have a new plucky little kitten (about 10 wks old) named Dr. Franklin Timothy, or Frankie for short. You can see what he looks like in my blog. Both of them had pretty rough starts, and they were both rescued from certain death. Issy fell very ill with a severe kitty flu at about 8 weeks old, the day after I brought her home. I had to nurse her back to health by having her rehydrated at the vet's and giving her antibiotics and eyedrops. She is just the picture of health now, and she is so supercool and smart, opening doors, and fetching and bringing things to me all the time. She and I have an extra special bond, and she enjoys talking to me.

Frankie is really starting to settle in, and he is still very young. If you check out my blog, you can read about his raccoon attack when he was only 6 weeks old. He's already more than doubled in weight since we had him at 7 wks old. He just got his first set of vaccinations, and he went from previously weighing just one pound to 2&1/2. His leg has healed nicely, and he's gaining strength in it everyday. He's only recently just started to climb, and we have a rad cat tower for him to play in. He has a wonderfully loud purr, and he loves Issy and thinks she is soooo cool. DFT and I are lucky ones to have the both of them as they are endless joy and amusement.

Proper Military Room Clearing / Dynamic Entry Procedure

Ghostly says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
Almost. The instant you yell, you let the guys in the room know you're outside their door. Other than that, their technique looked pretty good, though it's hard to tell from a POV of one n without seeing the whole group in action.

I didn't see them yell outside any closed doors (except that time that the shotty failed to open one). Chances are outside an open door people inside will have heard you anyway no? also in the case of the shotty failing.

Not gonna argue with the POV comment, but they did show more than one view of the each room, and more than one POV of the each room also so far as I could tell, which surely helps.

Cat gets revenge

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