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blahpook (Member Profile)

"Why Am I Going To This Party?" Tales Of Mere Existence

MilkmanDan says...

Me too... Except that I came to the opposite conclusion, decided it wasn't worth it, and that I actually *would* rather spend the time at home than go to that particular sort of party (the sort where you are hoping to meet new interesting people and/or attractive members of the opposite sex).

On the other hand, a "party" with a relatively small guest list of people that I generally already know and like has always been a much more interesting and attractive prospect for me. In that sort of situation, I don't have any expectations about what I'm going to "get out of" it, other than chatting and hanging out with people I know I like, and occasionally 1-2 other people that I have reason to believe I will like because they came with people I know.

I met my wife at a "party" like that, even though I had no expectations of that happening. So, good things can happen at "parties", but I still figure that is more likely to happen in a scenario where you feel most comfortable rather than one where you're not particularly comfortable but "on the prowl"...

ChaosEngine said:

I always had the same thoughts about parties when I was younger.

At any given party, you probably won't meet amazing new interesting people. You probably won't meet the love of your life.

But you might....

and the possibility of it is better than sitting at home.

Psycho kid ruins thanksgiving

Sagemind says...

Wow, Okay - So I stand corrected... There were hints, I ignored them...
Two things that stuck out for me were...
1). Why were they eating Thanksgiving dinner in the basement?
2). Why were non of the other guests getting emotional. Mom's always try to get in the way or cry or join in.
Seeing his channel, I agree that it can be nothing but faked.

Our Women Should Not Be Allowed to Drive Lest They Get Raped

SquidCap says...

If you really watched the video you noticed that all the other guests were laughing in disbelief.. Which makes me think you didn't even watch it, just came here to spread you hate.

BTW, every time a person says that ISIS (or what ever terrorist organization is trending) should be killed only proves to be equally monstrous. I've seen people wishing to torture them, skinned alive, burned, genitals crushed.. Why is it justified if you do it but not when someone else is doing it?

I can bet that you are white christian male and yet your language is indistinguishable from the extremists You are no better, basically you are worse: you have no first hand experience, no personal reason to hate muslims but still you are more than willing to kill them and innocent peaceloving muslims in Indonesia, UK, France, Germany or USA indiscriminately...

That is the language of a frustrated teenager who has no idea what he is saying or why he is saying it. Grow up and develop some balls and maybe one day you're allowed in the grownups table, until then: shut up. If you are not a teenager, then you are just stupid.

gorillaman said:

So stop treating animals like human beings. Millions upon millions of muslims think like this and every time you kill one you raise the average intelligence and moral character of the human race.

Real Time with Bill Maher: Johann Hari on The War on Drugs

PalmliX says...

Eh, I don't really get what everyone is going on about. Yah Bill Maher comes off as a bit of a dick most times, but isn't that kind of the point of his show in the first place? It's not an interview show, it's an opinion/discussion show where him and his guests are often shouting over each other at times.

On top of that he's also a comedian. Jon Stewart will try and get a laugh when he can during an interview as well, granted he's more subtle about it.

To me this was a very standard interview for Maher, possibly even more retrained than usual. You could definitely argue he's not a good interviewer, but I guess that depends on what your expectation for a Bill Maher interview is.

He's not just going to sit there and let the person blab on for the entire 8 minutes (very short of amount of time for a decent interview in the first place). Bill's whole persona is someone who has a very specific opinion or slant or bias if you will and he's made a career out of speaking his mind in an 'in your face' kind of way. Obviously he's going to interject here and there and steer the conversation towards an area that appeals to his audience/pet topics.

k d lang before you could say "lesbian" on national TV

spawnflagger says...

I don't like country music, but she's an amazing singer. The interview was quite awkward. I'm not sure why they couldn't say it - Phil Donahue had an openly homosexual guest on this show more than a decade before this. I guess Arsenio Hall just wasn't as edgy

wtf is up with the background warping when the camera is on her?
(maybe some anti-shaky-cam filter applied to the old VHS recording)

Three Topics, One Interesting Conversation

billpayer says...

Is it just me or is Kathryn Bigelow really a c**t of the first order who would make up stories about iraqi children rigged to die just to sell movie tickets for her bulls**t made up story that every American thinks is real.

BIll Maher is an propagandist just like Bill'O Reilly is. I'm not much of a Ben Affleck fan but he showed this muppet and his puppet guests who's boss.

The Daily Show - Anne Hathaway (Jan 21 2015)

Flirting MasterClass with Hottest Actresses Volume 1

artician says...

Love and miss this guy. The only thing that really ever irked me about him was how legitimately he likes to break the mold, but he had the same formula for every guest: man or woman, compliment them on how they look. It always seemed too pedestrian for someone who otherwise seemed legitimately authentic.

Japanese marten raised by a dog.

SDGundamX says...

"Chinhyakkei" is a great show. Literally translated it means "Rare Scenes." Every week they invite people from around Japan to submit stories or scenery that is unusual or outright bizarre. A TV crew goes out to confirm and record it and then a panel of guest celebrities vote on which is the strangest submission. I think you get some prize money if the one you submit is voted most unusual. Some things I've seen on the show:
- A bicycle vending machine
- A parking lot where you pay the parking fee using one of those old-school vacuum tube conveyor systems
- The man with the longest mole whisker in Japan
- A house shaped like a soccer ball

Frankly I'm kind of surprised more clips from the show haven't ended up here in the wtf channel.

VideoSift Sarzy's Top Ten Movies of 2014

JohnnyWinsome says...

Good list. Here's mine.

The Good: 1. The Babadook 2. Nightcrawler 3. Gone Girl 4. Guardians of the Galaxy 5. Snowpiercer 6. Blue Ruin 7. Foxcatcher 8. Under the Skin 9. The Guest

The Bad: The Hobbit 3

The Unseen: Boyhood, Whiplash, John Wick, Birdman, Citizen 4, Interstellar

Colbert All Star Singing Final

sanderbos says...


What a great stunt to end on though. Ferguson also had his last show and he did the now standard thing of getting guests to take part in a bit shot over months as they were a guest anyway. To get all those people together for at a single moment in his studio, I bet most of them only got travel expenses too, impressive.

But yeah, an end to my current favorite show, only to be probably be replaced with a standard late night thing :-(((

The Newsroom's Take On Global Warming-Fact Checked

Trancecoach says...

Like most of Sorkin's bloviating, this empty rhetoric is undermined by the incongruency of the climate change alarmists' own ballooning carbon footprints while attempting to use the government to impose force upon others' behavior. Until global warming alarmists themselves walk their talk (i.e., drive hybrids -- if they drive at all -- cease flying in airplanes, eat strictly vegetarian diets, have few if any children, and withdraw their consent from the worst polluter on the planet: the state), then no amount of freaking out, ranting, incentives, or attempts at policy will serve to avert the "impending catastrophe."

In China and India (where pollution is no doubt a significant problem), there are hundreds of millions of people who have far bigger concerns and more pressing problems than some remote notion of a "warming planet" or some looming "catastrophic collapse of civilization." (In fact, the same can be said for the majority of the population of the planet.)

And this is to say nothing of how ALL of the models used to support "evidence" for the case of a warming planet have ALL (not some, but ALL) been consistently undermined by serious skeptical science (PDF) while the claims of the political entity of the IPCC remain inconsistent with the data.

Since when do politicians get to decide the veracity of scientific fact?

EDIT: ALL of the climate-change alarmists' predictions, dating back to the 1980s, have all failed to come true. When this trend continues for the next few decades, there will be no shortage of "Told You So" moments that will undoubtedly be explained away by some unknown variable -- like the heat that is "hiding" in the ocean -- that, once "corrected for," will serve to further prop up this political ruse.

Small Plates | The New York Times

oritteropo says...

What a great bunch of second graders They certainly seemed to enjoy themselves, and were perfect guests. Of course, $220 would feed my whole family for a week, even if I fed them some similar foods!

Lawrence O'Donnell discusses Russell Brand's "Revolution"

Hiddekel says...

Nice for me as an englishman to see an American presenter who is mild and measured and seems genuinely interested in their guest.
We rarely see anything but self absorbed grotesques.

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