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this is what a fascist sounds like

iaui says...

Wow. That's just... crazy. You can see that he clearly surprised the other guest and even the Fox host with the ferocity and one-sidedness of his statements. No room for questions, no room for debate, just absolute blind faith in his position and may hell rain upon thee if you get in his way.

I predict Fox will have him back.

WTF. I have no words.

bareboards2 says...

You may not have words, but the youtube link has PLU-ENTY:

Everybody’s born

Everybody cries

Everybody shits

Everybody dies

Conceived in 2012, Everybody is a giant 26.5m human puppet with articulated, detachable and interactive body parts and organs. Ambitious in scope and subject, it is the largest human puppet on the planet and represents the essential humanness of everybody.

Everybody‘s build is experimental; it’s kind of unimaginable, so big and complex but without high-tech design. Its creation is brute, rough, handmade. Everybody is all genders and multi-racial.

Everybody lies down indoors in theatres, outdoors in parks and in open public spaces. In repose, Everybody sleeps, breaths and stirs. Everybody is not just one puppet but a multitude of independent, roaming human body parts and organs; they are characters in their own epic tale of human existence.

Everybody is an immersive experience. Audiences can walk around, sit on, lie against, get inside, and cuddle up to Everybody and all its beautiful body parts. The giant human puppet is viewed in 360 degrees. Everybody, the experience, is a six-hour interactive art installation, or a 90-minute stage show.

The piece begins with the death of the giant human puppet via a brick thrown at Everybody’s head. The head cracks and its brain oozes out. Everybody watches its life flash before its eyes, from birth through life and ultimately death. Everybody’s now independent body parts and organs perform the journey of its life stages. Everybody is in 4 Acts: Everybody’s Born, Everybody Cries, Everybody Shits, Everybody Dies.

Human performers play audience members or passers-by who find themselves transported into, then flung out of, the brain of Everybody. Everybody is made up of: Mouth, Eye, Poo, Foot, Ear, Nose, Brain, Lungs, Baby, Penis, Vagina, Bum, Skin, Heart, Hand, Guts, Breast and Hair. And with guests, Pig and Brick.

Bill Maher: New Rule: Migrant Headache (Sept 11 2015)

Cibo Matto - Sugar Water

SDGundamX says...

LOL I thought the same thing. They guest starred if I remember correctly as the band at the local club where Buffy and friends would hang out at after school.

MilkmanDan said:

Recognize the song from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


Shatner - Common People

Cops doing good deeds

Asmo says...

You are mistaken.

This is not just Genji, it's most people around here. You want to nail yourself to a cross and think you're being singled out because of who you are, not what you say, be my guest, but you're fooling no one. Particularly since anyone can go back through your history of posts (I pity the fool) and see for themselves...

You want the respect you believe your public service demands, then do it better than the rest and stand up against the people making you and your profession look bad. Coming here and spewing bile everytime someone posts a video about cops doing bad things doesn't make you seem fair and balanced, it makes you seem complicit...

lantern53 said:

Genji, you are truly delusional. You just make shit up.

I'm getting pretty tired of it.

You are dishonest and apparently can't read or comprehend english.

Bill Maher: New Rules – June 12, 2015

ChaosEngine says...

"genetic superiority"? Please tell me that's a bad joke.

It's simple common courtesy. Don't go to other people's countries and expect them to conform to your ideas.

You wouldn't go to Japan and wear shoes in someone's house. The mountain is sacred to the locals. Whether you or I think that's stupid is irrelevant. If you're a guest in someone's country, you should respect their customs.

gorillaman said:

Indecency is as much a ludicrous taboo as mountain-blasphemy.

Disobeying the demands of a bunch of superstitious tribals isn't ignorance; it's moral, cultural and frankly genetic superiority.

Texas cop busts a pool party picking on the black teens

newtboy says...

I just saw shots of the pool area on TV. There's a huge field attached to the pool area, where they had set up a bouncy house, DJ, and full catering for this party. There were fliers put up in the neighborhood long beforehand, and notices posted on Facebook and elsewhere. No one complained at all until the participants showed up with too much melanin. No one got violent until the white adult's racist comments were objected to, then the racist white women became violent against children...but they were not questioned or detained about it, only the victims were detained.

I have yet to see/hear how many party goers did/didn't have passes. The girl who set up the party gave out at least 20, and it seemed the party was for more than one resident of the area (each resident could bring 20 guests according to the pool rules). It's been reported that even the guests with passes were not allowed into the pool area, and after that some of them climbed the fence...It's been implied that those climbing the fence did not have passes, and also reported that nearly everyone had a pass. I want to know how many didn't have passes, and how many white children were asked to present theirs. I didn't see a single white person asked about it, detained, threatened, or even noticed.

The Daily Show - Assault Swim

skinnydaddy1 says...

It was a residential pool. Members are only allowed 2 guests. only ONE teen lived there and more than one fight broke out. The Teens were cussing out everyone and getting in to everyone's faces and climbed over the fences to get in.

ONE cop went stupid. One, and as of today he no longer works in The McKinney police dept.

Also not everyone here in Texas agrees with the stupid open carry and I honestly hope every time one of these idiots shows up in public the police get called out every time.

Texas cop busts a pool party picking on the black teens

bobknight33 says...

I'm not into speculation you wrote.. " ... Buzzfeed News spoke to Brandon Brooks, who uploaded the video to Youtube. “I think a bunch of white parents were angry that a bunch of black kids who don’t live in the neighborhood were in the pool,”...." , The term " I think" is not a fact.


..."It does not say that white or blacks were fighting. Since the cop was gathering up black kids it appears that they were the uninvited guests and some broke out in fighting. The video or text does not say just that juveniles were now actively fighting. More info is needed."

You have knee jerk reaction to see that all things are racist. I look at all things subjectively and just look at facts at hand. That makes you the racist and me intellectually superior to you.

Did the cop need to control the situation - yes.
Did the cop over react- yes - But how would he reacted? Every one scattering and running , not obeying, Cop being over heated with 30 lbs of gear, wearing black clothing making him even hotter.
Should he loos his job - No.

If all the kids obeyed do you think these events would have been more peaceful?

GenjiKilpatrick said:

I swear to the god i don't believe in, Bob. You have the mental capacity of a 6 year old.

"Update, 2:05 p.m. – Buzzfeed News spoke to Brandon Brooks, who uploaded the video to Youtube. “I think a bunch of white parents were angry that a bunch of black kids who don’t live in the neighborhood were in the pool,” he said. “Everyone who was getting put on the ground was black, Mexican, Arabic,” he said.

“[The cop] didn’t even look at me. It was kind of like I was invisible.” Brooks is white."

I'll even concede the whole "cops needed to gain control of the situation"

Tho.. literally the only people handcuffed on the ground were black kids.

Why are you pretending like cops aren't racist, @lantern53

Explain why - even tho, as you stated @bobknight33, the cops didn't know WHO was fighting white, black or indifferent - only black kids where chased, thrown to the grown and handcuffed?

Did democrats brutalize and arrest them?
I thought dems love suckin' up to the black vote.
So.. ?

Care to explain? Either of you?

Texas cop busts a pool party picking on the black teens

bobknight33 says...

The Facebook police statement..
"Pool Party Incident:

On June 5, 2015 at approximately 7:15 p.m., officers from the McKinney Police Department responded to a disturbance at the Craig Ranch North Community Pool. The initial call came in as a disturbance involving multiple juveniles at the location, who do not live in the area or have permission to be there, refusing to leave. McKinney Police received several additional calls related to this incident advising that juveniles were now actively fighting.

First responding officers encountered a large crowd that refused to comply with police commands. Nine additional units responded to the scene. Officers were eventually able to gain control of the situation..."

It does not say that white or blacks were fighting. Since the cop was gathering up black kids it appears that they were the uninvited guests and some broke out in fighting. The video or text does not say just that juveniles were now actively fighting. More info is needed.

The cops have to gain control of the situation, then go about finding out what occurred and who did what.

The girl was as the wrong place at the wrong time. The cop was in no mood to play around.

Once again obey, let the cop do what he needs to do and everyone moves on.

What was the result? Did they find who did the fighting?

The Investigators: ALEC - The Backroom Where Laws Are Born

Mordhaus says...

We need separation of corporate and state asap. This is ludicrous.

"I'm a paying guest of this hotel"

"We'll take care of that" off duty cop that shouldn't even be allowed to wear the fucking uniform.

Knife Types & Techniques with Alton Brown

TangledThorns says...

I saw this video last year and it motivated me to upgrade my old Sabatier knife set to a 8-piece Shun Premier knife set. The Shun Premier knives are beautiful and razor sharp but very delicate. I would only suggest those who have a lot of cooking experience and training buy Shun or any other expensive Japanese made knives. I still have my old Sabatier knife set for when we have guests over, lol.

blahpook (Member Profile)

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