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lucky760 (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

I had guessed the "what", but not the "why". Since the vast majority of thumbnails are exactly the same as the provided one, this is a clever solution, and I doubt anybody will argue against keeping the lights on. I would like to see the thumbnail stored somewhere so we can have it displayed when the vid goes dead, since it is far far easier to fix a dead vid with a thumbnail than without.

Now if you could just work out the liveleak and vimeo api's to get their thumbs too you would have easily three quarters of all embeds covered... without access to the stats, yt does seem the most common though.

I'm sure a lot of folks would be happy to see a flat background instead of the 24.85KB light background texture and 75KB dark background, too.

lucky760 said:

Ah, yes. Thanks for pointing out this oversight.

Trouble is we just got hit with a MASSIVE overage bill from our CDN, and it's because we increased the resolution of our thumbnail images at the end of November. In an attempt to help us keep the lights on, we decided to just display YouTube's thumbnails on all videos with their embeds.

Perhaps I'll make a change so that if you are a logged-in member, you can instead see the custom thumbnail, if any. Again, thanks for pointing this out!

The HP Touch Computer - From 1983

braindonut says...

Exactly. This is actual skeuomorphism and it's dumb. (Not the "Does it have lighting or texture? OMG SKUEOMORPHAGERP!" bullshit that's been going around.)

nock said:

Terrible skeuomorphism. Yeah, I want an expensive computer because it simulates a roledex.

That's retarded even for 1983.

Bettie Page dancing

chingalera says...

*related= (pimping the dead would describe the operative texture)

*Same set and setting w/added filters and audio-Always loved the fandom she continues to create, may she live forever

Ninja Woman

chingalera says...

She's had martial training, you can tell from her form-She twirls the long staff well enough, has a well-oiled sense of her center, quite grounded-BUT, if she wants to be a Ninja she's needs to be able to scale vertical obstacles with only the texture of the stone and the mortar seams to hold on to.

the last 3 comments....Remember Bruce Lee? He was taught by the best (IpMan-Wing Chun styles) and his version of martial arts was an amalgam of several styles. He called it Jeet Kune Do and the Chinese purists were saying the same thing about his hybridized, eclectic form.

Y'all remember Bruce Lee right?

This chick would throttle most posers.

Neal Peart of RUSH discussing LimeLight and vocal timing

chingalera says...

Peart, Terry Bozzio, Ginger Baker and Kieth Moon have always been my favorites for sheer energy in execution, improvisation, and texture. John Bonham was fun to listen to and watch, too. Surprisingly, I sat mesmerized by Charlie Watts at this show in 79' in Dallas where the band was Page, Clapton, and Beck all jamming with Entwistle on bass and Watts on drums. He looks like a tax collector sitting there but busts out an incredible envelop of rhythm with the precision of a Swiss timepiece on a minimalist kit.

lurgee said:

Neal = God

David Gilmour and David Bowie do Pink Floyd Comfortably Numb

chingalera says...

Dunno man, their two vibes follow a similar groove during their respective hey-days... recognizable textures with the ethereal and lyrical abstractions in-step with the evolution of album-groove at the time...Bowie invariably had long-jam-cuts on hi best albums-He also surrounded himself with cutting edge fringe musicians for special tracks similar to the Floyd crew....Eno...Fripp...Belew......
Bowies the ultimate rock/pop/dance god! His new viddy creeps me out.

dystopianfuturetoday said:

What a lovely paradigm collision.

Solar Roadways

budzos says...

I think this'll have to wait until there's some kind of photovoltaic/thermovoltaic asphalt or other wearable textured surface that is cheap to lay down. I'm all for solar roadways but yes I agree the engineering requirements of this concept are a bit out there.

Photo-Realistic Virtual World Rendered LIVE server-side

zeoverlord says...

So i was playing saints row the third earlier today and save for some reflections and the quality of some of the textures and lighting it's not far off, in fact i am pretty sure next generation consoles will be able to reproduce most of this and more without modification (reflections are still tricky, but you can fake those)

VideoSift 5.0 bugs go here. (Sift Talk Post)

seltar says...

The Top videos, is now called "All time top videos" for some reason. Which is weird, because you are presented with a page of todays top videos.
Sure, you can select all time top, but that is not really what you are presented with initially.

Secondly, there's only one page of videos there. There used to be several pages of videos there. Is this because of lack of sifting, or some bug relating to the calculations of top videos?

And I'm really getting sick of the background texture. Could you perhaps make it optional?

And I still think the number of people in the sift lounge should be made more visible, and not only available through the pop-out menu. At least for users that can join (charters and silver+). This is of course to keep it from dying completely.

What should the default color scheme of VideoSift be? (User Poll by dag)

Eric Hovind Debates a 6th Grader

messenger says...

To be fair to Jello, it has a definable shape, colour, ingredients and texture, can actually support things, and can somewhat maintain its shape. God has absolutely no consistent definition or constitution. It's like building a house on a foundation of a vacuum in space.

xxovercastxx said:


Trying to build upon "God" is like trying to build a house upon a foundation of Jello.

VideoSift 5.0 bugs go here. (Sift Talk Post)

What should the default color scheme of VideoSift be? (User Poll by dag)

VideoSift 5.0 Launch! (Sift Talk Post)

What should the default color scheme of VideoSift be? (User Poll by dag)

JAPR says...

Let's make the comment text a nice, strong black and the links/buttons a darker shade of blue with the snazzy grey textured background on the light version, and I think all will be well.

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