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High Quality Horizontally Spinning Rat

Khufu says...

how is this a meme? a 3d model turntable on grey is a very standard way to evaluate a model/texture at any studio. Super run-of-the-mill ordinary procedure here!

Enhancing photorealism in video games

Khufu says...

while this is cool, it's really just forcing a specifically art-directed look of the game(texture detail, color grading) into a dashcam-quality, drab color-scheme version. The game was obviously going for a more film-inspired color grading meant to give you the impression of a hot summer day in LA, not a cold German day seen through a raw ccd limited dashcam. cool that it's this fast though!

just saw the bit at the end with the broader dataset used.. that's more like it, keeps the vibrant color but does improve realism of things like road look.

“The Reset” | 5G Built For Gamers | Verizon

fuzzyundies says...

20+ year professional game dev here. This commercial conflates a mix of common game client bugs (eg: texture streaming errors, physics glitches, and animation attachment offsets) with straight up nonsense (upper half of coffee mug popping in with a phone over and over is caused by a slow network connection?). They never show any actual network performance problems that they, as a company, have been responsible for causing in real life.

It's as if a city council came out with electrified upgrades to their formerly-diesel city buses and to promote this fact, they cut an ad showing:

- monkeys driving the bus
- constant gunfights between the elderly
- piles of feces on the floor
- bus stops existing in a quantum superposition of clearly identified and invisible
- tribal warriors on the roof spitting blowdarts at passersby
- every seat is actually a block of super-chilled ice

Never once would they point out reduction in chronic asthma to the local schoolkids or lung cancer in their bus drivers. But hey, so long as the company looks good, who cares about accuracy in ads?

Improving Tron Legacy using Deep Fakes

Crysis Remastered - Official 8K Tech Trailer

admiralronton says...

Some of it's nostalgia. It was a great game that really did push graphics cards to their limits. Being able to play with updated textures and such would be fun.

wtfcaniuse said:

Why is everyone losing their shit over a port of a poorly optimized game to a newer version of the engine?

PS5 Demo

Digitalfiend says...

I was wondering if this had made it here yet. Mind... completely... blown. As a UE4 / ZBrush tinkerer, the thought of just being able to bring in ZBrush sculpts directly into the engine, without worrying about decimation mastering, The use of cinematic quality Quixel textures/materials is astounding as well. They've really outdone themselves this time. The fact this is running on a PS5 is pretty awesome too. I can only imagine the games we're going to see over the next 4-5 years; indie developers/artists are going to absolutely love this engine. I think Unity might need to step up its game.

Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

Two "California Kids" Go For Snow Run in Portland

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

In Japan, Shaved Ice Goes Gourmet

newtboy says...

I've had it in Hawaii....done right it's much softer than an ordinary summer fair snow cone. Incredibly better than pre packaged snow cones.
The flavors depend on the syrup they pour over it, so vary by location. I think the big difference here is texture.

eric3579 said:

I would like to try this as my brain can't seem to wrap my head around this being some kind of delicious treat. Are they playing it up or is shaved ice actually amazing? All i have to go on is snow cones as a child which were not particularly yummy.

"Number 13" Sci-Fi Short Film - DUST Exclusive Premiere

jmd says... Why is it so hard to write a good script? A story board? A director who has seen a movie or two? Lets CinimaSins this bitch;

1. opening shot is two shots at very wrong focal lengths, or that hole is actually very small.

2. One would think pre rendered special effects would not have issues with limited fill rates, but this comet clearly looks like its using a smoke trail from a video game on minimum graphic settings. You can count the number of particles on one hand.

3. For a desert nomad in a sand storm, she has an amazingly clean face, also, hoods that pull forward?

4. nomad is pointing at the clear as day impact landing of meteor as if it NEEDED to be pointed out.

5. a fairly large amount of simulated camera shake despite flames being so thin they don't smoke.

6. A horribly done transition shot where the boy is surrounded by smoke, fire, and lava, all except in the direction the camera is pointing.

7. Large tank army that no one notices until it passes them.

8. Physics, or lack of. the entire scene. Those 2 bypeds look like they were motioned captured by a two year old playing with his toys.

9. The expression on the boys face of surprise makes no sense for a robot of some sort who has crashed to the surface of a planet of which he had full intention of kicking ass in. The scowl afterwards makes it even more awkward.

10. what then proceeds is what can best be described as live gameplay from a random indie game from the steam store that utilizes a mostly black color pallet to hide the fact that nothing is texture mapped, low polygon models, and something that only slightly passes as a physics engine.

Unreal Engine's Human CGI is So Real it's Unreal

Khufu says...

what you saw was a mesh with a skin shader rendering in real-time so that's how fast it renders. didn't look terribly hi-res, the real advancement here is the quality of the skin shader(for realtime) and the fidelity of the facial rig, having proper face target shapes all blending together to get complex movements with skin compression/stretching/wrinkling at this level have historically been out of reach for anything but pre-rendered cgi.

They can probably drop libraries of mocap data on this with face markers that match those manipulation points you see in the video, and animators can use them to animate, or clean up/change the motion capture data.

and the skin textures/pore detail/face model are not a technological achievement as much as the work of a skilled artist, and the deformations are the result of someone who really knows their anatomy.

since there is no animation in this video, no performance, it's hard to judge how realistic it feels. the real trick is always seeing it animated.

ChaosEngine said:

Sorry, not quite there yet. There is no way anyone would actually look at that and think "oh, it's a video of a human".

The uncanny valley is one of those instances where the closer you get to perfection, the more obvious the flaws are.

But in terms of a video game character, this is very, very good.

I would love to know a few more details about it:
- how expensive is the rendering? We're just seeing a face on its own. If we drop it into an actual scene, will it still run?

- how well does it animate/lip sync?

Lawn Bubble

Stormsinger says...

I had to think back a's been a few decades since I spent any time on a lawn of zoysia. But once I thought a bit more carefully, it does seem that zoysia changes it's texture with the season. Over the winter (and dry times) it gets tough and spiky, like walking on a bed of nails. But during the (limited) times when it's fresh and green, it is pretty soft. I think you can tell which season sticks in my memory.

00Scud00 said:

On the bubble or on the zoysia? Based on my limited reading zoysia is really soft.

I Can't Show You How Pink This Pink Is

NYC's Best Burger, Explained

TheFreak says...

I'll throw my vote in for American Cheese on burgers.

I make cheese at home and every once in a while one comes out with too soft and sticky a texture. The flavor usually isn't what I want either because the moisture content is too high during aging.

I started making pub-cheese with these failures and enjoyed the results. Then I threw some on a breakfast egg and sausage sandwich and it was better than cheddar but the consistency wasn't quite right once it got hot. So I experimented with other ingredients until I had something that melts well and is flavorful enough to stand up to breakfast sausage or bacon or jalapenos on a burger...whatever. It finally occurred to me the first time I made a grilled cheese sandwich with it that I've been making American cheese.

I love cheese, that's why I have a notebook full of my cheese making notes and a full-size stand-up freezer converted to a cheese cave. But damned if my homemade American cheese isn't the best thing to put on a burger.

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