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PA State Police Shooting Dashcam Video

newtboy says...

You must acknowledge that the great cops that stand with and protect the bad cops are also bad cops. Sadly, that's almost certainly > 98%. It's incredibly rare for a cop to testify against other cops, and the few that do are run out of the profession.
That needs to change before any progress can be made.

BSR said:

First off you must acknowledge that there are great cops and bad cops. Racist cops fall into the bad cop category.

Arming anyone for the purpose of defending themselves against cops is nothing more than an emotional knee jerk reaction and highly unrealistic as a solution.

The starting point for this problem is better police training and stricter background checks and oversight.

Giving black men guns to defend themselves is a racist move in itself and a no win situation. The outcome will still be lives destroyed.

But I agree with your sentiment of black men being used as target practice for bad cops. We must still stand with the good cops.

simonm (Member Profile)

GOP Stands by Kavanaugh Despite Sexual Assault Allegations

newtboy says...

If they allowed her husband and their therapist to testify and present his notes as evidence, they could at least prove she told the same story in 2012 with no interest in going public with her story or even naming Kavanaugh privately...or that she's an evil supergenius that started planning this fraud 6+ years ago.

Yes, there might be reasons to want to prevent his appointment, but it's a stretch to believe this successful professional wife and mother would knowingly upend her life and the lives of her family permanently in hopes of delaying his confirmation slightly and smearing his name as a likely best case scenario if she were making it up. It also doesn't make sense that she would request a formal FBI investigation since lying to them is a crime they often prosecute harshly.
It's possible she's a liar and a nut sacrificing herself for short term political gains, but it really seems unlikely.

I do agree, there are a lot of reasons why someone might want to prevent him from being selected. I have a few myself.

Mordhaus said:

To be fair, the Kavanaugh situation is beyond he said/she said. There is literally no way to prove anything and there are a lot of reasons someone might want to prevent him from being selected.

The Mueller Investigation Is Not A Witch Hunt

newtboy says...

As usual, you're absolutely wrong on all counts.

Manafort was convicted of repeatedly committing felonious frauds with the express purpose of hiding his massive financial ties to Russia and hide the fact that he is a foreign agent working for them and has been for years if not decades.

Paying out of your pocket to women to not say anything in order to help your campaign for president, which Trump did repeatedly (according to his personal lawyer who has released tapes of them discussing it) without disclosing it as a campaign contribution is absolutely a crime, as is making a personal contribution in those amounts.

Lying about it can also be a crime, which is part of why he cannot testify. He knows he'll also be asked about them and all the other women he's screwed and paid, and he doesn't know what they can prove, so has no idea which lie to tell. He also cannot testify about his finances without admitting many more felonious frauds. No blue dress needed when you're talking about an admitted criminal fraud and consummate liar like Trump, and btw, making a blue dress dirty wasn't a crime either....hiding it and lying about it under oath was....and Trump lies 3 times per sentence. He will never survive any interview under oath....he just isn't capable of honesty.

These are high crimes, felonies, not even misdemeanors. If Clinton had 1/10 the ties to Russia you would call her a Putin stooge and be calling for her head, and you know it. If her administration had 1/10 the convictions you would be frothing at the mouth for impeachment and be irate there was any obstruction to the special council or delay in getting her testimony, and claiming the convictions were absolute proof of her guilt. The smoking gun will be found, that the multiple decades of investigations are over and she's been cleared of any crimes, and there's no accusations of actual criminal activity forthcoming (if you say pizzagate I'm going to assume you're actually mentally deficient and stop talking to you)...NOW the smoking gun will be found. *facepalm

If there's a log of smolder and smoke on the Clintons, there's a blast furnace on Trump. His entire upper echelon is either convicted of high crimes against the state, fired, both, or at odds with him for unpresidential actions and for trying to politicize the justice system like a despot. So much for his "I have the best people" lie, eh?

You are so blatantly hypocritical it would be funny, if only there weren't tens of thousands of you willing to say any kind of ignorant nonsense if you think it distracts from the overtly and undeniably criminal administration you support. That's pretty damn unpatriotic of y'all.

bobknight33 said:

Unrelated to Russian collusion or campaign fiance.

Paying $ out of you own pocket to women to not say anything is not a chime.

Low level stuff of unimportant main stream media drama.

simonm (Member Profile)

Zuckerberg’s testimony in a nutshell

notarobot says...

Some of the questions were pretty basic, yes.


eric3579 said:

Were there stupid questions liked that asked? Those clips i'd love to see. Politicians not having a clue is always pretty funny and sad at the same time.

Zuckerberg’s testimony in a nutshell

KVUE Austin TX Closed Caption labels Child Victim as Monkey

CrushBug says...

And the auto caption has problems with technical and medical terms. I remember seeing a screenshot from some live criminal trial where a medic was testifying and regardless of what he said the caption was:

"And the cat pornography levels were low, only 16."

all governments lie:truth,lies and the spirit of I.F stone

bobknight33 says...

Operation mockingbird ?

“Operation Mockingbird” was a fully implemented CIA program to spread disinformation throughout American media.

CIA Director William Colby testified to the Church Committee that over 400 CIA agents were active in the US media to control what was reported through American mainstream television, newspapers, and magazines.

CIA Funding and Manipulation of the U.S. Mainstream Media According to the Congress report published in 1976:

Trump Uses Nunes Memo to Attack Russia Probe: A Closer Look

bobknight33 says...

Trey Gowedy did read the FISA documents and did provide great incite in writing the Nunes memo.

Don't think there was any direct reading of any part of the memo from fake news outlets.

As for the memo::: Bombshell.::::::

Comey own words indicated that this dossier is “salacious and unverified."
McCabe testified “that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISA court without the Steele dossier information”

Yet both signed off to obtain / renew the FISA surveillance.

The fact that the FISA has to be renewed every 90 days and that top leadership ( FBI Director James Comey, McCabe,) and others. The fact that they had to re-sign off every 90 days makes this even worse.

James Comey signed three FISA applications
Deputy Director Andrew McCabe signed one.
Sally Yates, and Rod Rosenstein each signed one or more FISA applications on behalf of DOJ.

They all knew this was a bad document and this was for political reasons.

McCabe wife working for Global Fusion GPS worked on this steel document. McCabe’s wife received 500k for her political run from Hillary Clinton.

The Muller investigation was started due to this dossier. An un verified political slanted document.

Since this memo came out we find out that Hillary Clinton/DNC passed info to Steele to put in the dossier ..

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

The market drop is not from the memo. The market is fine , slight pull back from explosive growth. Hoped you did some stock shopping Friday.

As for the memo::: Bombshell.::::::
Using the minimally verified Steele dossier that the Clinton/ DNC ,( started by the RNC) then gave to FBI/DOJ is fine with me. IF IT WERE TRUE.

According to the head of the FBI's counter intelligence division, corroboration of the Steele dossier was in its "infancy" at the time of the initial
Page FISA application. After Steele was terminated, a source validation report conducted by an independent unit within FBI assessed Steele's reporting as only minimally corroborated.

The rubbing point is that the FBI/DOJ used this material supplied by Steele to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on an American citizen, Carter Page to indirectly to spy on Trump for political reasons.

Comey own words indicated that this dossier is “salacious and unverified."
McCabe testified “that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISA court without the Steele dossier information”

Yet both signed off to obtain / renew the FISA surveillance.

The fact that the FISA has to be renewed every 90 days and that top leadership ( FBI Director James Comey, McCabe,) and others. The fact that they had to re-sign off every 90 days makes this even worse.

James Comey signed three FISA applications
Deputy Director Andrew McCabe signed one.
Sally Yates, and Rod Rosenstein each signed one or more FISA applications on behalf of DOJ.

They all knew this was a bad document and this was for political reasons.

McCabe wife working for Global Fusion GPS worked on this steel document. McCabe’s wife received 500k for her political run from Hillary Clinton.

The Muller investigation was started due to this dossier. An un verified political slanted document.

This is just the starting point for the American people, as more info is put forth.

With respect to the FISA court itself-- they did their job. The information brought to the court is to be true and accurate.

newtboy said:

I want to hear your take on the memo....I know mine.

Do you, like me, see the stock market crash as a response to it? I feel like those CEO s that are banking on Trump's policies were horrified to see what was being presented as a defensive move, because there is nothing there. Zero. Nada. Zip. Even if the accusations are true, and they aren't as presented in it, there wasn't a thing there that violated FISA or normal procedures.

I'm really curious if you still think it's a smoking gun of some kind, and not just a whining note from a retiring sycophant with no fact or legal charge included....and if so, why and of what?

simonm (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

Gratefulmom (Member Profile)

Nephelimdream (Member Profile)

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