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Young Boy strip searched by TSA

joedirt says...

You can't compare backscatter to equivalent dosage. This isn't high energy X-rays that pass through the body. This isn't like high atmospheric solar radiation that passes through the body.

Backscatter X-rays work by being such low energy, they only penetrate a few mm into the skin then ionize and scatter X-rays to make the image. There is ZERO studies on what this does to children, corneas, or testicles.

Young Boy strip searched by TSA

nock says...

These scans are different from scout films for CT scanners. Scout films are basically chest xrays. They use Xrays with keV that penetrate tissues. My understanding of these scanners is that the total body radiation may be less, but the amount of surface (read: skin/eyes/testicles) radiation is increased because of the simple fact that the keV is smaller, which explains the UCSF letter regarding concerns for AIDS/cancer patients and the elderly/young. Medical physicists and radiologists are taught very early on that with regard to ionizing radiation, there is no level of exposure at which the risk of harmful biological effects is zero. Until peer-reviewed evidence is provided to suggest otherwise, these scanners should be considered potentially harmful.

How Germans Protest Body Scanners

radx says...

How about this: this video isn't available in .... *drum roll* ... Germany.

I refused to pass through those scanners in Hamburg last month and received a testicle exam instead. If I was a pedophile or some sort of sex addict, I'd apply for a job in airport security to get my free fix on a daily basis.

Window Installed in Shark Egg

Laptops Can Cause 'Toasted Skin Syndrome'

Tymbrwulf says...

The infertility is caused by the ambient heat generated by the laptop. The function of the scrotum is to keep the testicles at a slightly lower temperature than the rest of the body. This lower temperature is more ideal for spermatogenesis, and anything that alters that temperature homeostasis is bound to have negative effects on sperm production.

The cancer risk? I'd like to see the medical journal that proved this and look at their numbers to see what kind of confidence interval and power they're working with to try and prove this. Honestly almost everything can be linked to causing cancer, and from my understanding of this they probably are linking long-term physical damage (ie. Toasted Skin Syndrome) and how that can lead to faster cell turnover which can increase cancer risk.

Wiki Leaks founder walks out from interview with CNN

kranzfakfa says...

>> ^entr0py:

But, I've got to disagree with kranzfakfa that allegations of rape are somehow comparable to infidelity scandals. One is a very serious and devastating crime, the other is not a crime at all and merely embarrassing. Either the people accusing him have done something horrible, or he has done something horrible. But since he hasn't been legally accused or any evidence offered, for the time being you have to presume he's innocent.

Of course, but you missed my point. Obviously I wasn't saying that rape is a-ok. I'm saying that the accusations against Assange are derived from the knowledge that if you smear someone's private life, you deflect heat from the real problems. What better way to do that than with the A-bomb of accusations, rape. The only thing better would be to accuse him of being a pedophile (give it time). And as you said yourself, there is no evidence of anything. Its just a wild accusation being shouted a lot and very loud. The bigger the lie, a lie told a thousand times, etc. (Dammit, my second Godwin on this thread).

>> ^Yogi:

HOW DARE YOU! Hitler WAS NOT a Vegetarian! So sayeth QI so it shall be remembered!

WHAT? You can't argue with QI. My worldview is rocked. Was he at least myopic, mono-testicled and a drug addict? Oh, the disappointment!

At The Governor's Debate: Rent Is Too High Guy Makes Sense!

WTF Riding Hood

WTF Riding Hood

WTF Riding Hood

WTF Riding Hood

BoneRemake says...


how when 60 weeks ago it was brought to attention and upvoted the comment that no action was taken ? makes little sense. the only difference is the intro words and outro words. ITS A DUPE !
you can change 7 seconds of a video with a intro but its still the same video.

Pedobear Terrifies Oklahoma

Japanese gameshow goes too far?

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'japanese, tv, gameshow, extreme, punishment' to 'japanese, tv, gameshow, extreme, punishment, gaki no tsukai, balls, testicles, crotch' - edited by kronosposeidon

Update to Russian car insurance commercial: BOOBS!

Update to Russian car insurance commercial: BOOBS!

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