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Las Vegas Police Beating Caught On Tape

Ryjkyj says...

astr0, MrFisk and MarineGunrock are absolutely right. Anyone who is being beaten by an authority figure for acting within their legal rights, and then cries out are such pussies. Forget about the fact that you can totally hear the pepper spray.

Cops totally have the right to put their hands on you any time they want, and if you are afraid when they do it, then it's like "two for flinching", and they are totally exonerated. Especially if it doesn't make a loud noise. When I beat my six month old son, sometimes my wife can't hear it in the other room. So if he cries out in pain, I usually give him an extra shot in the testicles, because he's such a whiny little bitch.

But don't worry. You can't actually "hear it" when I do it. So it's fine.

I'm really glad that there are people like astr0 and MrFisk and MarineGunrock in the world. Otherwise, we would be ruled by a bunch of people who cry when you invade their personal space while wearing a gun, pepper spray, a large composite bludgeon designed for cracking bone, and handcuffs to make sure you can't fight back while being violated and stripped of your personal rights. What a bunch of little bitches they all are.

Here's a question that MarineGunrock and MrFisk and astr0 might be able to answer. Sometimes, I'll pick a girl up in a bar. Then, after I drug her, take her back to my garage, tie her up, and show her my collection of boning knives, she screams like a little bitch. Now here's my question: what could possibly set her off like that? I mean, it's not like you can hear anything happening to her. WTF? Right?

Remember, here in America, it's not assault if you just force someone to the ground and break their camera. You actually have to make a noise while doing it. And that holds doubly true if they are screaming.>> ^MarineGunrock:

I'm honestly surprised they didn't delete the footage. Also, why he was screaming like a little bitch? I didn't hear st striking or the click of a taser. Pain compliance, maybe?

Bro You Stole My Bong! FIGHT

shagen454 says...

I think you guys/gals saw something completely different. I just saw two fat white guys (in their words "niggas") displaying a lot of affection. Notice how they swing at one another and miss; it's like a mating dance with love taps, hand holding, testicle slapping and dry humping. It would be cute... if they were.

The Denver International Airport, it's Full of Dicks

Sagemind says...

He He He, Ha Ha HA, Ho Ho Ho... Ha - He He (tears) Ha HA, Ah Man, it hurts, please stop.... ha ha ha ha .........WTF - What The F..... Ha Ha Ha, He He He........ Swastika.... ???? Testicle... Ha HA , Idiot!!!! Phallic... Satanic.... Ha Ha HA .... What a messed-up crap-shoot of nonsense...

Ooooo, we should call him for more information, Hey we should ALL call him..... AND LAUGH AT HIM....

"Any ad which quotes what I said Sunday is a falsehood"

Crosswords says...

'I can not be held responsible for the things I have said in the past or may say in the future because they may conflict with other things I want or wanted you to think I stand for in the future or the past even if I don't support those things 2 seconds from now because while I have a balls sack, I lack actual testicles, instead its just full of shit.'

Ant raft can't be drowned

ant says...

>> ^mxxcon:

>> ^ant:
>> ^mxxcon:
>> ^ant:
>> ^mxxcon:
>> ^ant:

how does this video makes you feel?

Ants are unstoppable.

you know who else can't be drowned? WITCHES!

Witches can be burned with water. You forgot fire ants. They will burn YOU!


They don't have testicles.

Ant raft can't be drowned

mxxcon says...

>> ^ant:

>> ^mxxcon:
>> ^ant:
>> ^mxxcon:
>> ^ant:

how does this video makes you feel?

Ants are unstoppable.

you know who else can't be drowned? WITCHES!

Witches can be burned with water. You forgot fire ants. They will burn YOU!


TSA security looks at people who complain about them.

Opus_Moderandi says...

I told a TSA agent I had a bomb in my testicles and the only way to disarm it was to tug repeatedly on this hard, fleshy, cylindrical "firing pin".

They assured me they could disarm it by inserting a similar device into my exposed rear-end.

Homeland security wins again.

Undercover Cop Caught on Camera; Assaults Cooperating Teen

bareboards2 says...

Different incidents. Oops. I missed that it was at the END of this vid that the new incident is discussed.

I don't follow this that closely, but I think that the Federal Government is stepping in to investigate the Seattle Police Department for unnecessary violence. I live an hour away -- close enough to care, far enough away to not worry about me being a victim at any given moment.

>> ^Duckman33:

>> ^EmptyFriend:
i need more info. was the teen doing something like robbing the place? he was handcuffed and taken away.
i am not trying to belittle those kicks, he obviously had his hands up.... i don't know, depends on the cirumstances. $450k is a lot of money for 3 kicks.

googled it: sounds like some shady business was going down but the judge let this kid off.... so he decided to sue for a half million. i don't know what amount of testicle damage and chest/face pain could be worth that much money...
i guess it comes down to an old belief of mine: you know who didn't get kicked in the face? the kid NOT selling drugs to undercover cops.

More info? [Edit] The kid wasn't doing anything wrong or shady other than looking like someone that sold drugs to an under cover officer... So he gets kicked repeatedly because he looks like someone. Then the cops have the nerve to say what the under cover cop did was necessary/required. I didn't know it was necessary/required to kick someone repeatedly about the body and head because they allegedly sold drugs to an under cover cop. Pathetic. They discuss this at the end of this clip by the way.

Undercover Cop Caught on Camera; Assaults Cooperating Teen

Duckman33 says...

>> ^EmptyFriend:

i need more info. was the teen doing something like robbing the place? he was handcuffed and taken away.
i am not trying to belittle those kicks, he obviously had his hands up.... i don't know, depends on the cirumstances. $450k is a lot of money for 3 kicks.

googled it: sounds like some shady business was going down but the judge let this kid off.... so he decided to sue for a half million. i don't know what amount of testicle damage and chest/face pain could be worth that much money...
i guess it comes down to an old belief of mine: you know who didn't get kicked in the face? the kid NOT selling drugs to undercover cops.

More info? [Edit] The kid wasn't doing anything wrong or shady other than looking like someone that sold drugs to an under cover officer... So he gets kicked repeatedly because he looks like someone. Then the cops have the nerve to say what the under cover cop did was necessary/required. I didn't know it was necessary/required to kick someone repeatedly about the body and head because they allegedly sold drugs to an under cover cop. Pathetic. They discuss this at the end of this clip by the way.

Undercover Cop Caught on Camera; Assaults Cooperating Teen

EmptyFriend says...

i need more info. was the teen doing something like robbing the place? he was handcuffed and taken away.

i am not trying to belittle those kicks, he obviously had his hands up.... i don't know, depends on the cirumstances. $450k is a lot of money for 3 kicks.

googled it: sounds like some shady business was going down but the judge let this kid off.... so he decided to sue for a half million. i don't know what amount of testicle damage and chest/face pain could be worth that much money...

i guess it comes down to an old belief of mine: you know who didn't get kicked in the face? the kid NOT selling drugs to undercover cops.

Cop pepper sprays squirrel.

blankfist (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

sorry I downvoted your shitty baby talking video. Not that you care, I know you posted this knowing, damn-well, that it was sift-gold.

The sound of babies make my vas deferens pull my testicles up into my chest.

Glenn Beck - God Punished Japan With Earthquake, Tsunami

quantumushroom says...

Here we have the same gargle of atheists going out of their way to get pissed off at one man's opinion. It's fun to be offended...the religious equally enjoy being offended by what they deem blasphemous.

All right, you don't care for GB and wouldn't no matter what he said, but you would "respect" him more for saying what he "really" thinks? Read the quote. It implies something, but is so vague as to be meaningless.

Obama never says what he means and he's the President. For now.

>> ^Crosswords:

>> ^quantumushroom:
Beck quote: "But I'll tell you this: whether you call it Gaia or whether you call it Jesus -- there's a message being sent. And that is, 'Hey, you know that stuff we're doing? Not really working out real well. Maybe we should stop doing some of it.' I'm just sayin'."
It was not a well-constructed thought, but it says nothing to the effect of God singled out Japan for its sins or that Japan 'deserved' it.
Tis a far cry from what Stenk and Friends are insinuating, but expect no less from "interpreters" who are anti-religion.

So supernatural force causing earthquakes to send a message that stuff people are doing is not good. It is still a moron trying to place human causation on a natural disaster. He's playing the same stupid game he always does, 'I'm not going to say (blank is a blank) but wink wink you gotta wonder.'
And thus why I suggest he's got shriveled raisins for testicles because he's too much of a pussy to say what he actually means. I'm sure his fans would eat it up and his buddies at FOX would just go, Oh Glen you so crazy, but you make us a lot of money so we love you.

Glenn Beck - God Punished Japan With Earthquake, Tsunami

Crosswords says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Beck quote: "But I'll tell you this: whether you call it Gaia or whether you call it Jesus -- there's a message being sent. And that is, 'Hey, you know that stuff we're doing? Not really working out real well. Maybe we should stop doing some of it.' I'm just sayin'."
It was not a well-constructed thought, but it says nothing to the effect of God singled out Japan for its sins or that Japan 'deserved' it.
Tis a far cry from what Stenk and Friends are insinuating, but expect no less from "interpreters" who are anti-religion.

So supernatural force causing earthquakes to send a message that stuff people are doing is not good. It is still a moron trying to place human causation on a natural disaster. He's playing the same stupid game he always does, 'I'm not going to say (blank is a blank) but wink wink you gotta wonder.'

And thus why I suggest he's got shriveled raisins for testicles because he's too much of a pussy to say what he actually means. I'm sure his fans would eat it up and his buddies at FOX would just go, Oh Glen you so crazy, but you make us a lot of money so we love you.

AdrianBlack (Member Profile)

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