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When Idiots make laws (Blog Entry by winkler1)

MarineGunrock says...

True story: When submitting a claim for tech support I once gave my name as "Bob Barker." The TS guy called me Mr. Barker for the entire duration of the call.

The point of that story is that <suspend belief> if this bill ever gets enacted </suspend belief>
then according to my membership resistration with VideoSift, my name will be Mr. Cornelieus Happypants and I will live at 69 Boner Ln.

My continuing networking woes (Blog Entry by oxdottir)

help! Have new computer; refuses to recognize videosift (Blog Entry by oxdottir)

oxdottir says...

It does indeed say looking for videosift, and eventually it tells me that the server did not respond and i should double check etc. etc.

So far, the computer seems great. I didnt' want to spend the time puting one together myself. Hell, I spent 5 hours with at&t and lynksis last night just to deal with my new wireless router's dislike for static ip, and I only did that because I spent 5 hours with my old router's company and apple because of my problems using wireless connections after iphones 1.1.3. I don't want to spend my time fixing all the billions of details, and my son has even less desire to do that than I do. I just told him he could do without a working computer if he didn't want to do his own tech support, and that's what he did, but his grandmother took pity on him.

Now that the machine is here, it seems great.

Intels 80 core processor

I'm ALL nerdy up in here! Installing Ubuntu 7.10 on my PS3 (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

I think Siftbot and my computer have been hanging out together. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

I think Siftbot and my computer have been hanging out together. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

swampgirl says...

I had a similar problem when I moved too. Everything was connected...modem working, router receiving signal, but my laptop was not getting it. I spent an entire afternoon getting passed around tech supports from cable to Toshiba.
Finally after giving up and leaving it for a day, it seems to resolve itself.

It'd be nice to think Sifty came to my aid, eh?

Crysis = teh suck. Worst release ever. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

MarineGunrock says...

It's all cool buzdos. I would have said hardware issues as well. I also would have tried a different card, but Walmart doesn't exactly carry high-end graphics cards. If there was a computer shop in town that I could just walk in and pick one up from I would. I talked to the TS again, and the guy told me (the 3rd level guy that I got to) said they've escalated my case to their "top tier" tech support for investigation. Apparently my case is the epitome of what is being reported as wrong with this game.
And just in case you were wondering, my GPU does heat up to about 10 degrees higher than when idle, but that should be expected.

Crysis = teh suck. Worst release ever. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

budzos says...

The reason you sound like a noob is you can have so MANY different problems and still try and blame it all on the game. I don't have any of the problems you describe. My only problem is my video driver occcasionally resets itself, which interrupts play for about 30 seconds, and my computer has locked up a few times. Like most PC gamers with a clue, I accept that it's only been released for 72 hours, it's the most demanding game ever created, and there has not been a patch and no targeted video drivers yet. There are going to be some bugs, and spending an entire day making multiple calls to tech support expecting them to wave some magic wand to fix your clearly fucked up hardware just paints you as a clueless NOOB.

The guy probably "lied" to you because you were being self-righteous. Demanding his personal e-mail is like demanding his cell phone #. That address doesn't exist to serve you and he is not obliged to share it with you. Stepping outside of procedure like that creates huge inefficiencies when you're dealing with large call volumes. A lot of people who have to deal with the public learn to tell little white lies so as to avoid wasting time, and hearing undue sanctimony from the bleating morons who call up to dish some abuse. I'd love to do a quick poll of people who have worked in customer support and see who'd be willing to give a complainant their personal contact information, even if it's work-based.

You assume the most demanding game ever released is not causing heat problems just because your fans are on max at all times... well maybe you are wearing the damn fans out, maybe the stock cooler on your video card is not up to the task, etc. Like I said before, this is the only game that causes my video fans to spin up to maximum, so obviously it causes more heat due to rendering load than other games. I can play TF2, HL2, etc.. all day at 2560x1600 and the fans never spin up... play Crysis for 20 seconds at 1680X1050 and both cards have spun up to maximum...

Try a different video card. If you're broke, just buy a fast card on credit and return it after you've diagnosed the problem. I've experienced the problem in your screenshot, and some of the problems in your list before, and it was due to the video card hardware being basically borked. In one case the cooling fan stopped spinning, which caused heat damage due to overclocking, and in another there was a bad capacitor on the card. At any rate, there is just something about the tone of your post that really rubs me the wrong way.

Crysis = teh suck. Worst release ever. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

budzos says...

You sound like a noob! Don't be so self-righteous with tech support. It's a big company, they can't give their personal e-mails out to every ninny who has trouble following standard procedure.

From the screenshot you posted I'd say your video card is dying. Likely either the GPU or the video RAM is overheating. Try a different video card.

I don't have your kind of problems, but Crysis is the first game in a long time that has caused my computer to hang or reboot without warning. I'm thinking it might be pushing my power supply beyond limits. This is the only game that causes my video card coolers to spin up to maximum. I'm gonna put it aside until Crytek releases a patch and ATI releases a new video driver.

My specs:
X24400+ Oc'd 10% to 2.43ghz
4GB OCZ PC3200 400MHZ
X1950XTX CF Edition in Crossfire with X1900XTX
SB x-Fi Platinum
Dell 3007

Crysis = teh suck. Worst release ever. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

marinara says...

I have to chime in here. Don't like EA games anymore. They have big budgets and big glaring frustrations for the player.

Why do I say this?


Toys from china were just great until a kid put them in his mouth and received mild lead poisoning.
EA games are great.... on paper.

Take the X-Box 360, it's obviously great... but not if you had a hardware failure.

This isn't the leading edge of next generation games, it's the BLEEDING Edge.... to cause frustration, misery and gnashing of teeth.

Marine Gunrocks experience went like this:
Tech support asks if he has the newest processor, and If he doesn't they aren't responsible.
They pass the buck.... and use the information and training they have to intimidate the user. All too familiar to any American consumer.

Gunrock, you might try underclocking yer vid card and see if that helps.

Crysis = teh suck. Worst release ever. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

MarineGunrock says...

Oh, when the game works, it's fucking amazing. Not just the graphics, but everything. The nano-suit adds a whole other dimension to gaming.
Also, I didn't call tech support for answers. I knew they wouldn't be able to give me any. I just called them because 1)I wanted to let them know that their game is FUCKED UP and 2)I wanted someone to yell at.
Like Animals said, I love messing with hardware. Even if it's just disassembling my computer just to clean the dust out, I get just as much enjoyment as the day I got the parts in the mail and put it all together.
Tomorrow I will be calling back and I plan on going up the chain of supervisors until I get to the V.P of EA games demanding a refund or a free copy of COD.

Crysis = teh suck. Worst release ever. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

Crysis = teh suck. Worst release ever. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

thesnipe says...

That's f*cking horrible, poor excuse for a game and for tech support. I was going to umm, "acquire" this game to try it out but I think I'll save my time and bandwidth. This is another disappointment to me especially after Gears of War let me down as well. I hope you can get your money back.

I'm going back to COD.

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

qruel says...

holy crap, that's A LOT of major problems!

unbelievable the amount of problems and errors for what should be a AAA title release. you should create a channel on youtube, post a video rant (with screen captures) and I'll post it to the sift.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
AAhhh, Crysis... Worst fucking release ever. When it works, it works great. It's a masterpiece. But it never works.
Nothing but trouble ALL day. I've had to call Tech Support four times already.
The first time I started the game, it rendered my cursor 300 pixels right and 100 pixels down of where it was reading it - in other words, if I wanted to click a menu button, I had to move my cursor over two inches and down one.

Second: While playing the game, the performance suddenly drops to about 5 frames per second. Dropping my graphics to nil does nothing to solve. Restart the game, graphics to High, works fine again (for now>

Third: changing anti-aliasing automatically causes the game to crash. Every time.

Fourth: Wile playing, I turn around to find my arms floating in mid-air. It was as if I was staring at myself, only all I could see were my arms. I saved it and restarted the game.

Fifth: Upon loading the game again, it places me inside a tank. It was as if I has use no clip to walk through it's side, then turned clipping on again. I was stuck. Couldn't move at all. So I reloaded my save.

Sixth: Upon reloading, it places me about 100 feet in the air, and of course I fall to my death.

Seventh: I reload again to find myself on top of the tank. I jump off, go around a wall, and all the sudden I get strange colored triangles all over my screen. Nothing I do gets rid of them, so I close the game. Well, Crysis ***** so bad, it kept those triangle on my desktop. Here's a screen shot for you: http://i50.

Eighth: The game starts stuttering EVERY sound it produces. Even a restart doesn't solve it.

So here's my question: How the hell did this game make it out of beta?

In reply to this comment by qruel:
hey bro, I don't know if you got a chance to revisit this post, but check out Thylans comment as it was really interesting in describing what was happening.

ow's Crysis coming along ? Do you do modding at all ?

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
This PSA is absolutely right in what it's saying, but throwing water on to a grease fire does not equate to throwing gasoline onto it. Gotta love exaggeration.

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