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Peter Schiff Schools Mainstream Econohacks on Great Depr.

jrbedford says...

I don't understand most of this economic stuff because I've never put time into trying to understand it. However, I also don't understand how people who have made a living off of trying to understand it can so often be so completely wrong. How does that work? How is it that people who fail so horribly end up so rich?

Shouldn't we all put our effort into producing something useful to humanity in the most efficient way possible? If someone else is willing to do crap work like tech support cheaper than I am, shouldn't I let them and then do something else useful instead?

Why do people invest in things that they don't understand? Why do people invest in things that they don't think are going to be productive? Why do people feel like they are owed something when they've made a risky investment and lost all of it? Couldn't they have invested in the production of food instead? Or in the development of new technologies to make the production of food more efficient? If the economy goes to shit and people can't afford to buy all this organic crap anymore if there's no way to produce enough of it to feed everyone who needs food, what's going to happen? Will people live shit lives in the rest of their lives so they can continue to eat organic food instead of buying food that can be produced in bulk which will allow them to still be able to afford their house?

I just don't get it... I'd really like to read about some basics of economy so I understand this crap better. Anyone have any recommendations? Something that doesn't give me anyone's opinion but just gives me a factual analysis?

Placed in Jail for Short Shorts

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^brain...

Were she tossed in jail for an extended period of time or if she were tossed in jail on her first visit, without warning, I'd be more inclined to agree with you.

Three days might have been unnecessary, but she did have more than ample opportunity to avoid it. I spent a day in jail (as tech support, not a prisoner) and it's really not a big deal. I had it harder than the inmates did.

Whether the rules of courtroom behavior should be as they are is another question, as you said. Of course a lot of it stems from the fact that someone showing up "in a bikini" is disruptive.

Funny Commercial - Answer the Phone

13439 says...

Best Dilbert cartoon ever: Dilbert is at the doctor's office and complaining of a buzzing feeling in his hip that came from carrying his tech support pager for years. The doc says "That's 'phantom pager syndrome'. It's easy to cure."

Dilbert replies "I don't want to get rid of it - I want to move it."

The Matrix Runs on Windows

kagenin (Member Profile)

berticus says...

Disabling adblock 'fixed' it for me.
Except that I don't want to browse without adblock.
Good to know what causes it though.

In reply to this comment by Kagenin:
Haven't tried Chrome yet, but one of these days I just might be tempted to.

I just visited, and the videos load there fine. I guess its just the ones that get embedded here that refuse to load.

I guess I'll have to search for the damn video like you do, Bert.

Thanks for the advice, guys, I really appreciate it.

Office Hackey Sack skills

How anti-piracy screws over people who buy PC games

RedSky says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
Yeah, anyone that wastes money on an Alienware system needs to be punched in the face.
If you ever want a good laugh, go to their website and look at the section called "Build vs. Buy"

I was willing to accept everything until they said it'd be in some kind of generic beige case. That just fails basic logic. Oh and the BSOD, O NOES. Also, the whole obliviousness to tech support forums is amazing. The best part has to be the presumptuous you can actually save money by buying from Alienware, anyway who truly believes that deserves what they get.

IT Crowd - Jen's Meeting with the Japanese VIP

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'tech, support, jen, maurice, roy, godzilla, dr, martens' to 'tech, support, jen, maurice, roy, godzilla, dr, martens, it, crowd, chris, morris' - edited by Zonbie

The Great VideoSift Coming -Out Thread (Happy Talk Post)

moodonia says...

Well I dont know if anyone knows or cares to know anything about me but here goes.

I'm mike, a 31 year old computer tech from Ireland. Consider myself fairly well traveled, lived in a few different countries, I think everyone should do that and we would have a nicer more peaceful world!

Been called an eternal student, not entirely justified, I started out doing Marine technology (thought I might get into fish farming...yes I was smoking a lot at the time!) but that lead into computer aided design for a couple of years, which lead to networks and support. So I ended up working for Microsoft in tech support, now I'm building and repairing point of sale systems, so next time your at a checkout spare a thought for the guy who has to make and repair those things

I'm a former stoner, lightweight drinker, my loves are cycling, snorkelling and gaming. I used to combine the smoking and snorkelling , it was very EIA but fun too, if a little creepy

I love animals (not that way) but I cant bear to bury anymore of them so I havent replaced any of the dogs and cats that passed in the last couple of years. When they are knocking around for 20 years and then go it "kicks my ass" as my american friends say.

I like this place because the people are cool and some of them should be writing for a living. I hope to start an I.T. Degree part time later in the year, after that I'd like to get into Astronomy. Aim for the stars right??

How dare you all have lives on a Saturday night! (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

The Pirate Bay (2007)

choggie says...

(Oh and you don't have to swear in Battlestar Galacticese, you can say fuck. Fuck fuckety fuck, it's not hurting anyone.)

and that one....Hi-larity.....

The comparison of the inability to make boo-koo $$$ on ice now that refrigeration exists is perfect-Before commercial refrigeration, certain concerns made millions quarrying and supplying ice from natural sources to ship and transport by train. My sentiments in the 90s, when the creator of Napster was embroiled in lawsuits, and bands like Metallica put on their whining shoes to do battle was, that no matter how hard one trys, they simply can't stop the evolution of the paradigm-that paradigm being the control of monetary systems by a few, maniacal, power-mad dynasties. That and the days of the mega-arena sell-out crowds for a single band, are coming to an end. (get off yer lazy asses, Metallica, and do what you did to make a living prior to becoming huge....Tour, you drunk whiners!!!
The Pirate bay is only a small glimpse of how to take back the power from the money-changers-Do you hear writers whining because people don't read as many books anymore?? Who stole their readership...the Nazi's?????

Evolution in Action, baby-Fuck a lawyer, fuck a record exec, fuck em all-

Shall we discuss why it is morally righteous to steal ANYTHING one can from Microsoft???? What about major computer manufacturers, who do not ship operating systems disks and drivers, even though you have paid for it, that then want to charge you by the minute for any form of information or tech support, by telephone....?

Thylan (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

I think you know EXACTLY where I'm coming from

In reply to this comment by Thylan:
Interesting you should say this. Our outgoing email settings have just been changed (ISP's end) and their "help" online to get it working again involves using their installed email client thingy, which we dont use. partly because the ISP has seamlessly changed a few hands and so we havent installed "their" stuff (why, its an email client. we have one).

At some point I'll have to go through the tech support pain to get them to validate the emails. joy.

Technical Support (Geek Talk Post)

Thylan says...

Interesting you should say this. Our outgoing email settings have just been changed (ISP's end) and their "help" online to get it working again involves using their installed email client thingy, which we dont use. partly because the ISP has seamlessly changed a few hands and so we havent installed "their" stuff (why, its an email client. we have one).

At some point I'll have to go through the tech support pain to get them to validate the emails. joy.

Technical Support (Geek Talk Post)

Technical Support (Geek Talk Post)

gorgonheap says...

I hate tech support.
Gorgonheap: "Yes I can't run your software on my computer without it crashing. I meet and exceed the minimum requirements, I've cleared all unnecessary files, and ran it in safe mode."
Support Tech: "Ok try restarting your computer."
Gorgonheap: *sigh* "Ok, done."
Support Tech: "Do you have our CD in your main drive?
Gorgonheap: "Yes"
Support Tech: "Is your computer on"
Gorgonheap: "Yes"
Support Tech: "Do an uninstall and then reinstall the program."
Gorgoheap: "Done"
Support Tech: "Is is working?"
Gorgonheap: "No it just crashed again."
Support Tech: "Have you sold your soul to Microsoft yet?"
Gorgonheap: "No."
Support Tech: "Ok well I'll send you some paper work, all you need to do is sign on the bottom line and we'll make sure you have the same problem for the rest of your life."
Gorgonheap: "Wait how does that help --"
Support Tech: "Thanks and have a good day!" *click*

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