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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Odd, 1/3!? I can’t recall a single time you’ve actually proven me wrong, and 9/10 of what you say is demonstrably wrong and the 10th thing you misunderstand.

Please give 3 specific examples where I am wrong but haven’t corrected my mistake. That should be easy.

I would rather be capable of speaking my native language well enough that I’m not constantly and convincingly being accused of being a foreigner posing as an American. Knowing your own language is step one for knowing anything else. You can’t learn properly if you don’t understand the words, this leaves you ignorant and mistaken 9/10 of the time, and targets for people like Trump who prey on the ignorant who will believe his nonsense because they don’t know better….that paired with your obstinate certitude in your mistakes makes you ridiculous, aggravating, and dangerous.

I don't think I know everything, but I can research what I don't know and still offer an intelligent educated response. Google and a bullshit filter are amazing teachers. I don't know why that's like sorcery to you.

Elitist!? Lol. So far off the mark, like most of what you say and think. ROTFLMAHS!

bobknight33 said:

I would rather make grammar mistakes than be an elitist who thinks they know everything but in reality a good 1/3 is wrong.

US sues to block TX abortion law

newtboy says...

There can be no heartbeat without a heart, which takes another 6-8 + weeks to form chambers, and 16 or more more weeks to develop valves and functional muscle tissue and actually pump blood. There is no heartbeat at 6, 8, or even 10 weeks by any definition, there's a twitch in the place a heart will one day develop.

This abdication of the state's duty to private citizens has been ruled unconstitutional by the supreme court when states allowed churches to veto liquor licenses and bars challenged them and won. The government cannot deputize the populace to enforce a law, nor can it pay them with the state imposed fines even if they call it a judgement...You cannot pre set a judgement amount in a law for a civil case.

There has been no medical breakthroughs that change the standard, if it can't survive outside the womb, it's not viable. Period. End of discussion. That's what not viable means.

"Mutually incompatible"!? Nonsense. Legally there is no baby to be harmed, that's the law this is trying to end run around. Covid harms everyone. It's a paper tiger argument, a total fake red herring, there is NO public health danger if a woman has an abortion, you cannot catch abortion. Covid you can catch, and spread, and it's deadly to actual, real, fully cooked legal people AND embryos.

One wonders if the Texas legal system has nothing to do and had this passed as job security...because it's the only kind of civil case they'll be hearing now.

One also wonders if the state has too much money, because there's apparently they weren't smart enough to include exemptions for the state if they help facilitate any abortions by, let's say, offering bus service, maintaining roadways, or supplying electricity and water to the buildings. Any of these is grounds to sue them for $10000. If you live in Texas, file your case now before there's no money left and they rewrite the law to just target liberals.

They'll have to defend every case filed costing another $10000+ in legal fees (they'll have to pay the plaintiff's costs too). Pair that with the companies fleeing the state to avoid boycotts, Texas is going to be so poor they become America's Hati soon. Yee haw!

bobknight33 said:

Derp ^

TX law & tattoos

Anom212325 says...

Lol why did you edit out the 2 lists I also gave that total in the multiple billions ?

"Are you so insane you think if Christians were ever a target, they can't possibly ever be a perpetrator" Again with you spreading lies/fake news. Stop painting your psychotic thoughts as things I said. It was a piece of an article and the article also didn't say anything remotely as what you are claiming.

If you didn't edit out the other lists you would clearly see your initial statement is false.

newtboy said:

Um, moron, most of those are murders committed in the name of Christianity. American colonization was absolutely about conversion by force, murder in the name of religious superiority, and by itself was >90% of those deaths you mentioned.
Holy fuck. What's wrong with you?

TX law & tattoos

newtboy says...

Um, moron, most of those are murders committed in the name of Christianity. American colonization was absolutely about conversion by force, murder in the name of religious superiority, and by itself was >90% of those deaths you mentioned.

Are you so insane you think if Christians were ever a target, they can't possibly ever be a perpetrator, then use statistics that prove my point that Christians perpetrated most (>95%) genocides and religious murders throughout history and are rarely the targets?!

Holy fuck. What's wrong with you?

Anom212325 said:

Lol again with the fake news. Are you pretending to be Trump or whats going on here ?

The Holocaust – between 4 and 17 million deaths (racial motivation)
Holodomor and Soviet famine – between 2.5 and 8 million deaths (political motivation)
European colonisation of the Americas – between 2 and 100 million deaths
Nigerian Civil War – 1 to 3 million deaths (ethnic motivation)
Cambodian Genocide – 1 to 3 million deaths (Communist ideological motivation)
Rwandan genocide of 1994 – 500k to 1 million deaths (ethnic motivation)
Expulsion of Germans after WW2 – 500k to 3 million deaths (ethnic motivation)
Zunghar Genocide – 480 to 600 thousand deaths (ethnic motivation)
Circassian Genocide – 400k to 1.5 million deaths (political and ethnic motivation)
Armenian Genocide – 1.5 million deaths (ethnic and religious (against the Christian minority) motivation)
Decossackisation – 300 to 500 thousand deaths (political and ethnic motivation)
Assyrian genocide – 275 to 750 thousand deaths (ethnic and religious (against the Christian minority) motivation)
Utashe Genocide (aka The Holocaust in Croatia) – 270 to 655 thousand deaths (racial motivation)
Greek Genocide – 200k to 1 million deaths (ethnic and religious (against the Christian minority) motivation)
Darfur Conflict – 178 to 400 thousand deaths (ethnic motivation).

These are the top 15 genocides according to death toll and of these. Christian minorities were actually on the receiving end of three of these genocides.

But hey. Facts don't matter for your kind of hate driven keyboard warriors.

Dying in the name of freedom

newtboy says...

Holy fucking sheep shit. Bob, did you have a lobotomy recently? You're in rare form today. Rarely are you this ridiculous.

It's not ok to have aids (not just a gay thing you bigoted moron) and knowingly spread it to others. You go to prison for that.

It's certainly not ok to give a pregnancy to a fourteen year go to prison for that.

So I agree, let's treat anti vaxers like your examples and put them in prison.

Their intentional irresponsibility makes them all collectively guilty of manslaughter hundreds of thousands of times over... and that's being generous. Really it's murder, they knew it's deadly.

So...if you realize it's in your best interest to take it, based on old data of who was most vulnerable BEFORE Delta, why the fuck are you so against it for others? Delta is different, it targets young and old. In the first two weeks of August, infections in those under 18 went up over 5%, a trend that started with the onset of Delta and continues to accelerate. Epsilon may target the young. Your ilk hesitating to get vaccinated helped create this new variant and others, so consider yourselves 100% responsible for the increase in child deaths, your stubborn ignorance has killed hundreds if not thousands of children and disabled tens it not hundreds of thousands that need not ever have been in danger. Edit: and for what?! With all your bluster, you got it anyway, but will probably continue to persuade others to not get it.

Totally agree with @StukaFox, "me, me, me, me, me, and fuck you." Is your mantra. I hope you meet up with yourself and take each other out.
Would you have been against it if Trump was still president and telling you it's safe? I bet are exactly that dumb.

In this instance, you shouldn't have a free choice anymore than you have a free choice to poison your community's water supply with a poison that ONLY kills 2%+ and disables >10% (and makes most everyone sick for weeks). Refusing to vaccinate against a deadly airborne virus is like refusing to stop tossing your lawn darts straight up in the air in a crowded stadium because, to paraphrase you, "my fweedums, my wites, fuck you". Is it a certainty you're going to kill and maim people? No, but it's a high likelihood and a crime to put them in that kind of danger even if you never hit anyone, and murder if you kill some.

Republicans have decided that deadly irresponsibility should not just be their right, but their choice....but not their responsibility when it's deadly. So much for personal responsibility.

Enjoy that new underwear I sent you. Ignore that little sponge in the taint area, it's for your comfort, not just to infect you with fournier's gangrene.

bobknight33 said:

@StukaFox says

Buts its ok to be a gay and get aids or be 14 and get pregnant. Both are blights on society and costly of insurance dollars / government aid.

There are many risky behaviors that people choose.

I'm against the vaccine but realize that it was in my best interest to take it. ( 59, over weight, out of shape etc)

You either have free choice or you dont.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bwwwaaaaahahahahaaaaa….as if you know the “truth”!?! I guess you forgot, you said truth and facts are for liberals. Conservatives have no use for either. Remember you said if the truth might hurt you, only a moron would be truthful, even under oath (defending Trump blatantly lying under oath to congress). When you gleefully supported lying even under oath, even from the person holding the highest, most powerful position on earth, you have abandoned truth and honesty completely.

….so. You’re giving up on the dishonest stupidity you’ve been trying to sell for 8+ months, that it was really all left wing ANTIFA and BLM activists posing as Trumptards (which would mean Trump’s rally was a massive failure because he didn’t have ANY supporters in the crowd?). You’ve finally decided to admit reality and try another tact, that it wasn’t criminal, just people voicing displeasure?! Jesus Christ, you will just say any stupid thing to avoid responsibility, won’t you. Trump taught you well (to ignore reality and spout insanity).

They attempted to voice their displeasure by violently overthrowing the government and murdering any representatives they disagreed with or police that tried to stop them you anti American traitor.

Thousands breached the walls with plans to hunt down and murder any representatives not fully on board with ignoring the election for Trump…up to and including Pence, who they erected a functioning gallows for.

Those caught aiding in the violent, deadly coup should be shot dead for treason, every single one who went one foot past the barriers, so anyone on the grounds…that’s over 10000 you traitor. Trespassing, a minor property infraction, is not what they did. They murdered and permanently disabled police as a group, both felonies. They intentionally did millions in damages to public property, felonies. They disrupted the function of the government, a felony. They attempted to murder multiple representatives as part of an attempted overthrow of the duly elected government, not just felonies but violent terroristic treason that calls for the death penalty. They should face a firing squad or worse, every one of them that crossed the barrier line is a traitor to America and a part of the deadly failed coup. Those that actually entered the building should first be stripped of citizenship, then they should be painfully and publicly executed in cruel ways (non citizens, no constitutional protections) and their estates all forfeit to the state in restitution. Their families should just be deported and stripped of citizenship.

Oh…so now you admit multiple Trump groups PLANNED a coup….but you’re going to pretend it was only 40 people?! Insane illogical utter bullshit. There were over 10 Trump supporting groups that coordinated the well planned attack, each with hundreds of members.

You are lying again though, they had specific written plans, pre determined targets to kill, specific items to steal or destroy, maps to their targets, broadcast updates on the location of targets, and a loudly and repeatedly articulated goal of stopping the certification of the election in order to install or retain Trump’s position despite the election results. Your “sources” are apologists that also think a trespassing ticket is appropriate but the same people who think supporting BLM should put people in prison for years, and marching with them should be a death penalty…people like you. Not having a good plan for your deadly violent coup doesn’t mean you didn’t try to overthrow the government, it just means you people are all dumb shits who couldn’t properly plan a birthday party for a 4 year old without adult help.

The prosecutors have been a major let down. This was a mob attack, everyone there should be charged with murdering a police officer, they were all part of that murder and the other 50+ attempted murders of police. To be consistent, they only need to file charges against the 10000 that went along with the 40 (and in reality there is mountains of evidence that there are hundreds that planned the attack, including Trump and his minions in congress that actively helped the terrorists during the attempted coup.) Those charges should clearly be treason and murder of a policeman at a minimum for anyone there. Anyone beyond the barriers was part of that mob, and knew it. Not one should ever see daylight again. Put one in front of me, they won’t.

I call for true patriots to find, publicly identify, and drive all these traitorous terrorists out of the country or 6 ft under. They are going to attack again, these minor tickets for attempting to overthrow the US government are invitations to try again. Only burning the terrorist’s houses and businesses and violent ostracism driving them and their families out of the country (I hear Afghanistan needs more people) might dissuade them from trying again.

To paraphrase you…if they didn’t want to be charged with treason and executed they should have complied with the police orders.

So…were you there Bob? You’re such a tool I know you wanted to be, but I suspect you’re too much a coward to walk the walk, you just talk the talk.

bobknight33 said:

Sad you dont know what truth is. It is not on cable news.
Jan 6 was much to do about nothing except a large group of people wished to voice their displeasure of the government.

Few actually wanted to breach the walls but even so didn't have a plan past that. So yo have a few who breached and many many just followed for a look ... Those who got caught should face their crime of trespassing.

FBI investigators did find that cells of protesters, including followers of the far-right Oath Keepers and Proud Boys groups, had aimed to break into the Capitol. But they found no evidence that the groups had serious plans about what to do if they made it inside, the sources said.

Prosecutors have filed conspiracy charges against 40 of those defendants, alleging that they engaged in some degree of planning before the attack.

Day of Rage: How Trump Supporters Took the U.S. Capitol

luxintenebris jokingly says...

stolen? 6M is a hell of a heist. AZ & GA? pretty sweet haul. what is obvious is that if this was true, it took tight organization, supreme attention to detail, and wildly deft implementation. talking superior leadership and a task force of the finest to pull it off. if they are that good - let them keep the W.H and give them the rest of Congress!

the nation wants nat'l healthcare, better educational systems, intelligent ideas - folks that can solve problems. Or just, all the things the GOP can't/wouldn't provide or structure. rather have folks that can figure out how to do the impossible, fashion plans that work on the first take, and accomplish miracles.

that's your inadvertent testimony; they're so bad they're good!

fake news? honestly, don't believe you could source where you bought your morning cereal.

put the other comments under "what can he be thinking". kind of like this news...
...hardly exemplary excogitation.

bobknight33 said:

This is what can happen when the Election IS STOLEN.
Democracy in action.
Mostly slanted narrative.

If only the fake news sought out and reported truth then this would not have happened.

Next Time don't steal the election.

Boston Cop Brags About Driving Through Crowd

moonsammy says...

Here's the thing: if average citizens didn't have guns, I'd be right pissed if the cops carried them.

I can't speak for the whole of whatever the fuck you think "liberals" encompasses, but here's my take on guns & cops: the constitution allows for guns within well-regulated militias. It was just worded really, really poorly. I mean, read 2A - it's practically authentic frontier gibberish. But the words "well-regulated militia" are definitely in there. And it makes sense - they were trying to secure a bold new type of governance. They needed to be able to defend that, and there was no immediate plan for a standing army. So local, reasonably well-supplied militias, which weren't a bunch of bumblefucks shooting at whatever whenever, were a pretty real need. Where we're at *now* with guns is so fucking far from what the founders could've possibly conceived, that to think they'd approve of it is absurd. I mean, maybe a few of them (they were quite the diverse bunch of white male landowners, in all sincerity), but those with solid military experience likely would've been horrified.

Having said that, it's fantasy-land nonsense to think the prospect of completely eliminating recreational guns in the US in the near term is viable. Hunting armaments will (and perhaps should) remain common for a long while, so be it. I see handguns and non-hunting long arms (or those that are excessive for it) as of significant negative value to society, they can all fuck right off into a metal recycling center or the armory of a well-regulated militia. Perhaps keep some at firing ranges for recreational target practice, with competent professional supervision, and with reasonable regulations in place.

Cops should have firearms in their armory, up until such time as we're living in a Star Trek-like utopia of blissful peace. Humans are largely cool, but some of us are dangerous fucksticks. Have cops pull guns for calls that seem like they'll be needed, and rely on less-lethal options as much as possible. Oh, and stop using the less-lethal options as fucking compliance-obtaining shortcuts. Don't fucking tase or use chemical spray when it isn't needed, they're not for the cops' convenience but to avoid more severe harms from occurring. Officer Friendly should be the order of the day, and any substantial deviation from that should be met with termination and arrest, with consequences no less severe than a non-police citizen would see. No more bad apples, no spoiled bunch.

Hey, thanks for the rant opportunity! Us liberals need to practice our high horsing from time to time. And just like God, we all love you. You specifically, you goddamn sexy hater.

TangledThorns said:

Yet liberals believe only the police should have guns.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Holy shit.
Did you know that three weeks ago cyber ninjas actually admitted they had installed malware into Maricopa voting machines?
I knew the machines had been invalidated after cyber ninjas had them because of fears that in their incompetence this could have happened, now it seems cyber ninjas knew it had happened (it looks intentional) but didn't admit it until three weeks ago.
These guys are the right's best digital security people?

And what did we get for this $3 million mistake? A review that any competent middle schooler could have done better, would have made fewer mistakes, and wouldn't have destroyed an entire county’s voting equipment, and wouldn't have been a dishonest tool for Trump making outrageous and completely false claims that can be debunked within an hour.
Their Twitter accounts are suspended for lying.

Now consider, cyber ninjas was demanding access to dmv computers, police, sheriff, county, and state computer systems and routers, even health care records...and would have infected every state owned system had they been given access. They want to repeat this in every county Trump lost....destroying the voting ability of any county that went to Biden. Just to replace the routers in one county would cost $6 million....and because there's a severe computer chip shortage, it would take up to multiple years to buy and install them, during which time they couldn't vote.

I think it's time to audit all counties that voted for Trump, because any county that would elect him has something seriously wrong, and because all the actual fraud found has been by his voters. If some malware disenfranchises all those voters in the next election, it will only be in an effort to secure the vote, so no foul, just like the targeted anti voting rights laws you guys are enacting to disenfranchise tens of millions of voters.

Keep in mind, Democrats have sponsored uncountable bills to safeguard the election systems nationwide, republicans wouldn’t even consider a single one. They aren’t interested in a fair vote, a safe vote, or a secure vote…only a Republican vote by any means. They’ve said so publicly uncountable times….if every eligible American has the opportunity to vote, “ you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again,”-DJ Trump

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And another Trump terrorist plead guilty yesterday, this one admitted to trying to hire a hit man to kill his ex girlfriend, her sister, and her brother in law, and stage the crimes to blame BLM. This crime was thwarted last year in June.

This on top of the Trump terrorist who was just charged with murder, kidnapping, and terrorism along with about a dozen other white supremacists in Florida days after being released from a 6 month sentence for his part in Jan 6, Jan 6, Jan 6.

Earlier this week a pair of Trumpsters were stopped right before bombing the Democratic headquarters in Sacramento, caught with multiple bombs, multiple guns, and thousands of rounds along with written plans for their terrorist attack.

Seems like every day a few new terrorist plots by Trumpsters, usually white supremacist Trumpsters, are uncovered and stopped by the feds, who are also a main target. Just a heads up, you belong to an anti American fascist terrorist gang.

Land of Mine Trailer

newtboy says...

Hilarious….you need to ask why someone doesn’t like nazis?…but who said to kill them all? Wasn’t me.
Are you under the mistaken assumption that being a mine defuser is a death sentence, and they all died? Is that what happened in the movie? This was a German plan to have them earn their freedom and not starve to death in POW camps.

I can’t abide Nazis. If you feel the urge to defend nazis, that’s on you, buddy.

So, you’re just trolling then….or are you so dense you don’t see a difference between captive invading murderous soldiers who are around 16 and who were committing a genocide and non combatant children who are 10 and not indoctrinated into violent expansionist racist and murderous fascism? Nazi youth aren’t cub scouts….Jojo Rabbit wasn’t a historically accurate documentary.

If we had not abandoned Vietnam and our soldiers were captured instead, our soldiers there should have been forced to demine Vietnam and Cambodia, including the 15 year olds (the idea that non combatant children be sent there is brain numbingly ludicrous)(Dan Bullock (December 21, 1953 – June 7, 1969) was a United States Marine and the youngest U.S. serviceman killed in action during the Vietnam War, dying at the age of 15. Yes, we use youth soldiers too.).

The mines we left all over those countries have killed and maimed numerous generations, tens of thousands, and continue to do so to this day, and if I’m not mistaken, many POWs did clear mines during captivity. Leaving an active minefield on foreign soil should be a war crime if it isn’t already. It’s definitely targeting the civilian population once the war is over.

Wow. Remind me to never be around your family then. Everyone in my family knew it was wrong to invade and murder our neighbors because we like their stuff and land, and wrong to try to exterminate an entire ethnicity by the time we were 6. If you didn’t know that by 14, you have serious issues. Nazis exterminated the mentally feeble.

The young republicans aren’t a murderous group exterminating Jews, blacks, gays, and anyone not Republican…nazis were. If the young republicans were a murderous group like the nazis, any member should get the death penalty, even the murdering racist 15 year olds….young adults kill just as thoroughly as 35 year olds, their victims were just as terrified and are now just as dead.

The nazis didn’t have a tiny majority through which they controlled German politics, they had a monopoly. Another false equivelent. Christ on a cracker. If Trump had won in 2020, and used the Jan 6 attack on congress as a false pretext to outlaw any opposition to Republicans, taking over completely through violence and intimidation and held and consolidated power for nearly a decade you would be almost there. Holy Ghost on toast!

Are you shitting me. You equate these things, refusing vaccines, creating bad state laws disenfranchising voters, to accepting and participating in genocide. Just fucking wow, buddy. Stretch much? Almighty God on cod!

Old enough to murder, and you do it, you’re an adult. I don’t give a flying fuck if you’re 9. If you know what your doing when you put that gun to a Jews head and say “your children are next, you fucking kike” or a similar slur then pull the trigger, you just became an adult and eligible for the death penalty. We try 12 year olds as adults, but you would shield murderous hitler youth, many of whom turned in their own parents for liquidation, from responsibility from committing genocide among other disgusting atrocities. These kids aren’t Jojo Rabbit. Mother Mary with her cherry!

Besides…as I informed you, it was the German commander who had the idea and gave the order. At least get mad at the right nation.

You said “ but just can't get my head around putting children in a minefield. no matter the justification. that'd be just as bad as anything the nazis could ever do: lose any sense of humanity.”
1) you have lost your ever loving mind if you think a little danger is as bad as anything the nazis could ever do….you simply have no fucking idea what you’re talking about. The atrocities the nazis committed make clearing a minefield they layed look like a nice summer job with a friendly and generous boss by comparison. Try abasination, sewing twins together, seeing how long people can live without skin, raping people to death, melting people alive in acids, starving babies, stomping babies, gassing entire populations, etc. you really climbed so far up on that high horse you can’t see reality anymore. Sweet Zombie Jesus!
2) it was something the nazis did. This was a nazi plan from a nazi officer. Get it straight. The nazis did this, not the allies. That’s what I mean by learn the history instead of getting mad over a story….you are upset over fiction….and defending nazis in your outrage over nothing.

You have a problem. Your position is that nazis shouldn’t have to take any responsibility for their actions…apparently going so far as excusing college age men for fascist, racist genocide because you know some people that age who made some mistakes. (I say that proves my point that just as being older doesn’t mean making better decisions, being younger doesn’t mean you can’t make good decisions. I learned to not hurt other people except in defense in preschool.)

I say if you pick up that gun and march, you’re a soldier and responsible for your actions. If you kill, you’re a killer, no matter your age.

luxintenebris said:

what's beef w/the Hilter youth?

can't abide w/the kill all the baby adolphs vibe. seems extreme. even by WWII standards. just the bare fact that children were used to defuse bombs isn't what one would call kosher. if that was the right of the winning side, one hell of a lot of bombs lying around in Laos and Vietnam - what about sending our Boy Scouts over to take care of the US mess they left?

anyway - not meaning to be mean - at 14 most are not at the level of being correctly called 'idiots'. if you don't know - you just f'n' don't know!

christ on a cracker...know folks who now question what they were thinking joining the Young Republicans - - - AND THEY WERE OF COLLEGE AGE!!!

what is freaky is the line "If the majority of Germans weren't complicit, the Nazis would have never come to power."

2016 mean anything? and that's the MINORITY of Americans!

christ on a cracker...what's the situation on the COVID vaccines? on voting bills? on any f'n' bill or issue in this land? the MINORITY is having their day keeping the rest in the dark.
[2nd Amendment but screw the other 26...or 24...cause 21 cancels 18 = 0]

as you said "History isn't nearly as cut and dry as it's presented, neither are war crimes"
as he said, "And as with most things, particularly in times of war, it's complicated."
but just can't get my head around putting children in a minefield. no matter the justification. that'd be just as bad as anything the nazis could ever do: lose any sense of humanity.

What did Reagan think about the right to vote?

newtboy says...

Most republicans CLAIM they believe multiple ineligible voters voted and had their votes counted despite ALL evidence to the contrary and not a single case of non citizen Democratic voting nor a single case of Democrats voting twice, but many from Republicans including one guy who murdered his wife to use her vote to vote for Trump and a judge who cast his dead wife's ballot, then there's the multiple Republican candidates who collected ballots from the elderly and filled them out, casting votes for themselves by the thousands, and the fake ballot boxes set up by Republicans that continued after secretaries of state demanded be removed because they are specifically prohibited by law (and that allowed Republicans to sift through votes and discard Democratic ballots). Republicans do not care about securing non Republican votes anymore, Trump removed the last vestige of that patriotic civic feature from your group. Today's Republicans want to discard over half the legal votes for no reason besides they aren't for their candidate, liar.

Remember when Trump admitted that if every citizen voted, no Republican would ever be elected again? That's an admission they can only win by cheating straight from the cheater in chief's admission that legal voters don't vote Republican, only by denying millions their constitutional rights AND cheating AND gerrymandering can Republicans win at all....Trump said it.

Let's have 5 cases of actual, prosecuted Democratic vote fraud cases from the last three elections, I can show you hundreds of times more than that from Republicans....thousands more. Liar. I know for certain you couldn't come up with two if I gave you one as a freebie.

There are no Democratic fucker laws, but hundreds of Republican fucker laws that discourage and block legal votes from poor and black areas and people, you claim it's to secure the vote against frauds while you have zero evidence any ever existed in the populations these laws target, blocking and denying millions of votes to fight a crime that doesn't exist except in Republican circles and Republican delusions. You believe they're all Democrat votes, so you don't care if they're legal voters being disenfranchised, liar.

Denying a legal vote has exactly the same effect as allowing an illegal one....which party wants to deny legal votes, Bob? Hint, it's the same party caught thousands of times recently casting illegal and/or tampered with votes AND discarding thousands of votes for Democrats. Liar.

Provide ID for free in the communities you insist must have them, not only available at the DMV 25+ miles away with no bus service going there, then and only then would it be even partially proper to enact laws to require them, or require a free voter ID that every citizen has the same access to and the same difficulties getting, so no online application, no phone application, stand in line at a DMV at least one county removed from your address. Republicans blocked a national voter ID, because it's not about ID, it's about denying legal voters in Democratic populations.

All illegal votes were Republican illegal vote frauds for Trump, every single one found. If illegal voting was a real concern, voting laws would target Republicans, not Democrats. They absolutely don't, and recordings of Republican leaders prove it was never about illegal votes and always about suppressing Democrat voters. Liar.

The true question is how are Republicans getting away with election interference at a massive scale, rigging elections nation wide while dishonestly claiming they're "securing the vote" but really they're securing it in Republican gerrymandered districts for Republicans, not ensuring every legal vote counts but instead denying any vote they question....which are only Democratic votes despite the long history of Republican frauds, rigging the system so they're "winning" elections with 10% fewer votes than their opponents, and threatening murders and civil war when y'all lose. Crybaby liar.

Republicans absolutely don't want an honest vote system in place because republicans cannot win honest, fair elections. Democrats tried dozens of times to pass laws securing elections, creating physical records of every vote, securing machines against tampering, even creating a (free) national voter ID, etc...Republicans obstructed every one without considering them at all because not allowing democrats a victory is far more important to y'all than securing elections or making them fair or honest.

bobknight33 said:

Most Republicans do care.

That's why they are blocking the Democrat fuckery voting laws.

Only Legal voters get to vote.
Have valid ID.

Both sides cheat.

The true question is Why don't Americans want a honest vote system in place?

Chicago Cop Abandons Woman Being Threatened With A Gun

Mordhaus says...

I'm sure they get a small amount of training for situations like this, probably as much as the city will spend.

The point is, even with that training, there are no good options. If he shoots the black guy, he is simply the latest racist pig murdering 'innocent' people of color.

If he stands there and tries to talk the guy down, a vest doesn't cover your entire body. You can bleed to death from arm or leg shots, plus at that range the head is not a hard to hit target.

Maybe he isn't fit to be a cop. But the point is that because we haven't figured out a way to stop cops from kneeling on someone until they suffocate or shooting people in the back, all cops now have to make a split second decision on whether they can act as they were trained to do or act as protesters, the government, and the media want them to do.

We also judge them on what we think we would do, even though I doubt we will ever be in a similar situation.

vil said:

I would attempt to get some form of training for similar situations before being given a gun and a bulletproof vest.

The guy should not be thinking about what to do, just doing it.

Portland's Rapid Response Team Quits Over Accountability

newtboy says...

In many cases last summer, there was no rioting, but still orders to disperse quickly followed with violence before any opportunity for the command to be heard by most, much less followed.

Portland excluded, most BLM marches, 97%?, had no violence at all, and half the 3% was violence against them...reportedly 1/2 of the remaining 1.5% was by opportunists not involved with the March but using it as cover for crimes. BLM isn't blameless, but they are targets more often than perpetrators. It's hardly fair to charge them with the violence perpetrated against them.

The reporters I watched be beaten were 1) asking police where they wanted him to go when beaten mercilessly and 2) sitting on the sidelines well back from any order to disperse given to a peaceful crowd and trying their hardest to comply as soon as they heard an order, punched in the face and bloodied and shoved hard repeatedly breaking their camera while offering zero obstruction and attempting compliance. I didn't see any intentionally refusing to follow orders.

I'm going by what their representative said. It wasn't over one person, it was over fear of accountability, because they cannot do that job without violating people's rights, they don't have the patience or restraint.

Portland isn't a BLM issue, it's what happens when outsiders take over a popular nonviolent protest.

Mordhaus said:

I don't have a lot of sympathy for the "protesters" still rioting over George Floyd's death, especially when most of them are white, ultra-progressives who think they are actually accomplishing something by violent anarchy. I do have sympathy for non-violent protesters who are trying to get a message across and keep getting caught up in the violence.

In fact, I feel if a person(like said "reporter") ignores a call to disperse once a "protest" turns into a violent riot, they kinda deserve what they get. I mean, how many people shed a tear over that air force lady who got shot during the capitol riots? Call me old-fashioned, but I believe there is a massive difference between non-violent protests and what has been going on for well over a year now in many cities. Portland being a prominent example.

I doubt every single one of the officers who quit did so over one person, maybe they decided to go with that as an excuse and now they are speaking individually on their reasons. I know that I would be incredibly frustrated at trying to do a job with conflicting orders (until recently) from my bosses. I could be 100% wrong about their actual individual reasons, but I would suspect a lot are just sick of the whole mess.

Plus, in the end, a lot of minorities are actually getting sick of these white kids making a mess of a peaceful protest.

Massive Protests Erupt in Mainland China

cloudballoon says...

Problem is, most foreign government's action (military, economic wars & sanctions) primarily affect the PEOPLE negatively, not the targetted government. All government - oppressive or otherwise - entities dig-in and extert even more control in the face of challenges to its power. Consequences (to the people) be damned. It's been that way for millenia.

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