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Watch the Webb Telescope launch animation

Hipnotic says...

You're absolutely right, my comment should have targeted the live launch, sorry.
Still, that covers about 20 (shaky cam) seconds of the launch before they switch to an animation (!) of the launch.
Which brings me back to my original gripe: The Ariane 5 is an old vehicle which doesn't have onboard cameras. Private rocket launch companies have eclipsed it. And I think The European Space Agency is not keeping up.
As to cameras on the JWST itself, it looks like they didn't attach any for a reason:
Didn't know that...

cloudballoon said:

You get that's just a "preview" right? It's in the desc. It was done & shown before the launch, and I assume you knew the launch date (granted, it was postsponed several times, so admittedly not easy to keep track unless you have a passing interest about it). The actual live broadcast is at:

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Poor Bob.
Every case of voter fraud found I’ve heard of was committed by a Republican bar one, a Democrat who’s husband died but she cast his vote anyway….for Trump. That’s 399 Republican cases, one semi-Democrat….or as you say, both sides….good people on both sides. 🤦‍♂️

Yes, I’ve had enough Republican voter fraud, schemes from single fraudulent votes to ballot harvesting and changing to schemes to throw out millions of votes based on Republican lies and false claims. Voter ID doesn’t address any of the fraud that actually happens.

Remember Trump’s national commission looking at voter fraud, the voting integrity commission….from 2017!? Remember how it quietly disappeared because they couldn’t find ANY fraud? Back then Trump said he would make certain there wasn’t any fraud going forward….what happened? That seemed vitally important to you people. Did he just forget? Did he fail miserably? Or did he make up the fraud fraud because his ego can’t accept that he lost in a historic landslide?

That said, under 400 possible cases nation wide, barely any in person frauds at all, none capable of changing the outcome of any elections (well, there actually was a mayoral race I read was overturned because of one fraudulent vote scheme by one candidate, but that wasn’t in person and the system caught it) …that is absolutely not a reason to disenfranchise millions of voters (I remind you that’s exactly what Republicans called for when you lost in 2020…just throw out any votes in areas where you claimed an individual fraud, invariably areas where Democrats won). It’s not a reason to put up road blocks that disenfranchise millions by putting poll taxes and hurdles in place.

I support a voter ID, if the ID is free and obtainable by anyone regardless of their documentation….but that makes it worthless. If the ID costs money, that’s a poll tax, and illegal. If the requirements to get the ID cost money, that’s a poll tax and out. If the affluent can obtain the ID easily, but the indigent have to spend a day or more in line to get one, no. Issue free national ID to everyone, including homeless, then it’s not too much of an obstacle. I think voting should be an obligation for every citizen over 18…I’ve never skipped an election even though I rarely like who I can vote for.

I point out that a voter ID law would do almost nothing to combat any fraud, because in person fraud isn’t the issue. Falsely claiming fraud is the issue. Republicans trying to defraud the system with fraudulent electors is a problem. Republicans harvesting mail in ballots from the elderly and filling them in for Republican candidates is a problem. Voter ID doesn’t address these problems, the real election fraud issues with real consequences, instead they target the poor with clear intent to dissuade them from exercising their rights, effectively blocking millions of votes from fear one invalid vote might be cast. That is the intent, and the result…not election security, but massive vote denials of a targeted population.

How about imagining requiring a firearm ID, required to buy, own, or possess a firearm, with fees, renewal fees, and documentation requirements to obtain….oh wait, I don’t have to, someone in congress suggested it (in the 90’s I think) and the right lost it’s fucking mind over the draconian government trampling their rights…but similar requirements to vote, sure, that’s fine because the ID they already have is acceptable….fuck the rights of people who don’t have a drivers license.
In person voter fraud is not an issue, voter ID solves a problem that doesn’t exist and creates a major problem for millions….intentionally.

His ratings are crappy largely because he’s not doing enough, not because of what he’s done. He needs to replace Garland with someone willing to prosecute sedition against representatives and ex presidents. They’re in the shitter because 35% (you) automatically disapprove simply because he’s not Trump, and 35% disapprove because he’s not replacing Trump era policy enough. I’m in the latter category, as are most people I know, but we understand that without congress functioning there’s little he can do, and Republicans have the practical majority even though they’re the minority on paper. Keep killing off right wingers and maybe that will change this year, but I’m not holding my breath.

Lol. Failed economy? Sorry, Trump is the one who gave us a negative GDP, tens of millions unemployed, and an unmitigated pandemic with a cadre of morons unwilling to believe in it or take any safety measures to combat it. My portfolio lost 8-10% over 4 years under Trump, it gained over 30% in one year under Biden. If that’s failing, keep failing! GDP near -3% in 2020…+4% 2021…predicted to be 9% 2022. -3%!!! And you want to talk economy?! You fucktard.
Inflation….Trump printed 1/3 of every dollar circulating! That’s what causes inflation, you devalue the dollar when you print more. The market takes time to react….there’s going to be more coming to pay for Trump’s spending spree. Dumbass.
Covid! You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! Covid is a right wing (Trump) caused issue, made much worse by far right insanity of denial and conspiracy, and now nearly all hospitalization and death is anti vaxers, who are nearly all far right nutters that followed Trump’s “lead” and who’s heads exploded when he recently told them to get vaccinated. Look at “leftist” countries like New Zealand to compare a leftist government’s response results. (52 deaths). Moron.

Trump’s tax rates didn’t improve unemployment rates, or the economy. They didn’t trickle down. Growth went negative under those cuts, unemployment went to double digits! Debt and deficit went into orbit, rising faster than ever by miles….but that didn’t matter one whit to you when it was Republican debt and deficit, a much worse Republican economy, and insanely higher Republican unemployment rates. Idiot.

Holy fuck. Talk about ignoring reality. What color is the sky in your world? Is the ocean in the air with fish swimming overhead there?!

bobknight33 said:

Poor newt.

Had you had enough of voter fraud? No side should cheat but they do.

Do you support Voter ID ?
Or is that still too much effort on American Citizens?

Joe Biden is doing a terrible job. His ratings is in the shitter not only from Conservatives but also independents.


The only keeping America going is Trumps tax rates. Once those go up growth will slow and unemployment will creep up

5200 Drone light show, Breaking 4 World Records - High Great

newtboy says...

You forgot the (alleged) assasination attempt on President Maduro in Venezuela. They only had two drones.

A swarm of 5200 could take out any non hardened above ground target, including the White House, and no ballistic system in use today could stop them all. Indeed, if they are programmed to come from every direction to one point, flying low, they would almost certainly go undetected until it was too late and could deliver tons (literally) of high explosives.

StukaFox said:

If you watch this and feel anything but complete terror, you're missing the point. An AI controlled drone swarm is a military nightmare: you can blind radar; shut down comms; interrupt C3 at a crucial moment.

The things that can be done with a thousand cheap drones and some basic AI can render billion-dollar military systems moot in the event of real combat. The US Navy is already shitting themselves over this (there's already been a few incidents, most recently off the coast of San Diego), and the USAF isn't far behind. Serious drones incidents -- from unknown attackers -- have happened in the US. This including an attempted attack on a power station and a bizarre cat-and-mouse game between USBP/HLS and an unidentified "super drone" over Arizona on more than one occasion.

Did you notice what they were displaying? This wasn't meant to be oo-aah cute, this was China telling the US military they fuck around at their own risk. The last time someone sent a message this clearly, Billy Mitchell was flying a biplane over a captured German destroyer.

"Far less chance for severe mishaps, too" -- I know you meant something totally different, but in the case of what I'm talking about, the exact opposite holds true.

snake eating itself

cloudballoon says...

True enough. But with Manchin & Sinema, the Dems aren't doing much better to have laurels to rest on either. It just projects a whole lot of incompetence & re-enforce the frustrations and distrust Americans (and many allies) have and an easy target for ruling autocrats to laugh at. Surey that's not what people voted Biden AND control (albeit bare-bone) of all 3 branches of gov't to the Dems for...

newtboy said:

It was imitating the Republican Party.

Exploding Glitter Bomb 4.0 vs. Package Thieves

newtboy says...

If you kill them, they won’t learn anything.
Some acid or debilitating poison instead of the stink spray, especially with a camera assisted eye targeting system….I could get behind that.

TheFreak said:

Can we just take "glitter" out of this concept and do away with package thieves once and for all?

Exploding Bomb Package would solve the problem at the source.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

That wall that cost billions, stole private property, broke dozens of environmental laws, fell in many many places, can be thwarted easily with a ladder, rope, angle grinder, truck, or climbing skills and hasn’t slowed illegal entries one whit? That wall? Ha! You’re funny.
Remaining in Mexico (as major targets for organized crime) during the lengthy asylum application (sometimes for years)….maybe you’re too ignorant to know that never stopped.
Regaining an energy independence that never existed? Um….yeah. We had a minor surplus last year, not because of more production but because the Trump recession and the Trump pandemic lowered demand to the point where oil producers were giving oil away for free. Yes, in summer we exported some oil, but never as much as we import in winter. This is another Trump lie you repeat without a thought and certainly without verification…because you still believe what he tells you despite everything he’s ever said being a blatant lie for his entire lifetime, multiple fraud convictions, being banned from charities because he stole from veterans and children,….the list of his crimes of moral turpitude is never ending.

Goo start….nice unintentional pun. (Sad you can’t help but fail at English even as you correct your original hilarious mistake).

Increasing our oil output is a goo start, but a god awful plan. It’s actually a non starter, Biden pushed oil companies to increase production for months, but they preferred high prices and high profits. They have millions of acres with drilling rights they don’t want to use because the profit margin is 5% lower and blame the fed for not giving them access to the last pristine national forests and reserves….so again I’ll ask you, nationalize oil? If you want to blame the government, they should have control, otherwise you’re just a whining baby crying over spilled milk and blaming the wrong people.

Requiring better fuel economy from vehicles and industry, phasing in electric vehicles and more green electricity production are actually GOOD starts, and what Biden is moving towards despite total opposition from Republicans on ANYTHING. That’s how you get actual energy independence….the only way in the long term.

bobknight33 said:

Returning to Trumps policies of building the wall, Remaining in Mexico and regaining our energy independence is a goo start.

News Fails to Ask WHY Police Seized $100K From Traveler

newtboy says...

If you could just steal any cash you see from anyone with absolutely no repercussions ever, wouldn’t you?
Wouldn’t you start searching people for money you can take? You might even target a group of people you have a prejudice against to take their money and to make them afraid to ever carry money.
Asset seizure is proof positive that the police are nothing but a violent, aggressive criminal organization that uses deadly force to steal from and intimidate law abiding citizens. No crime or suspicion of crime is required, and they keep the money they seize (steal).
*quality example of police being criminal thieves by design. *promote

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus says...

I got the MRI, which changed things for the worse. I had a large tumor which they determined to be cancer. I also had to get a CT to see if it had spread to the lungs and it showed some small nodules in my lower right lung. They can't be sure it is cancer or not yet. If they shrink during the treatment, then it is cancer.

The treatment I am undergoing is called Immunotherapy, a targeted drug which adheres to the chemical that cancers put out to trick the body into thinking they are normal tissue. Once it binds, the body sees it as foreign tissue and tries to kill it.

Obviously, all the other issues have taken a back seat. If the treatment works, I could live for some time. If it doesn't, I am looking at an estimated 4-6 mos.

I don't know when or if I will be mentally recovered enough to start posting again. No matter what, though, I appreciate all of you.

Can Spinlaunch throw rockets into space?

newtboy says...

At those g forces, with few exceptions, it seems it would be useless to launch most satellites, and it’s definitely not for live cargo.
It would be great on the moon….as a super weapon to blackmail earth with. It could launch all the rocks the Moon Master desires at any earth target….like a moon mortar with unlimited ammo.

KrazyKat42 said:

I was thinking the same thing.
But I do agree with him that it would be great on the Moon.

Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Week 1 Summary

newtboy says...

No, he put himself in harms way by crossing state lines and playing cop and being violently aggressive and threatening towards the “thug”, following him, threatening him, brandishing rifles and pointing them at him…”thugs” an odd thing to call them since he was definitely being intentionally thuggish himself. He went there to play dirty cop with a rifle.

I’m upset because he travelled with weapons he couldn’t legally have in order to intentionally hunt the unarmed person he then murdered (or some other person, I don’t think it was personal), and is claiming he’s the victim.

No, I think all people with functioning brains want him to have never gone to another state to play thuggish untrained cop looking for targets to exercise his non existent authority over with illegal deadly weapons he’s not trained to properly use, because someone getting shot unnecessarily is an easily foreseeable consequence of doing that.

bobknight33 said:

He was put into harms way the the thugs.

You just upset because he defended himself.

Guess you wanted him to be beaten to a pulp.

New Rule: Words Matter | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

newtboy says...

There’s a difference between “racist” and “biased”. IMO, that’s what Bill is saying.

(To be clear, the difference I’m standing on here is racist implies it intentionally targets one race, biased in this context means while it may inadvertently impact one group, that is not the intent.)

Standardized testing is biased towards those with better educational opportunities….not any particular race. It just so happens one “race” is far more likely to have fewer educational opportunities on average….but that’s not the test’s fault or design, nor the student’s, and is not MEANT to target anyone by race. It just measures what you know….what you’ve been taught.

When it comes to SATs, they don’t take into account the educational opportunities people may not have had, and so aren’t a great measure of a student’s ability to learn, but are a measure of what they’ve learned. As such, they are a good metric for colleges to use in admissions, but are also sorely lacking when it comes to identifying ability. That means they should not be the ONLY measure used in admissions, but are still a useful tool for colleges.

I’m all for color blind admissions, if they measure ability as well as wrote knowledge, finding a way to measure how well they made use of the opportunities to learn they were presented….no matter what their skin color or economic status. So far, I don’t believe any such measure exists.

Really, I’m all for free jr college for anyone. It’s cheap, $150 a semester the last time I went, probably double that now, still a bargain. Most people drop out before year 3, so that’s a great way to allow everyone the opportunity for higher education without the expense…and frees up 4 year colleges to eliminate year 1&2 and teach more people who might graduate.

bcglorf said:


One of Mayers examples is calling out headlines about SAT's being inherently racist as false. Isn't that something you've told me you felt strongly about? I know we had discussion on including race in college admissions, and you against a race/color blind admission process as that was too pro-white. Seems it's not wrong on at least that point to say Maher's ruffling feathers with the left?

China’s New Bio Weapon Targets Race and Ethnicity

fuzzyundies says...

Here's the entirety of what the Reuters article says that could be considered at all pertinent to the utterly false and clickbaity video title:

The technology could propel China to dominate global pharmaceuticals, and also potentially lead to genetically enhanced soldiers, or engineered pathogens to target the U.S. population or food supply, the advisors said.

Reuters has found that BGI’s prenatal test, one of the most popular in the world, is a source of genetic data for the company, which has worked with the Chinese military to improve “population quality” and on genetic research to combat hearing loss and altitude sickness in soldiers.

That does not come anywhere near supporting the claim being made without tremendously more specific, pertinent evidence. Starting with your chosen conclusion and working backwards is a clear sign that you're probably wrong.

Bulldog Has Incredible Reaction To Actress In Trouble

bareboards2 says...

Watch it again and look at what the big dinos are going for.

What is in his hand. The cracker.

Which really is pretty stupid, because if you want the cracker, bite the holder of the cracker. Don't try for such a small target!

I learned a lot from what you wrote. Thank you!


Big dinos laser focused and expending a great deal of energy for so few calories? THAT is the Hollywood nonsense.

This is MY pet peeve. I welcome company, of course. It is fun to be self righteously peeved!

noims said:

My guess is that the value of a few calories would depend on whether the dinosaurs were warm- or cold-blooded. A cold-blooded lizard or snake can last a lot longer on a small meal than a warm-blooded human.

The debate on whether or not actual dinosaurs were cold-blooded is still open, as far as I know. My favourite point in the argument is that all dinosaurs alive today (i.e. birds) are warm-blooded but perhaps it was exactly that adaptation that let them survive through the mas extinction.

Looking at the predatory dinosaurs in the film, there's no hint of feathers (so they're unlikely to be actual t-rexes), which to me points towards the idea that they're cold-blooded and so a small morsel would sustain them a while.

As for three of them getting involved, to me they're also being opportunistic at the chance of getting Kong. He seemed comfortable enough handling one, but it was definitely not a given. He acted very wary of two of them, so a third joining should really swing things in the dinosaurs' favour. However, it looks like Kong was holding back, and really let things fly when the odds were against him.

China’s New Bio Weapon Targets Race and Ethnicity

newtboy says...

Jesus fuck, @bobknight33….you can’t be this gullible. Some internet failure of a traveler blogger did not discover some massive nefarious Chinese plot to develop targeted diseases to release publicly against their genetic enemies….nor did he fact check it any more than you did. If there was a scintilla of truth to this nonsense, he would have been disappeared long before he could post this fantasy through the well monitored Chinese internet or leave the country. Duh. How do you fall for this…every….single….time?

I love how these idiotic conspiracy theories require unbelievable competence, cooperation on a scale never seen, planning and execution on a god level, but idiot internet sleuths think they, on their own, have unraveled the conspiracy because the god level conspirators made some idiotic rookie mistake no professional ever would, exposing the entire scheme….but only to them, the proof is hidden, just trust them.

Jesus fucking Christ, grow up and join reality, buddy. You honestly need mental help if you believe the nonsense you post.

McKayla Maroney blasts FBI over handling of Nassar case

newtboy says...

Well he's gone even more bat shit crazy, and now claims Biden is going to put vaccines in salad dressing to trick anti vaxers into eating it.
To hit the target group, they should really put it in string cheese, Doritos, and Mtn Dew. Those guys don't eat many salads.

bobknight33 said:

Remember Flynn,

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