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StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Gameplay trailer

Detectable Civilizations in our Galaxy (plus Drake Equation)

budzos says...

I think about this stuff a lot. Lately I look at all the computer power we're developing and how dangerous the universe really is. I get fixed on the horrifying implications of "Von Neumann Machines" and think most civilizations like ours who reach out with radio probably get silenced by a swarm of machines as a consequence of their indiscretion. It could be that the galaxy will be endlessly culled for all time by such robots. Or, maybe the machines would be benevolent like the Monoliths in 2001, which are Von Neumann machines in that they appear autonomous and self-replicating.

It seems likely that really advanced civilizations might "go dark" and beyond ceasing to use radio (or at least ceasing to allow radio leakage) they might actually bury/hide their civilization. They might even offload their minds into computers and not bother communicating with the physical universe outside their programmed reality at all. I'm starting to think this last bit might be the most likely of all scenarios.

I've probably read too much hard sci-fi and I really love the stuff along these themes like Forge of God, Anvil of Stars, 2001 series, etc.

RAP NEWS 8: Osamacide

blankfist says...

>> ^theali:

Nazis had their day in court AFTER they were fully defited, both morally and physically. Al Quida hasn't been defited yet, as an organization and ideology. The courts would have dragged on and opened many cans of worms before an actual victory is achieved.
Give historic example of trial when the war was still going on.
>> ^blankfist:
@NetRunner, I'm saying that progressives were cheering the skirting of due process. I probably mentioned that at least two or three times in this thread alone, not to mention in other discussions on this site, so I'm not sure why you're confused.
When I bring this up on the Sift, the bloodthirsty progressives swarm in like flies to honey and build the flimsy straw man argument that I'm somehow standing up for Osama. The "who" in this scenario isn't the point; the "what" is. When government can side step a fundamental right one time and it's cheered by the people, it becomes precedent.
If anything, the progressives should've been in front of the White House demanding Obama step down for his kill order. Even the Nazis had their day in court.

So one reason we have a necessary need to forego the right to a fair trial is because the courts would've lingered on and "opened a can of worms"? I guess the suspension of Habeas Corpus in GITMO is also a necessary tool to "defit" Al Qaeda?

And there wasn't a kill order put out on Hitler, as far as I know. And he was recent history's most reviled mass murderer. The point is and always has been that due process is important even for the most hated, because the second we allow the government to side-step a very important human right for popular opinion, we've welcomed that selective tyranny onto any one of us.

RAP NEWS 8: Osamacide

theali says...

Nazis had their day in court AFTER they were fully defited, both morally and physically. Al Quida hasn't been defited yet, as an organization and ideology. The courts would have dragged on and opened many cans of worms before an actual victory is achieved.

Give historic example of trial when the war was still going on.

>> ^blankfist:

@NetRunner, I'm saying that progressives were cheering the skirting of due process. I probably mentioned that at least two or three times in this thread alone, not to mention in other discussions on this site, so I'm not sure why you're confused.
When I bring this up on the Sift, the bloodthirsty progressives swarm in like flies to honey and build the flimsy straw man argument that I'm somehow standing up for Osama. The "who" in this scenario isn't the point; the "what" is. When government can side step a fundamental right one time and it's cheered by the people, it becomes precedent.
If anything, the progressives should've been in front of the White House demanding Obama step down for his kill order. Even the Nazis had their day in court.

RAP NEWS 8: Osamacide

blankfist says...

@NetRunner, I'm saying that progressives were cheering the skirting of due process. I probably mentioned that at least two or three times in this thread alone, not to mention in other discussions on this site, so I'm not sure why you're confused.

When I bring this up on the Sift, the bloodthirsty progressives swarm in like flies to honey and build the flimsy straw man argument that I'm somehow standing up for Osama. The "who" in this scenario isn't the point; the "what" is. When government can side step a fundamental right one time and it's cheered by the people, it becomes precedent.

If anything, the progressives should've been in front of the White House demanding Obama step down for his kill order. Even the Nazis had their day in court.

Crowd Celebrates bin Laden's Death in front of White House

direpickle says...

I can't tell if some of you are being facetious.

The difference: These people are celebrating the death of a man that started a war, killed thousands and thousands of innocent people (no, not just Americans), was proud of this, etc. etc. etc.

I don't know which instance of extremist Muslims celebrating that you're thinking of, but they have often celebrated the deaths of the innocent people. Just because they were Americans. That would be like thousands of Americans swarming streets and celebrating the deaths of a bunch of random Muslims, just 'cuz. Have you seen that?

These people aren't cheering because, "Yeah! We got a dirty brown person!" This is Osama bin Laden. This is the psychological (if not practical) equivalent of the death of Hitler. V-ME day isn't going to follow, no, but this is as close as we're going to get. People that celebrated the death of Hitler, were they savages? People that celebrated V-E day? Celebrating the deaths of millions of people in war by kissing in the streets--gasp!

Get over yourselves. Put the snarky superiority down.

Mass of ants behaving as a fluid.

Mass of ants behaving as a fluid.

Mass of ants behaving as a fluid.

rottenseed (Member Profile)

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - In Game trailer

saber2x says...

>> ^Retroboy:

Honestly, for previous chapters, some of the mods were better. Oblivion suffered from a flaw that if you took your time and went exploring your character ended up being vastly sub-optimal if you didn't play a certain way that used all of your various skills equally so your stats could benefit the most when you levelled up. I made the mistake of enjoying the experience only to get swarmed by horribly imbalanced monsters during the main quest because I deferred it too long.
Some of the user-created mods did great job of correcting this, and one of the more comprehensive of them turned it into one of my favourite games ever - you actually benefitted from taking your time and doing the subquests.
All that being said, the video is stunning and I'll prolly buy a melt-down rig just to play this. But I really do hope they ditch their experience/power-gain be-perfectly-balanced-or-suffer-major-brownouts system in lieu of something like what was created by the user community and was more traditional.

This is the only info available about the leveling system in Skyrim, it was posted by a Bethesda rep:
“Since people are asking, wanted to briefly touch on level scaling. All our games have had some amount of randomness/leveling based on player level. Skyrim‘s is similar to Fallout 3‘s, not Oblivion‘s.”

If you want more info on whats new check this page:

I plan on waiting for the first patch before i buy this game, Bethesda makes great games but they are always soo big that there's lots of bugs in them. Elder Scrolls II Daggerfall was the worst for bugs, but enjoyable enough to keep you playing!

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - In Game trailer

Retroboy says...

Honestly, for previous chapters, some of the mods were better. Oblivion suffered from a flaw that if you took your time and went exploring your character ended up being vastly sub-optimal if you didn't play a certain way that used all of your various skills equally so your stats could benefit the most when you levelled up. I made the mistake of enjoying the experience only to get swarmed by horribly imbalanced monsters during the main quest because I deferred it too long.

Some of the user-created mods did great job of correcting this, and one of the more comprehensive of them turned it into one of my favourite games ever - you actually benefitted from taking your time and doing the subquests.

All that being said, the video is stunning and I'll prolly buy a melt-down rig just to play this. But I really do hope they ditch their experience/power-gain be-perfectly-balanced-or-suffer-major-brownouts system in lieu of something like what was created by the user community and was more traditional.

"Obama is bringing the apocalypse!" -Tim LaHaye on Huckabee

ulysses1904 says...

I'll say it again. People love using cliches like end times, end of days, the apocalypse, doomsday, reckoning, and it's the end of the world with the accompanying locust swarms, earthquakes, diseases, catastrophes, blah blah blah. Hollywood, the Bible and atomic weapons have turned people into excitable little drama queens. The earth will not end in some predicted scripted big bang, rather the natural forces of the universe will run their course over however many million years. "End of days", hahahahaha.

Baby Elephant Frolics On The Beach

ant says...

>> ^entr0py:

>> ^ant:
Why is it on a beach?

Because that's where the rich tourists are that will pay for baby elephant rides? What I want to know is where is it's mother, and why isn't she trampling everyone in the area? I mean, just imagine if a capuchin monkey stole your baby to show off to it's tribe. You'd kick some monkey ass wouldn't you? Any good parent would.
Oh, it's ant. I mean, imagine if a swarm of aphids stole your larva? Maybe?

FYI, it's = it is.

Baby Elephant Frolics On The Beach

entr0py says...

>> ^ant:

Why is it on a beach?

Because that's where the rich tourists are that will pay for baby elephant rides? What I want to know is where is it's mother, and why isn't she trampling everyone in the area? I mean, just imagine if a capuchin monkey stole your baby to show off to it's tribe. You'd kick some monkey ass wouldn't you? Any good parent would.

Oh, it's ant. I mean, imagine if a swarm of aphids stole your larva? Maybe?

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