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The Art of BS

dannym3141 says...

I hope by now people know me well enough to know I am far from a Trump supporter.

But we would be missing out on a huge opportunity here if we didn't highlight that 99% of what politicians say is different looking, but equally foul bullshit.

I'm not joking. If you actually look into the 'facts' and 'statistics' that are used to push and promote the different policies, they are all based in falsehood or manipulation of meaning, a few off the very top of my head:
- Austerity - based on a study that was discredited not long after it was used to strip assets and cut funding for those who need it most
- Immigration caps - Theresa May talks big about reducing immigration now, saying what a problem it has become but she was *home secretary*, responsible for handling immigration policy
- Benefit caps - for years they have painted benefits cheats as the great drain on the British welfare system with TV shows and press releases, but the majority of the benefits bills go towards subsidising low pay (working tax credits, people in full time work that doesn't pay enough to live on) and paying rent to private landlords (rents which are unregulated, landlords who are already privately rich).
- Greater autonomy for local government - sounds great, we get a better say about things that affect us locally, except when we say that we don't want fracking in Lancashire, they over rule us and say we WILL have fracking in Lancashire. Greater autonomy only meant "we're not giving you any more money."

I'm barely getting started. You can go on and on - tax policy when it comes to big multi nationals who don't pay their fair share, but we let them haggle and pay a tokenistic amount - but the reason we don't have enough money is because of the burden of benefits cheats and immigrants??? We paid for the damage done by the financial crash, but the same people are still in charge and now they're taking billions in bonuses too - why don't we get any of it back!??

I can turn on the news at any time and within 30 seconds find something that is skirting with the truth or outright pulling the wool over our eyes.

The entire political system is fucked up in America and in the UK, it's not just Donald Trump. Donald Trump is like a huge fist sized bubble in a strip of freshly laid wallpaper. We don't just need to fix the big obvious bubble; we need to change the way we put wallpaper up because when you look at the rest of the wall, there are thousands of smaller bubbles that amount to the exact same problem of a fucked up wall.

Donald Trump is the dead canary in the coal mine. He's the clear and obvious indicator that something is horribly, horribly wrong. Getting rid of the canary's corpse does not solve the fucking problem.

The blowback from the alt-right, these vicious people spouting nationalism and racism and sexism. AND the constantly bickering and clamouring SJW lefties who want to dominate free thought and free speech. Both these sets of people have been pitted against each other intentionally so that they don't turn on the people at the top. It is the oldest trick in the book - don't blame the guys in charge, blame each other, it gives us longer to get away with it. Divide and conquer. Spread hate, spread war, spread fear, spread anger and people gravitate to the extremes... they are easier to control at the extremes.

...rant over i guess

If you found this boring, if you didn't want to look into it, you're part of the problem. You're contributing to the environment in which Trump can flourish.

There is no scrutiny, there is no being held to account. There is only the court of Rupert Murdoch and the Barclay brothers.

Senator Warren Destroys Wells Fargo CEO Over Cross Selling

artician says...

She is: This entire thing, and all of the clips like it, and all the media coverage she's received for the past year are a political-strip-tease. She's only doing this to set up the strongest possible position in 2020/24. These are planned dog-and-pony shows.

It should matter more that she's not actually doing anything here, but judging by the comments she doesn't have to bother.

Drachen_Jager said:

Why can't she run for President.

Putin would be quaking in his mink moccasins.

Racism in UK -- Rapper Akala

kir_mokum says...

obviously what i said was a very general statement about a very nuanced and complex issue so there are going to be lots of examples counter to it with varying degrees of validity.

that said, one could counter your example by saying that the reason the people in that neighbourhood are so protective is precisely because of contemporary systemic racism: they've been ghettoize. education and opportunity has stripped away. one of the few things they have left is the ability to control their immediate area.

newtboy said:

I understand your point and mostly agree, but not completely.
First, I'll totally disagree with the proposition that white culture is the least a culture, it may be one of the most racist, and as individuals we certainly aren't the least. (yes, I do understand you said it for the sake of argument, not as a claim you're making, but still, I disagree with the suggestion that it might be true)
Secondly, racism from the black community towards white people does effect many white people significantly.
I, as an 18 year old white male, lived in East Palo Alto in the late 80's when it was called the murder capital of the US and was over 95% 'minorities'. I was often confronted just for being there, and on more than one occasion was attacked/chased for being a white guy in "their neighborhood" (clearly it wasn't theirs or they would have know I lived there). Granted, the racism I experienced was not systemic (except when the police assumed I was there to buy drugs and repeatedly harassed me for being the wrong color in the neighborhood), and not a daily occurrence, but it happened way more than once, and I didn't go out of my way to let it effect me. I went out of my way to ignore it.

Racism in UK -- Rapper Akala

MonkeySpank says...

Well, what pisses off me about racism in the States is that we enslaved people for 200+ years, made them live in shacks and treated them like cattle. We pretty much stripped them of dignity and all that is human to the point where many of them believed it, then we said: "Hey, you are free now, so act like us!" What in the funking funk is that kind of logic? Do we expect them to say, "Thanks for the freedom, now I'll just erase the indoctrination and all the memory and I'll magically be jolly jumping ideal citizen like the best examples of your race." What adequate tools did we give them to re-engage in society?

We often expect a tabula rasa from African Americans when in fact we ruined them and should heavily reinvest in them for at least a few decades, if not centuries. Racism based on half-assed logic boils my blood more than pure racism.

kir_mokum said:

even if modern western [white] culture is the least racist, the problems seem to stem from the fact that it is the dominant culture. so whatever racism there is, it's magnified significantly.

for example: the internet often likes to claim that black american culture is way more racist than white american culture. assuming this to be true, look at how little an effect this has. black communities, groups, event, whatever organization can be as racist as they want and we as white people essentially laugh it off as being funny or ignore it or use it as political leverage. it doesn't effect us unless we go out of our way to let it effect us.

then look at the reverse, assuming white culture is the least racist. it categorically devastates communities, groups, generations, events, etc. even after decades of us collectively and actively trying to not be racist, systemic or otherwise.

Debunking Gun Control Arguments

ChaosEngine says...

Although I'm in favour of sensible gun regulation, I'm not sure legislation alone will solve your gun problem.

The problem in the USA is, IMO, cultural.

The idea that you would need a gun for "protection" is quite foreign to almost every other country in the developed world.

But, as we've seen in threads here since Orlando, people in the US seem genuinely afraid that they will be "defenseless" if stripped of their arms.

Why is this?
When I've asked people before, I hear responses like "it takes the police 10 minutes to get to your house". Er ok, fund your fucking police?

But that doesn't address the fear of home invasion in the first place. Is it really that common in the US? And if it is, WHY is it?

It's simply not a concern for anyone I know in any other country (excluding war zones, etc). Clearly, if it is such a problem, having a gun isn't deterring people from doing this.

Maybe instead of looking at the short-term symptoms, you should be asking yourselves what is driving people to be so desperate that they are willing to risk their lives breaking into other people's homes knowing that the occupants are potentially armed.

The problem is essentially escalation ( the "Chicago Way").

10: "All the criminals have guns, I better have one too"
20: "Shit, if I'm going to rob that place, they probably have a gun, better go armed"
30: goto 10

Breaking this cycle means addressing inequality, racism, and poverty. People in the US aren't inherently worse than everywhere else, but your system is set up to incentivize criminals to carry a gun.

But FFS, at least stop burying your heads in the sand and let the CDC study this.

Massive Police Chase Against Stunt Motorcycles

newtboy says...

Pit maneuver, please.
They were clearly endangering the public, and resisting arrest. Any injury they get from being rammed off their bikes, including death, is not compensable, and is their own fault.
What happens if you use a spike strip on a bike, I wonder.

What fucking reckless douchebags. Every single one of them should have their bike(s), and license taken, and then should be run into by their own bike at the maximum speed they ran from the cops, and then be arrested (if they survive).
They didn't think twice about running red lights at full speed while not even looking forwards sometimes. It's amazing they didn't kill someone in a crosswalk.
If you want to ride dirty, don't expect a whit of sympathy when you get rammed off your bike and end up paralyzed.
I was really glad to see at least one of them take himself out. I hope his bike is totaled, and his legs as well. I only wish it had happened 20 more times. Maybe he'll turn all his buddies in so he doesn't also get reamed by the DA.

Stephen Fry Hates Dancing

CNN anchor reads Survivor's Statement on air

bareboards2 says...

I have also linked this in the description, so people don't have to read the comments to find this link:

Here is part of the full statement that was excised for time -- part of where she responds to the defendant's statement, point by point:

You said, Being drunk I just couldn’t make the best decisions and neither could she.

Alcohol is not an excuse. Is it a factor? Yes. But alcohol was not the one who stripped me, fingered me, had my head dragging against the ground, with me almost fully naked. Having too much to drink was an amateur mistake that I admit to, but it is not criminal. Everyone in this room has had a night where they have regretted drinking too much, or knows someone close to them who has had a night where they have regretted drinking too much. Regretting drinking is not the same as regretting sexual assault. We were both drunk, the difference is I did not take off your pants and underwear, touch you inappropriately, and run away. That’s the difference.

You said, If I wanted to get to know her, I should have asked for her number, rather than asking her to go back to my room.

I’m not mad because you didn’t ask for my number. Even if you did know me, I would not want be in this situation. My own boyfriend knows me, but if he asked to finger me behind a dumpster, I would slap him. No girl wants to be in this situation. Nobody. I don’t care if you know their phone number or not.

You said, I stupidly thought it was okay for me to do what everyone around me was doing, which was drinking. I was wrong.

Again, you were not wrong for drinking. Everyone around you was not sexually assaulting me. You were wrong for doing what nobody else was doing, which was pushing your erect dick in your pants against my naked, defenseless body concealed in a dark area, where partygoers could no longer see or protect me, and own my sister could not find me. Sipping fireball is not your crime. Peeling off and discarding my underwear like a candy wrapper to insert your finger into my body, is where you went wrong. Why am I still explaining this.

Bill Maher: Dilbert Creator Scott Adams

Bill Maher: Dilbert Creator Scott Adams

Imagoamin says...

Scott Adams has always been a raging trashfire. Not surprised he's a Trump supporter, especially after his rant about how women are like "children and the mentally handicapped".

MRA Dilbert blog taking his actual quotes and putting them into Dilbert strips should really just replace his cartoon.

Bill Maher: Dilbert Creator Scott Adams

vil says...

Con artist Donald. I have read about half of Scotts book and found a couple of interesting things in there I had not known about myself. Really interesting for people with a particular set of problems. The Joseph Heller of cartoon strips.

Making a model Steel Bridge for a 3rd grade project

Jinx says...

We made viking longboats when I was a kid. My mum and I got well into it, we built a proper keel and ribs and then layered strips of card for the hull. She did quite a bit of the fiddly construction, but we did the research and planning together and I was thrilled to be making something totally awesome.

There is obviously value in getting kids to go away and create something independently, but real life projects are usually collaborative, even if reading any CV makes it seem otherwise. In the end it was a different (obviously inferior ) boat that "won", but you better believe that if my hypothetical kids ever have to build a boat that I am going to pass on what my mum passed on to me.

Woven Bark Fiber

Asmo says...

As a proud Australian, I would say...

Australians, go fucking figure!

Seriously though, great effort. This guy must have some impressive wounds from things like using his feet to strip bark...

Compact Fluorescent vs LED lights color spectrum

The three girls and the cops controversy and this press conf

SFOGuy says...

Oh, thanks for this! Couldn't find it.
Yah, at at least the 31 second mark, a deputy walks by in a clearly a stripped down state.

You can't see if he's sopping wet, but you can clearly tell he's stripped his belt and other uniform stuff that would encumber him in the water.

And then later in the videos---is someone going by in their underwear?
I couldn't be sure.

bcglorf said:

Here's possibly the clip being referenced, from the sheriffs office directly. Shows two officers, both stripped down from uniform, 1 looks like they are carrying back their vest suggesting it had been stripped off. I'm not sure how much more can realistically be expected. As the Sheriff said, have we really hit the point where unless we have a video of the deputies wading into the water it clearly didn't happen?

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