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Bill Burr on Ebola and First Ladies

Asmo says...

Strange, the whole set came off as a bit meh to me.

On the plus side, I'm not pathetically desperate enough to try and take a straw poll from a comedy set... = P

bobknight33 said:

Bill Burr. Probably the best comedian today.

Not 1 cheer for Hillary for president. Telling.

RON PAUL WINS STRAW POLL! So... Lets Talk About Herman Cain

RON PAUL WINS STRAW POLL! So... Lets Talk About Herman Cain

soulmonarch says...

>> ^Yogi:

Before I clicked on it I thought that they were gonna talk about Ron Paul winning and THEN start talking about Herman Cain. I can't believe they could show that poll while immediately talking about the 2nd place winner, does this happen anywhere else in the world?!


How they can manage to do this stuff so consistently and still call themselves "news" is totally beyond me. It terrifies me that some people take everything Faux News says as gospel.

Jon Stewart Exposes Mainstream Media Bias Against Ron Paul

marbles says...

Corporate Media Admit They Censor Candidates Who Challenge the Status Quo:
Preface: Liberals shouldn't ignore the media's censoring of Ron Paul's popularity in straw polls because he's "on the right". Many progressive candidates have been shut out of political races by the big corporate media.

Reuters Edits Iowa Poll Reality According to Globalist Agenda:
Often cited as a reliable, reputable news source, Reuters is in actuality nothing more than another den of duplicity bought and paid for by the corporate financiers ruling/ruining Western civilization. Their latest article titled, "Bachmann and Perry - a beautiful 2012 rivalry" sidelines reality according to the globalist script so soundly you can almost hear the noses of Reuters editors' growing. The GOP Iowa debate saw Ron Paul annihilate the competition with counts showing him as far as three times further ahead of the next runner-up Newt Gingrich. However, the final tally of the Iowa straw poll saw establishment footstool Michele Bachmann eke out Ron Paul by a mere 152 votes. Despite the closeness of the race and the immense political ramifications of a candidate labeled by the corporate media as part of "fringe politics" finishing neck-to-neck with the insincere Bachmann, Reuters decided to write about Rick Perry's insignificant, meaningless, though establishment approved, entry into the GOP 2012 race instead. Not a single mention of Ron Paul was made.

Video Embedding of Duplicates (Sift Talk Post)

SF Straw Poll cancels once Ron Paul Supporters show (UPDATE)

Obama and Huckabee slam dunk in Iowa, big margin (Election Talk Post)

Romney Spokesman Won't Say If Atheists Have Place In America (Religion Talk Post)

Constitutional_Patriot says...

I agree, there is little tolerance from a majority of religious groups in this world (I don't mean to imply all or everyone in any specific group). I've had good friends of just about all current religions that don't have an outwardly harsh viewpoint, but there are many that feel they are right and everyone else is wrong and they are going to burn in hell for eternity. I find the notion to be as pathetic as their stern beliefs (my opinion).

Anyway I'm more concerned with the problem of Romney voters voting multiple times with absolutely no remorse in the straw poll elections. Every person should view the straw poll elections as illegitemate and should not be touted by the media as valid results. I'm absolutely furious over the amount of voting fraud taking place in this country. In my opinion if anyone is caught committing voting fraud they should be held to trial in front of a jury of their peers as a felony with a minimum sentence of 2-5 years imprisonment + fines if found guilty. It's that serious and it should not be tolerated to any extent - especially when it comes to Presidential, Senate and House elections.

Mitt Romney's speech: Faith in America

Constitutional_Patriot says...

No deedub, I don't hang out with you... or do you mean "I should be hung" (as in by the neck)? It's difficult to interpret when your one liners can be taken multiple ways.

By the way, Thomas Jefferson was Agnostic as well. Just one of the many reasons he was one of my biggest heroes of American History.

Also, I found it completely disgusting to see Romney voters voting multiple times in the straw polls because they were illegitemately allowed to. Don't you see anything wrong with that? Hell-llooO?!?!

Also, before you say that Romney himself had nothing to do with that.. might I remind you that the Romney campaign had paid for those expensive tickets. The Ron Paul candidates paid for theirs out of their own pockets and vowed 1-person, 1-vote. That shows who are the people with true honor and integrity that take pride in what this country really stands for.

Mitt Romney Supporters Buy Election in Florida Straw Poll

Constitutional_Patriot says...

If this is an example of straw poll elections, then this is a clear indicator that the straw poll results nationwide are also stacked and should not be highlighted by the media as if they were valid results.

Mink, those vote spammers were wearing Mitt Romney buttons and if you view the other vids by the original submitter on youtube, you'll see the Romney voters blatently state that they will be voting as many times as possible.

Why Is The Mainstream Media Scared Of This Man

Imagoamin says...

All this poll quoting..Polls don't prove anything. All pollsters do is frame questions in a way to get a desired result. For every poll one way, theres tons that show the opposite.

Hell, it's incredibly easy to get a typical poll participant to agree to one thing then completely disagree with it 1 minute later based on the phrasing of the question.

And the Straw Polls are weak in theory.. You have to pay to participate. Most voters arn't gonna do that - only the died in the wool Ron Paul lovers (or any candidate for that matter) would or could. They just show Ron Paul supporters are much more rabid then other republican candidate supporters. Which is quite obvious just living in this country right now..

Will Ron Paul Be Excluded from Iowa Debates? (Politics Talk Post)

Grimm says...

thylan wrote:

Normal opinion polls, attempt to take a cross section of the demographic of a region, go to them, either by phone polling or on the street, and ask their opinion there. its far form 100% reliable, but is way more reliable a tool for a journalist than some internet poll...
The problem is...that's what people think these polls are. They think they just randomly poll your average Joe and ask them who they are going to vote for. That is not the case. These are polls of "Republicans most likely to vote in the primaries". How do they decide who this select group is? By polling ONLY Republicans that voted in the last (2004) primary election. Because Bush ran virtually unopposed in 2004 Republican voter turn out was at a record low of 6.6%. Nearly 94% of Republicans didn't bother to vote in the 2004 primary. Is it any surprise that the 6.6% that showed up to give Bush their symbolic vote are mostly voting for another pro-war candidate? These polls tell us nothing of the Republicans not happy with the Bush administration, nothing about the Republicans that want us out of this war and abbsolutly nothing about any possible independents, democrats, or libertarians that are planning to vote for Ron Paul.

I think THAT is why we are seeing such a huge gap here. He has all this support on line, he wins all the internet polls, he is almost always in the top of the straw polls, all the text your vote polls after the debates, he collects more money and gets it from individuals that are donating on average $100. It only makes sense that he doesn't poll well in the other polls when you look at the big picture.

BTW...the other day I came across some major news media poll online. The question was "Who would win in a Presidential race, Ron Paul or Hillary Clinton?" Do you see how they are trying to control the results of that poll? Instead of asking a known "Who wold you vote for?" which would answer the question of who would win. They instead ask you to "guess who would win"...what the F' is that about?

Why Is The Mainstream Media Scared Of This Man

Ron Paul Raises over a million dollars in 7 days. (Election Talk Post)

Ron Paul Raises over a million dollars in 7 days. (Election Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

Ron Paul is the only candidate I see that is actually creating genunie voter enthusiam, the only other candidate that somehow comes close is Barak Obama.

Check out these straw poll results, this is the candidate the media consistently calls the long shot.

Some MCs made a hip hop song for him... Ron Paul for Freedom

PS: And Yes for the Videosift Strawpoll, even though we would get a more internationally flavoured result it would still be interesting.

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