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Fuck You Hipsters

shagen454 says...

Remember the beats? When they were around people just thought they were weirdos. Obscured by their own ideas, they made their own art, listened to their own music (Harry Partch, anyone?), created their own culture, they were the original punks. Then the hippies came along... and ruined everything until krautrock, metal/stoner metal was made in retaliation of that culture.

If people enjoy creating their own culture - then how dare you label them. I'm not saying that there is not such a thing as a "trendy f^&king hipster" but many a folk could fit these rash/snotty generalizations are genuinely doing their own thing, not because it's "cool" or "trendy" but because they believe in it. Don't forget that. Do what you want but fuck off with your ignorant generalizations of people and likewise people that fit your jealous generalization mold will probably refrain from calling you a brain-dead, culture less, consumer-slut, square that listens to Van Halen and lives a boring life.

Oh, I forgot to add an ironic: GOOBERS!

Woman Enraged Over Chicken Nuggets

Woman Enraged Over Chicken Nuggets

John Moloney At The Montreal Comedy Festival

Portsmouth Police exempt from the law

Porksandwich says...

If he's on duty and he's supposed to stay in a visible place because businesses have been robbed or because it has been requested by the public. Him being in traffic making loops around the neighborhood constantly or being parked at the back of a parking lot with the rest of the vehicles is not performing his job.

Dude filming this video has some kind of axe to grind, and in all likelihood it stems from some illegal activity he has been caught participating in so he feels like he's "sticking it to the man" with this mountain out of a mole hill stuff. In my mind this kind of stuff is stoner logic, because I see it most in potheads that can't get their weed fix without getting caught or have been caught enough that one more will get them in serious shit.

Next we'll be pissed when firefighters park in the no parking zones to put out fires, LOOK OUT.

garmachi (Member Profile)

blankfist (Member Profile)

Remember the Sabbath

David Mitchell - Dear America...

The Great Nebraska Sift-Up 2010!!!!

therealblankman (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by therealblankman:
@aniatario- Yup, definitely has a reputation as an asshole. As for "stealing" the rights to the music, well he's the songwriter for most of it and that's where the rights to revenues lies. That said the tracks that the band recorded were very collaborative, so he could have chosen to be more equitable, but chose not to. They worked together for over 20 years and by not sharing Robbie alienated himself from the rest of The Band, especially Levon Helm. So yeah... an asshole.

@rougy- During the editing process for The Last Waltz Scorsese and Robertson lived together and consumed copious quantities of drugs. I guess Scorsese was the typical New York hopped-up cokehead, and Robertson definitely seemed to be more of a mellow stoner.

Side note: Just read on Wikipedia that Elton John's song "Levon" was written as a tribute to Levon Helm, the drummer from The Band. Interesting.

wow man.
the next time i find a good robbie robertson vid ill send it your way to post.
you know waaay more about him and the band than i do,for real.
i learned more about him just by your comments..very awesome my man.

ROBBIE ROBERTSON-unbound (original video)

therealblankman says...

@aniatario- Yup, definitely has a reputation as an asshole. As for "stealing" the rights to the music, well he's the songwriter for most of it and that's where the rights to revenues lies. That said the tracks that the band recorded were very collaborative, so he could have chosen to be more equitable, but chose not to. They worked together for over 20 years and by not sharing Robbie alienated himself from the rest of The Band, especially Levon Helm. So yeah... an asshole.

@rougy- During the editing process for The Last Waltz Scorsese and Robertson lived together and consumed copious quantities of drugs. I guess Scorsese was the typical New York hopped-up cokehead, and Robertson definitely seemed to be more of a mellow stoner.

Side note: Just read on Wikipedia that Elton John's song "Levon" was written as a tribute to Levon Helm, the drummer from The Band. Interesting.

Cheech Marin Smokes Anderson Cooper

Cheech Marin Smokes Anderson Cooper


dotdude says...

Kulpims, our own Slovenian slacker, admits to being a loser, a smart ass, a drunk and a stoner. He’s already done such a good job of roasting himself, but he left out wannabee.

He lovingly refers to VideoSift as his Sift-crack, choggieland and Home. ‘Guess he didn’t get the eviction notice.

Rosie Palm mentioned that she’s tired of the whole “jazz and jizz” routine. She started to complain hysterically about his obsession with “ass gravy,” but then suddenly went quiet.

He’s been so vigilant in eradicating dupes he’s been nicknamed Deputy Dupe of the VideoSift PD. Siftbot has been run so ragged with commands, he now has kulpims on ignore.

Kulpims is not fond of LOL Cats. Too bad there aren’t any LOL Dogs.

Good night and may the Farce be with you.

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