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enoch (Member Profile)

peggedbea (Member Profile)

enoch (Member Profile)

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

enoch says...

love the new avatar!
and if you berate bukowski any more i will be forced to fly to europe,track you down and force you to listen to all his spoken word tapes.
ill do it! i am a man on the edge!
dont make me!

enoch (Member Profile)

Henry Bowers - I Like Darkness

Mr. Chi-City Fights A Ticket

Henry Rollins vs. Techno Viking

Yogi says...

I never saw him as too much of a comedian, but he does "Spoken Word Performance" which could be the same thing. He doesn't tell too man jokes in any planned out way it seems, just mostly stories. I really loved his tour of Israel and all the stuff that came out of that. His stories about visiting the troops are pretty awesome too. So yeah, not really a comedian, more like when Kevin Smith takes the stage at college campuses.

Henry Rollins vs. Techno Viking

EndAll says...

I can see where he's coming from, but I don't really like this bit either. I like THIS video, the mashup and all (brilliant) but the original bit was too negative for me. Not to say Rollins isn't a good comedian, he's amazing, same with his spoken word - but yeah, was never a fan of this bit.

Steve's Grammatical Observations #6: "I could care less"

lucky760 says...

stop floundering

You're the only one floundering here, trying to shove your loose interpretation of poorly spoken words down the throats of everyone with any sense who is explaining rather simply the actual meaning of an often wrongly worded phrase. The bottom line is, in almost every situation, people should say "I couldn't care less" when they actually say "I could care less."

Most people just don't care enough about the words they speak to analyze or understand their meaning. Then, of course, there's that rare 0.01% of wackos who do understand but still try to defend, pervert, and proliferate twisted words because they have a false sense of entitlement and a magnificently inflated ego. These are the nuts who'd probably also try to convince you that saying "I don't not care" is also a valid way to express your lack of interest in something. "Sure it am not not a double negative and sure the speaker are actually saying it cares, but hey that am okay. You can figuring it out what they could mean any ways, so we should encourage every people to speak those way! Hooray for bastardization of these Ynglish lang wedges!" Let's encourage everyone to exercise incorrect language because, hey, everyone else can figure out what they mean anyway, right? GMAFB.

It is never misinterpreted by the listener

This is not true at all. I forget the particular song, but on Green Day's American Idiot album, a line says something like "I could care less" and I've always wondered and will never know if he added stress to the phrase to make it clear he's speaking literally about actually caring or if that stress was just for the melody and he actually misspoke as most people do and he really does not care.

Whenever this phrase is used, it is a whimsical way of saying they're in danger of caring less than they already do.

When someone exclaims, "I could care less if we water board George W.," what they're really saying is, "I'm in danger of caring less than I already do if we water board Old Georgie. Everyone pay close attention to the needle on my caring gauge because I think it's about to drop a little bit!" Right. You just keep looking at your reflection in that diploma frame and telling yourself that, friendo.

Out of curiosity, what about when people say, "If I never see you again, it'll be too soon?" Is that a whimsical way of someone saying they actually hope to see you again and preferably sometime soon, or is it someone who suffers from bad word choice and is attempting to inform that they never want to see you again?

If you ever comment on this again, it'll be too soon, and if you do, I couldn't care less.

laura (Member Profile)

Jim Carrey sings "I am the Walrus"

therealblankman says...

Heh. And I thought that I was the only person who had even heard of this strange album. George Martin could have had anybody in the whole world perform these songs for this album- his retirement gift to himself. Why Jim Carey, seriously? Sean Connery doing spoken word? Billy Connely? Too weird.

Needed Channels! - What do you want to see? (Asia Talk Post)

Eklek says...

90s, 00s, africa, aquatic, architecture/design, arctic/ice/polar, boats, conspiracies, crime, education, electronica, europe, fan (mashup), fashion, health, holidays, homme (man), ict, interviews, latin(o), poetry/spoken word, pranks, registrations, robots, seniors, tragedy (drama), violence

I second/third:
-manipulation (juggling etc,.) would be a nice niche channel indeed

Doubt about the need for:
-cheese channel, that part of VS culture, not for categorization!
-illusion kind of falls under magic?
-controversial overlaps with NSFW mostly, or?

(INSANELY) Awesome New Desktop GUI

Flood says...

I'm not a fan of the idea of the spoken word being a primary input device. It doesn't make most tasks any easier.

Now, voice recognition combined with some rudimentary AI (Confabulation Theory type stuff) that allowed the computer to understand context could definitely help augment the experience. But I'm not going to play a computer game or surf the web using that technology. "Scroll down. Scroll down. Click Reply."

BCIs (Brain Computer Interfaces) is where the real research energy needs to be directed.

What New Channel? :) (Wtf Talk Post)

Eklek says...

My current list includes:
90s, 00s, africa, aquatic, architecture/design, arctic/ice/polar, boats, conspiracies, crime, dance (non-verbal communication), debates/discussions, economics, education, electronica, europe, fan (mashup), fashion, health, holidays, homme (man), ict, interviews, latin(o), law, lectures (presentations), poetry/spoken word, pranks, registrations, tragedy (drama), violence

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