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This is it! This is really it! (New channel or takeover?) (Sift Talk Post)

Ornthoron says...

We had a good discussion about missing channels in this thread. I'll take the liberty of reposting Eklek's list:

dance (non-verbal communication)
fan (mashup)
homme (man)
lectures (presentations)
poetry/spoken word

In addition I would like to see *computer/technology, since it has become such an integral part of our society. A lot of it doesn't fit in geek anymore.

Since the videogames channel works, I think you should take another one. In the interest of equality I think it's important that someone creates *africa, *europe, *latin(o) and *homme as soon as possible, but feel free to choose any of these that fits your interests.

There is a glaring channel omission (Sift Talk Post)

Eklek says...

Yes, still no takers..
There are still, at least two sifters, who do not have a channel..maybe they have an affinity with *dance/non-verbal communication?

My current list of channels to be created:

90s, 00s, africa, aquatic, architecture/design, boats, comics, conspiracies, crime, dance (non-verbal communication), debates/discussions, economics, electronica, europe, fan (mashup), fashion, health, homme (man), interviews, latin(o), law, lectures (presentations), poetry/spoken word, pranks, registrations

Barack Obama Calls Himself A Mutt

13624 says...

My letter to CNN about the "M" word

My name is Max Parthas. My wife and I are two of America's most recognized Spoken Word artist and the founders of Prysmatic Dreams. PrysmaticDreams. com
An artists social network based on the dream of multicultural brotherhood.

We were as proud as anyone else to know that a multiracial American became our president. I have personally discussed the issue with Barak Obama during our travels. Below are photos of him reading my thoughts on this new melting pot America at our first meeting. I thought we had grown as a people to fully embrace who we are as people of multiple cultural heritages. Until June 12, 1967, white and blacks couldn't even get married legally. Now the children of those unions and others like them number in the tens of millions. We have pride in who we are and who he is. We are here to stay and part of the national character.

To hear him refer to himself as a "mutt" brings me near to tears. For a biracial person that's the equivalent of calling us the N word. We are not mutts. Nor are we halfbreeds, mulattoes (half mules) or mistakes. If you must call us anything let it be with respect.

We have as much right to embrace our diverse racial pride as anyone else. For our president to casually denigrate the near 30 million multiracial Americans in this country who supported his causes, his family included, is a public shame. It shows how little his rich heritage means to him and how little it matters. With one single word he made an entire burgeoning culture of people seem worthless.

I for one demand an apology.

Max Parthas
A Proud Multiracial American -not a mutt-

see the photos @ the blog

Bill Cosby loses his mind on ESPN

Kevlar says...

Clearly, Cosby is deconstructing the antiquity of the spoken word to a less-than-appreciative audience. His masterful dismantling of the TV spot, as it were, into a near-Dadaist sound poem will likely only be appreciated decades after his performance. Lastly, where Cosby's brilliance can be sh----AND TONIGHT LADIES AN GENTLEMPRRR DEPURRRR DEPURRR JELLO.

(In case you think that was a joke, you're only half right.)

Baby Pictures (History Talk Post)

blahpook says...

My first attempted video was this really awesome spoken word by Marty McConnell, which didn't make it. So I posted a cat video, which did. And then later on I re-posted the poetry one and it sifted.

I remember the first time I saw this poem read was on TV, and that it had made me cry. It's pretty damn powerful stuff.

And what does the cat one reveal about me, other than I like kittehs? It reveals that I wanted to get rid of my P. Very profound, I know.

Happiness is a Warm Gun: Original "fan video"

rasch187 says...

One of the most radical musical accomplishments of the song is its frequent shifts in meter. Beginning in 4/4 time, the song shifts to a 3/4 time for the guitar solo in the "I need a fix..." section. This gives way to 6/8, 3/4, and 4/4 measures in the "Mother Superior..." section before returning to 4/4 for the majority of the doo-wop style ending. During Lennon's spoken-word interlude, the song briefly switches into 6/4. (from wikipedia).

I love this song

Bobby McFerrin improvises with audience

rottenseed says...

>> ^BenyBen:
That was absolutely amazing. I'm all with brycewi19 about the goosebumps.
In less than 4 minutes, Bobby took the music to the audience, with no spoken words... I would love to see what could be accomplished with 10 minutes... 20...
Great sift!

10 minutes...boredom
20 minutes...booing
4 to 5 minutes...JUUUUUUST right

Bobby McFerrin improvises with audience

BenyBen says...

That was absolutely amazing. I'm all with brycewi19 about the goosebumps.

In less than 4 minutes, Bobby took the music to the audience, with no spoken words... I would love to see what could be accomplished with 10 minutes... 20...

Great sift!

thepinky (Member Profile)

eric3579 says...

I'm glad you liked them. Here is my playlist of slam poetry. Just in case you are interested.

In reply to this comment by thepinky:
I agree completely. Thanks for the recommendations. As soon as I watched that video I went and watched the other Taylor Mali poems. Way cool. I also like this one a lot:

In reply to this comment by eric3579:
Teaching is the most noble of all professions. Here are a few more videos that may inspire you.

In reply to this comment by thepinky:
I'm studying to be a teacher and my older brother, who is a LAWYER, was giving me a really hard time about it a few weeks ago and this video made me want to punch him in the face all over again. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

blahpook (Member Profile)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

RhesusMonk says...

Wow. I have seen so many of these performers before, but had forgotten names and poems. Thank you so much for this playlist. Keep it up!

In reply to this comment by eric3579:
I see you are a fan of Saul Williams. There are a few more of his vids, which I have included in my spoken word/ slam poetry play list. Take a look.

*edit: I've been watching these for a few hours now. I just can't seem to get these goosebumps off my arms, neck, legs and scalp. Thank you.

*re-edit: didn't even notice the promotion you gave list of demands til just now. that makes three thank yous in one profile post--gotta be close to a record.

RhesusMonk (Member Profile)

Saul Williams - When the Clock Strikes Me

moonsammy says...

I'll upvote anything of his - you'll be seeing my contribution in Beggar's Canyon soon (excepting a miracle before it goes to my personal queue).

This one isn't quite as impressive as the spoken word posted a few days ago, but at least I have some idea what he's talking about

Saul Williams - Sunday Bloody Sunday

Saul Williams--List of Demands NOT produced by Trent Reznor

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