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This Is Not The Greatest Post In The World, No... (Mystery Talk Post)

thinker247 says...


1) Season - Fall, when Delta Burke comes out to see her shadow.
2) Place in the world - In the bushes outside of KP's house, watching him watch me on his live-feed broadcast.
3) Children's book - Encyclopedia Brown or George W. Bush's biography
4) TV Series - South Park and the episode of To Catch a Predator with blankfist.
5) Word - scrumdiddlyumptious
6) Film - American History X
Creature - duck-billed platypus
9) Past time - Trivial Pursuit
10) Person - My best friend, who continues to lurk, without joining VS.

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Tiger
12) Sweet or savoury - This would be a great question for Jeffrey Dahmer.
13) Cereal or Toast - Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
14) Tan or pale - Fluorescent
15) Shoes or barefoot - Socks
16) Desktop or laptop - special underwater goggles with high-speed wireless Internet
17) Drive or walk - bicycle
18) Drama or comedy - dramedy
19) Sex or food - Why can't we combine them?
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Futurama

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - McCain's Press Conference in Front of a Cheese Case, or Tool's Sober
22) A great comment on one of your vids - "More proof god hates orphans." From blankfist, on my post about the orphans.
23) Most off the wall member - QM, if that wall is made of rationality
24) Favourite user name - schmawy
25) Your most used channel - comedy
26) Personal dumbass moment - I only get one? Hmm. Probably when I mocked the brother of Soulja Girl, and bi-polar sufferers everywhere. Good times.
27) Best avatar - Emperor Blankfist
28) Partner in crime - I have so many circle jerk partners. Where to begin?
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - my lurking best friend does. And my other friends know I love the site.
30) Idea for the site - Give me a crown, and a jar of marmalade.

About you

31) Where do you live - A decent house in Boise in Ada county in Idaho in the United States of America in North America in the western Hemisphere in Earth in the solar system in the Milky Way galaxy in the universe in God's puckered anus.
32) Smoker/non-smoker - It depends on what we're smoking. I don't smoke cigarettes.
33) Left or right handed - LEFT. You know we're better!
34) Hair colour - Brown, with an ever-growing tinge of grey.
35) Relationship status - Single and stalking. I mean looking.
36) How tall - Taller than Jon Stewart, but shorter than Michael Jordan.
37) Children - Hell no. I can barely take care of myself.
38) Ever had an operation - On my left knee when I was ten. They let me watch. It was AWESOME.
39) Best feature - My ravishing blue eyes, or my tattoos.
40) Use four words to describe yourself - intelligent, sarcastic, procrastinator, under-achiever

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Bertrand Russell
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - Nope.
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Does the Bush administration count as one person?
44) Relive a moment in your life - [redacted] That is privileged information.
45) Have a superpower - Invisibility
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - Find out what would happen if Hitler had won World War II.
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - Getting a boner in public, in the most awkward of situations. Then trying to hide it.
48) Be president for one hour - FIRE ZEE MISSILES!
49) Delete a period in history - The fall of Greece to the beginning of the scientific revolution.
50) Achieve one thing - Write and publish a book.

It's a historic day in the life of VideoSift (Waronterror Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

You sonofabitch!

I'm extremely shy of conflict, I'm not sure why. Must be my relaxed danish upbringing. I do like a spirited discussion, but this here just seemed like vicious attacks, which I just didn't like. Or I could just get of my damn high horse.

Incidentally, if I had been raised in a convent, CP420 would have been crucified a long time ago. Cause that's the way convents work.

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
gwiz, you seem to have an exceedingly low threshold for conflict. Were you raised in a convent?
Spirited discussion is both healthy and fun, and CaptainPlanet most certainly understands this. No need to kiss his boo-boos.
Lighten up, you sanctimonious bastard.

bubbly baby

spoco2 (Member Profile)

deedub81 says...

I want to point out that I only had to go back 1 or 2 comments to find that!

In reply to this comment by spoco2:
You pedantic sonofabitch!

In reply to this comment by deedub81:
In reply to this comment by spoco2:
Yeah, same issue with the control bar... no worky.

Still, some great clips, although some of them are woefully low res

**Still, those were some great clips. Although, some of them are woefully low res. **

In reply to this comment by spoco2:
That was friggen awesome.

And I totally agree, the English language is dum.

But it also irritates the living shite out of me when people can't spell or use punctuation properly.

(How hard is it to learn their/there/they're and your/you're ?)

deedub81 (Member Profile)

spoco2 says...

You pedantic sonofabitch!

In reply to this comment by deedub81:
In reply to this comment by spoco2:
Yeah, same issue with the control bar... no worky.

Still, some great clips, although some of them are woefully low res

**Still, great clips. Although, some of them are woefully low res. **

In reply to this comment by spoco2:
That was friggen awesome.

And I totally agree, the English language is dum.

But it also irritates the living shite out of me when people can't spell or use punctuation properly.

(How hard is it to learn their/there/they're and your/you're ?)

AHHH! C'mon Fuck A Guy!

kulpims says...

somehow you make more sense rapping. you should do it more often

>> ^choggie:
Woke inna flash, to find the pants gone;
Asleep at the ballpark, an' no trousers on....
Broke into a run, and started th' twitch....
Gee Jesus Golly, San Sonofabitch-
,,,"that hoydens' th' Prancer, anner sisters' s vixen',
I'll dasher and Donner, on Cupid and Blitzen...."

AHHH! C'mon Fuck A Guy!

choggie says...

Woke inna flash, to find the pants gone;
Asleep at the ballpark, an' no trousers on....
Broke into a run, and started th' twitch....
Gee Jesus Golly, San Sonofabitch-

,,,"that hoydens' th' Prancer, anner sisters' s vixen',
I'll dasher and Donner, on Cupid and Blitzen...."

Mens 4x100 Relay - Olympic Swimming

spoco2 says...

Ok westy, I'll give you a serve too if you like... it's just it's so... so... hard to actually read your damn posts!

Look, rationality is a great trait, it helps with being able to sort out all sorts of things, being rational should be brought into play in many areas where it isn't.


If you live your life SOLELY rationally, and never give in to ANYTHING else, then you're going to be one miserable sonofabitch.

Music... you don't have to rationalize anything to enjoy music, and you can sometimes really enjoy music you know to be 'bad', but you don't care because it makes you feel good and sublime. If you were being purely rational you could talk your way out of enjoying it.

Dramatic arts... Watching a movie, play, whatever... you KNOW it's all not real, you KNOW it's 'fake', but if you allow yourself the privilege of suspension of disbelief then you can enjoy in feeling real emotions based on people's performances. It can be truly wonderful.

Nature... you can look at a beautiful forest or waterfall or animal and think rationally about how it came to be, or you can just feel wonderful that such things exist in this world, and that they can bring you such joy just by seeing them.

Sport... While you can rationalize that you have nothing to really link you to the people over there in Beijing competing for the same country you live in, being able to link yourself with them, to think of them as your team... allows you to get caught up in the moment, allows you to feel a thrill when they win (especially from behind), and it can make you feel great.

I guess the secret to life is knowing when to be rational and when to just allow yourself to enjoy a moment, and quite frankly, I think the Olympics should be some of those moments, just once every four years, where we get to enjoy these feelings without blowhards trying to suggest we're all being mentally challenged for doing so.

I put to you that we are actually running at a higher level as we have worked out one of the things to make life that much more enjoyable, and I welcome you to the insight once you've had enough of being a grumpy pain in the bum towards everyone.

What are your favorite album covers? (Art Talk Post)

The Princess Bride -- with Lightsabers!!!

The Princess Bride -- with Lightsabers!!!

How About This, Is This In?

O'Reilly Loses temper at Obama Event

joedirt says...

O’Reilly: Hey stop blocking the shot pal, you’re blocking the shot. Don’t block the shot, got it! No you’re not, you’re doing it on purpose. (Unhinged) Don’t block the shot—got it! Don’t block the shot. Get him out of here.

Q: Sir, you do not want to do that.

O’Reilly: We have a right to be here to shoot the shot. You sonofabitch.

Q: I’d appreciate if you (garbled)

O’Reilly: Yea, that’s really low class pal. That’s really low class. And everybody in the world can see it. Senator…

What Mario Would Be Like In Hell

Panda prison break

leeweek says...

i love how the other panda was like "wait man don't leave me here, they're gonna blame this on me! aww man, the sonofabitch bolted.

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