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George Carlin on why the reason education sucks.

SDGundamX says...

George Carlin did this bit in 2005! That's 12 years ago, and look where we are today!

I mean, you look today at American government, about what's going on with the FCC and the recent tax bill, and you see just how average Americans are getting shafted openly by corporations. At least they had the decency to do it behind closed doors before. Now people like Ajit Pai just give the American public a big middle finger and smile for the cameras while they're doing it.

This bit basically predicted the election of Donald Trump with that whole section on how idiots keep electing rich people who don't care about them.

Meanwhile, you have people like Sean Spicer unironically saying that Oprah Winfrey shouldn't run for president because she has no political experience.

We are truly down the rabbit hole here and I'm not sure we're ever getting out again.

Axolotls are Masters of Regeneration

newtboy says...

"Derpy smile"!?! How dare you besmirch my family, madam!?

I raised a pair in a 150 gal living terrarium, along with hundreds of breeding anoles. They both metamorphosed and lived for years looking like fat tiger salamanders before I gave the entire setup to a school.

I never heard of experimenting with frankenaxolotle....that's messed up. We're coming for you, De Both.

*quality .... *promote exposing the horror!

Ian McKellen Cries Himself to Sleep Over "Logan"

Baby's first pair of glasses

DrMaximan says...

What a lovely little guy. Man that was so nice, he's got a such great smile and that look on his face when he can see properly - wow! God bless him.
Thanks for sharing this, Mum & Dad!

Follow Your Wildest Dreams BAKAW

eric3579 says...

If you don't know who Matthew Silver is:

"My role as a clown, trickster and village idiot is to parody excessive seriousness by playing with taboos, rules, and social norms. My inspiration comes from my heart. I perform for smiles and laughter, loosening people’s armor, and opening up a portal for imagination, creativity and love.

Some people see me as a raving lunatic, pompous “artistic” hipster, or attention-starved 9 year-old, but people don’t consciously understand the role of a clown in society. Read between the lines and you will start to see things from a different perspective. By breaking down boundaries, I provide you, the viewer, with permission to open your mind and realize it’s okay to act silly from time to time. We may trick ourselves into believing we know everything, constantly striving for perfection in a society that requires a civilized, job-holding, serious individual. We cannot be perfect. If we allow ourselves the chance to be flawed perhaps we can let the obstacles humble us, rather than make us rigid. In the end we can let our guards down to attain our most basic need of giving and receiving love."

Super Kind: LA Metro PSA

School children harassing a shopkeeper

SDGundamX says...

See, if it was me, I'd smile, welcome them in, and give them all a bunch of candy bars (too many to eat right there on the spot).

Then the moment they left the store I'd call the cops and report them for shoplifting. I'm assuming of course that if I'm not yelling at the top of lungs at them they won't be video recording me giving them the candy bars.

Liberal Redneck - Virginia is for Lovers, not Nazis

enoch says...


i am trying to unpack your comment.

so you AGREE that attacking people you disagree with ideologically is wrong,but only if they are not self-identified nazis?

because 90 years ago these guys kinda cornered the market in nazism? and well..we don't wanna see a repeat of THAT now do we? so let's punch them in the face....

and that somehow punching them in the face will somehow magically halt any further encroachment of those dirty nazis!!!!

because it was so effective in the 1930's? about this...

how about we daydream about cockpunching these knuckleheads,because it brings a smile to our faces but NOT actually punch them?

instead...we allow these cunts..who came to this gig LOOKING for a bluster and foam at the spew their vile and vulgar message of racism dressed up as nationalistic pride,so EVERYONE can see.

and i bet you dollars to donuts one of them knuckledragging retards,who came all gussied up for a gonna make a mistake...that inbreeder is gonna just HAVE to use his home made mace,or his shiny new gopher poker on someone...

probably one of dem darn "libtards".

and in this age of cell phone vigilantism,this is gonna get caught on video,posted to youtube and KABOOM!

white nationalist racist nazi party is forced back underground.

because you CANNOT fight fascism with a different flavor of fascism.

fascism is fascism yo,just because one flavor may taste better to your buds don't change that very simple truth.

the problem in this setting is you have TWO groups who are addicted to identity politics,and BOTH are convinced of their own righteousness,and BOTH groups suffer from a horrid case of groupthink.

and this ideological stand has them both certain of their righteousness,and this gives them a moral certitude that violence is an acceptable answer.

because they are the righteous.

sound familiar?

you mentioned 100 years ago,
i will match your 100 years and counter with the previous 5,000.

ideology homie..
the cancer of the deluded.
just ask any fundamentalist christian,or muslim,or jew.....

they will be perfectly happy to tell you how RIGHT they are,and how WRONG you are.

and this shit?
^ this psycho shit?
this is just a puss pocket,erupting from the internal corruption feeding on my countries soul.

economic collapse ain't gonna bring my country down.
it is gonna be the polarized politics that finally takes this country out.

i hate this..i seriously hate this...

Pinball Wizard/Folsom Prison Blues - Schmoosh Up

Nigerian Slap Fight

dannym3141 says...

I'm not generally into needless violence, but they both looked so damned happy and were clearly both willing to take a chance of being knocked out. The whole scene is so pressureless and so full of smiling, relaxed people, that none of this even seemed violent to me.

There's a certain type of person, often they'll be MMA practitioners, who just don't care about being knocked out, at all. Getting put to sleep is only a problem to them if you shit your pants while you're out. And from what i understand, it's seen as somehow a little unfair to mock someone for it, unless they were acting like a tough guy beforehand.

From road rage (with gun) to respect

Oliver Stone on how the US misunderstands Putin

dannym3141 says...

It's hard for me to know why Putin is doing what he's doing. When he moved on Crimea, was he doing it because of the advance of European influence closer to Russia's borders? He's short on good allies unlike 'the west', so can he let people chip away at his comfort zone? Or is he a crazed imperialist?

I don't know. Why don't I know?

Because my government have shown themselves over the years to be a bunch of twats who will literally tell bare faced lies, whilst smiling, and when confronted with the horrors of what they've done they throw their heads back and laugh like a fucking sea lion swallowing a fish whole. And that's what they've done to their OWN PEOPLE. To other countries countries we declare war and send in the multinationals to rape their resources. I consider the invasion of Iraq equally dodgy as the invasion of Crimea. So my moral compass for what's ok and not ok no longer has a baseline.

On the other side, a bunch of people who used to know how the world worked back in 1970 probably thought propaganda was the best way to whip up some nationalistic pride and resentment toward the reds, but in 2017 the majority of young people don't trust a single word they say. So these 70 year old media mogul billionaires can't even tell a believable truth anymore - even if Putin's tanks were half way down my street i'd have to clap eyes on them before i could be sure.

Plus Russia's leadership is Putin himself, he's the spearhead, and he's very cunning. Our leadership is spread across a set of democratically elected people, half of which are both incompetent and self interested, while half of those remaining are merely one or the other. It's easier for one person to look competent and assured. Someone like Merkel has to share the associated incompetency of whatever the German equivalent of her 'cabinet' is.

Lawyer Refuses to answer questions, gets arrested

Khufu says...

Who will decide? this woman will, or anyone having their rights threatened will decide. I'm saying she appeared to have made a poor decision in this case. While she may be within her rights, you have to remember that cops are just flawed people like everyone else and all she had to do is look at them, smile answer their standard, non-invasive question, and be on her way. Now if they said they wanted to look in the trunk or something then I'd agree with her. But refusing to say hello? or refusing to acknowledge that another human is even speaking to you? just why?

cosmovitelli said:

So we should only have rights when 'it matters'? Who will decide when that is?
Some people would say that the legally educated, freedom loving non-fascists reminding the cops they are not Gestapo is not a bad thing..

Is There an Alternative to Political Correctness?

Diogenes says...

I look at it in a simple way: words having meanings; people have motivations. A conversation has a context, and in your example the passerby isn't aware of that context. If she chooses to eavesdrop and feels offended, well, while I do feel sorry for's really not any of her business what you and your brother are conversing about. You might as well turn to her, give her a once-over and criticize her choice of pantsuit. She doesn't know you; she didn't ask for your opinion; and your retort probably made her upset.

Should people try to be aware of their surroundings and try not to say inappropriate things? Of course, but that's just common not commenting on a funky smell at a funeral visitation. Political correctness is fine if we all agree, but we usually don't. And therefore we get people who virtue signal over others because they refuse to kowtow to the newest linguistic fashion.

Now, I'm a fairly polite guy. I hold open doors, give up my seat, offer to carry heavy packages, smile, wave and nod greetings to many strangers, etc. Yet I still occasionally get someone who disagrees with my legitimate use of a term (as I understand its meaning). Generally, I still apologize...but I don't then re-evaluate my language ability. I'm not willing to let the connotations of words take on new, questionable-yet-popular meanings.

I've had a Native American friend laugh at me for asking what he preferred I say: redskin, indian, aboriginal, first people, etc. I've also asked a "retarded" person if they preferred if I said "intellectually challenged." He preferred retarded because...wait for it...he had a lot of trouble saying the other one. Now that's irony.

I think my heart's in the right place. I was taught to be polite, and I try to be at all times. But it gets under my skin to have a total stranger "chastise" me when they know nothing about me. Frankly, I find it more offensive to interrupt and belittle a stranger than it is to overhear some stranger's questionable utterance.

SDGundamX said:

Now let's assume this happens in a parking lot as we're standing outside my brother's car and a woman passing by overhears my comment and chastises me for equating stupid actions with people who have mental disabilities.

I Tried Medical Marijuana For My Chronic Pain

Edgeman2112 says...

But.. it didn't help? It did help? This video was confusing as hell.

The roll-on seemed to help her but that sounded like the equivalent of a menthol rub.

The charlotte's web tincture looked like it helped, but it has 0.03% THC. She smoked the flowers which only helped with headaches/migraines, but that has a higher concentration of THC wouldn't it? The entire video makes it seem like "hey great this is what we need" but at the end she sneaks in that "this is not the solution" and follows it up with a bright happy smile. Cmon now.

So, regarding your reply:

Sorry, but STOP. People die because of this stupid fucking philosophy. People also make millions off desperate folks like this lady in the video because of that mindset. 120$ for a bottle of sugary mint chocolate chip flavored water and 0.03% THC? Isn't that just diluted to no effectiveness like homeopathic tinctures? We can't use the homeopathic approach for medicine where, "oh if it doesn't work and there are no side effects than all is fine."

No, it is dangerous to think that way because many people focus ONLY on non-medical treatments. They either continue suffering or die like my dad.

Asmo said:

I doubt there are many people in the chan that wouldn't be accepting of MJ for medicine specifically, or hell, MJ for recreational use generally. But if you have anxiety about trying it out, particularly for care of a chronic treatment, consider this...

You'll test this for a few weeks of your life, and it may have shitty side effects or just not work. However, you might be living with pain for the rest of your life. Worth a shot? You bet your fucking ass!

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